Berlin: Film about Liebig34

On 09-01-2019 we will show the premiere of the movie “Indoor” in SO36. The
movie is about the queer-feminist houseproject Liebig34 in Berlin.

This is the timetable for the evening:

7:00pm doors
7:30pm lecture from Prof. Dr. Margrit Meyer
8:15pm screening “Indoor”
9:00pm discussion


Indoor is a short first person Point-Of-View documentation of the
28-year-old self-organised, anarcha -queer feminist house-project Liebig34
in Berlin. The film deviates from the common documentary formats. Instead,
it opts for a short film, guiding the viewers through a journey to an
alternative space.

Through the eyes of a person walking around the house, the viewers get to
experience the vibrant life within Liebig34. They accompany the person as
she walks through the rooms and staircases and drawn into the stories and
scenes happening around the house. The journey gets artistic, emotional,
political and erotic.

Liebig34 faces eviction later this year, like 30 other project houses who
were evicted in the last decade in Berlin. This film seeks to raise
awareness to the disappearance of such alternative spaces in the face of
gentrification. The film avoids portraying the soon to be evicted
characters as victims, nor does it try to invoke pity. It seeks to allow
viewers a glimpse into one of the free spaces Berlin is increasingly
losing- spaces that are safer for the marginalised, where art and
resistance can thrive and where another world is possible.