UK: Major case management hearing ahead of an upcoming High Court case on anti-Traveller wide injunctions

On Thursday 17th December 2020, a major case management hearing took place ahead of an upcoming High Court case on anti-Traveller wide injunctions, due to be held in January 2021.

Since 2015, councils have increasingly used injunctions to prevent Gypsies and Travellers from stopping on council-owned land. The majority of people who pull up on land in this way have nowhere else to go due to councils’ failure to identify land for sites and stopping places.

Despite this, anyone found to be breaking an anti-Traveller injunction faces criminal action. A landmark Court of Appeal ruling in the London Borough of Bromley V Persons Unknown and London Gypsies and Travellers case, denied Bromley Council’s injunction against “Persons Unknown” and set strict criteria for local authorities to meet before applying for these injunctions, such as providing transit sites.
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Manchester: Winter Shelter update

Well, time to check in with you all.

As you have probably gathered there is no shelter this winter. It became an impossible situation. We are continuing to distribute clothing etc to Outreach, and recently furniture and household goods to 1st Homer’s. Bless all involved and it’s been lovely to meet you. X

We kitted out the squat lot with fridge freezer, beds, bedding, pots, pans, plates, cups, food, dog beds and blankets, clothing, towels, toiletries, everything to give them a good start.

Hopefully they will remain safe from eviction for the winter. It was not possible to engage further with them. We hope they get the help they so obviously need.

Manchester Winter Shelter

Brighton: Using Space 15 about the squats of London Road

Using Space is a zine about squats, social centres and alternative ways of living

Recent (2020) squats in Brighton on the short stretch of London Road which goes from St. Peters Church up to Preston Circus led me to reflect on this area’s incredibly active radical history. To focus on just one element, let’s walk past the sites of former squats on London Road …

This is a 28 page zine which is presented A4 sized and can be easily printed brochure to make a A5 zine. Download here or at cobblebooks.

UK: Latest Rupture is out now

The latest edition of the long-running DIY culture zine RUPTURE is OUT NOW via online PDF format! Grab it Rupture_zine_2020_autumn or at Rupture

This issue features:
• LASIT terrorism unit editorial
• Nantes Bites Back – free party resistance in France
• A Rant From a Raver (who’s not going out much)
• Power in Plants collage zine pages by Heather Hughes
• Modern Witch Movement and Samhain piece by Morgasmik
• The Bread Bin short story by Lucy Hutson
• Squatting at 17 – anonymous writing
• ‘Dear readers’ – lockdown rant by Dr C Distortion
• Poetry by Jack Houston, Refstrolls and Laura Hughes
• Art by Arki Grynberg, CATWF, Joe Fur, Jess Hudsley and Olive in Dreamland
• Lockdown subvertising photos from Illustre Feccia

You can also check out the full archive at:
Send contributions for the next issue to: info [at] rupturezine [dot] org

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UK: Eviction moratorium 2?

A letter from the Lord Chancellor (which we have) says that the High Court bailiffs (and we understand County Court too but they’re less of an issue) have agreed not to carry out evictions from residential properties in Tiers 2 and 3 areas, and everywhere from December 11 to January 11.

We hope that this, and waving a copy of this letter at bailiffs and cops should be enough to stop possession orders being acted on for the moment but fear this is not enough.

Let us know what happens where you are ….

Advisory Service for Squatters
Phone: 07545508628
(not currently 020 3216 0099)
Email: advice4squatters [at] gmail [dot] com
(not currently advice [at] squatter [dot] org [dot] uk)

UK: London Squatters Getting Organised

The first London Intersquat in several years took place at a secret occupied location last Saturday, 17th October. Formerly a regular event, the meet-up was attended by nearly 50 members of London’s autonomous community, representing more than a dozen squatted buildings across the city.

