Helsinki: Eviction at squat Kattila!

This morning around 9am police invaded squat Kattila. Many comrades were arrested at the house. Most were already released before noon, but one comrade is still in custody.

This attack against free spaces – committed by the police as soon as they got over their overfilled stomaches from christmas – reveals that the state doesn’t care about “christmas peace” or it’s declarations. We don’t care about christian social peace either, but at least we don’t hypocritically pretend to do so.

All kinds of solidarity are warmly welcome! [Read More]

Finland: New squat Kattila under threat of eviction

A small, cozy wooden house was squatted on 13 December in kivihaka, Helsinki, Finland on the corner of roads Hämeenlinnanväylä (E12) and Hakamäentie.

We all need space to live and be in. Space to sleep, cook, meet each other, perform mutual projects, study and develop ourselves, organize events, create new and to have fun. These kinds of spaces are not distributed fairly in hierarchically organized society. When some let their “owned” buildings sit empty, others are without communal spaces or even homes. Besides this, there are numerous places that are not safe if you’re something else than a white cis-hetero male or even open at all for poor people. This feels unfair and pisses us off. Something must be done! [Read More]