Amongst a range of subjects discussed, the agenda covered news reports on the recent successful resistances against illegal evictions, sharing different tactics for using the law and the barricade to prevent bailiffs and security from entering. Action groups were formed to restart Practical Squatters Evenings – an event that for over a decade took place weekly and was an opportunity for old squatters and new to meet each other to form crews and share information and experience. Others joined to support the newly emerging Resisting Anti-Trespass (RAT) movement that is organising to challenge the forthcoming changes to the law – changes that threaten not only squatters, but protesters, travellers and ramblers alike, potentially criminalising thousands of people across the UK. Another group elected to revive the currently dormant Squatters of London Action Paper (SLAP) in response to the need for our community to report, share and create the media that is relevant to us – as well as to acknowledge a welcome return of the infamous Bastard Watch column that named and shamed an ever-growing number of sneaky bailiffs and landlords. Questions were also raised about the status of EU migrants and those from outside the UK considering the imminent Brexit and how we might organise in solidarity through groups such as the Anti-Raids network, aswell as how to form greater unity with the burgeoning tenant’s rights movement with such groups at the London Renter’s Union and ACORN. [Read More]

London: Archway squatters successfully resist an illegal eviction attempt

It’s not an illegal eviction, it’s a legal resistance. Archway squatters successfully resist an illegal eviction attempt by infamous Stamford Hill slumlords, corrupt security and incompetent cops.

Activists, squatters and community members successfully resisted an illegal eviction attempt at a 2-year old squat in North London this Wednesday night (October 14th). A call-out was made on the No Evictions London Squatter’s Network after residents of the building took to the roof to protest the 1-hour notice they were given to leave – a completely illegal and unfounded method considering that the residents had been in contact with the owner over the 2 years and had been granted license to stay.

Members of the Advisory Service for Squatters, Eviction Resistance Network and the NFA Queer Punx attended from around 9pm on Wednesday and were presented with a number of self-professed security guards who refused to display their SIA badges, despite this being a legal requirement for anyone claiming to be engaged in security work such as preventing people from entering or leaving a building. A number of constables were in presence, but were singularly uninterested in investigating the criminal offences being committed by unnamed and unidentified ‘security officers’ in attendence. [Read More]

Wendover (UK): Jones Hill Woods under attack

News from the StopHS2 Jones Hill Woods protection camp eviction today. This morning at 5:30 am circa 40 National Eviction Team officers, working for HS2 & the government, supported by police, entered the woods. Their intention was to clear the camp to enable mass tree felling. Whilst 2 protestors were removed quickly by excessive force, many more protestors occupy multiple treehouses across the site. This ancient woodland has been a protest camp site for over half a year 6 months & is one of 20 ancient woodlands #HS2 is targeting this month. This woodland represents just one of 108 woodlands that are due to be impacted during Phase 1 construction of HS2. Jones Hill Wood also represents the cultural loss that will be caused by this large scale industrial development.
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UK: Calvert Reserve Protection Camp getting evicted

Rudely awoken this morning by NET 😞 Calvert is currently being evicted, support needed – Calvert Jubilee Nature Reserve, Buckingham, MK182HE

UPDATE – With a heavy heart I have to say that today we lost Calvert Jubilee Nature Reserve.
8 weeks ago we heard that HS2 were going to compulsory purchase the reserve and start destroying it to build an access road for the high speed rail line. We occupied the reserve, building homes and a community amongst locals and activists. We held the ground, held up HS2 and have helped inspire other people to stand up for their own beliefs.
We may have lost the reserve but there are positive ripple effects beyond our perceptions.
Today the fascists won but we aren’t done yet. We will be back at it at soon as tomorrow!
Thank you to everyone who has supported us this far. We could not have got this far without you and we will continue because of you.

Berkshire Buckinghamshire Oxfordshire Wildlife Trusts statement: “BBOWT is devastated that High Speed 2 Ltd have now taken legal possession of a large section of our Calvert Jubilee Nature Reserve.”

UK: Stop HS2 and Extinction Rebellion

Extinction Rebellion have finally decided to refrain from trying to take over control of the STOP HS2 protection camps between London and Birmingham, and instead they are offering to HELP the front line activists who actually live there, and to LEARN direct action from them, according to unconfirmed reports from the camps.
Some of the eco-warriors at the Harvil road and Denham camps in Colne Valley near Uxbridge invited Extinction Rebellion to join them at the protest sites last year, and HS2 Rebellion was the name that was eventually chosen to be used by the new recruits. Unfortunately a power struggle developed fairly soon, with HS2 Rebellion apparently insisting that they controlled some kind of hierarchy and were in fact the “leaders” of the climate movement, and all the protesters were obliged to take orders from them.

Extinction Rebellion released a statement about how HS2 Rebellion was becoming the umbrella organisation for all the protection camps and they listed their “criteria and values” which they claimed all the activists had to agree to and abide by. This was regardless of the fact that the eco-warriors had originally started the camps with the Green Party four years before XR came along to attempt to take them over and control them.
HS2 Rebellion started their own fundraiser with £32,000 being donated for the Colne Valley protest by more than 1000 people. The fundraiser stated that the money would be distributed to all the protection camps, but HS2 Rebellion refused to share anything with camps that did not agree to join Extinction Rebellion and obey their rules.
Two camps which agreed to join Extinction Rebellion and obey them were given £16,000 between them, but the Harvil road and Denham camps at Colne Valley near Uxbridge which remained autonomous and independent got absolutely nothing.
The STOP HS2 organisation which started the local residents protest campaign in their own local communities against the high speed rail link 13 years ago asked for financial support but HS2 Rebellion did not want to help them so they also received nothing.
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UK: Poors Piece camp eviction alert

On Monday the 21st of Monday 28th September, Poors Piece Conservation area will be facing eviction… they have amazing structures & homely straw houses. This ancient woodlands was a life saving project years ago to give wood and timber to the locals who at the time were financially deprived. The land now is conserved by a local called Clive, who is very supportive of the group who are their to protect all life within from HS2.

If you can join those there to protect this land, please do!

This Stop HS2 camp is at Steeple Claydon, Buckinghamshire, MK18 2HH, UK

UPDATE Monday 28th!!

An update from the No TAV campaign and thoughts on its relevance for Stop HS2

The No TAV campaign in northern Italy has been fighting an expensive, unneeded and corrupt high speed railway link for over three decades. The proposed mafia-linked freight train service from Turin to Lyon has been repeatedly exposed for its fantastical predictions and is slated by local people who see no reason to leave their homes for a white elephant. If you are already thinking about the similarities to HS2 here in England then you are in the right place. I will start by giving a very brief history of No TAV, then an update on recent events. In the second half, I will concentrate on what the Stop HS2 movement can learn from No TAV.

For those who have never heard of the No TAV movement, it is a campaign born thirty odd years ago to resist the construction of a 270 kilometre long high speed railway (Treno di Alta Velocita) between Turin (in Italy) and Lyon (in France). There is widespread opposition on both French and Italian soil, since the railway is a corrupt scheme proposing to transport freight based on fantasy figures and the people who live along the route see no benefit (the train won’t be stopping there). They argue that the already existing railway infrastructure should be improved instead. The resistance is greatest in the breathtakingly beautiful Val di Susa (Susa Valley), which stretches from Turin to the Alps for fifty kilometres. In summer, the valley is bright with colours, the blue sky and green grass bisected by the snow on the mountains. It has a unique environment, since one side sees the sun and the other does not. The train line would rip straight through it before entering a tunnel of 57.5 kilometres to France. This tunnel would be longer than the Chunnel and in fact would just squeeze in as the longest rail tunnel in the world, if it ever gets built. Local people are concerned that drilling into the mountains will disturb uranium and asbestos deposts, that mafia construction will lead to health hazards and that the overall economic case for TAV no longer stands up.
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