Statement released on January 11th 2013
A few words on the targeting of the “Parartima”* occupation in Patras
Since yesterday, those miserable provincial journalists of our little town have kept reproducing a ready-made story, of the kind that the police distribute – and that refers to the two occupations of the city of Patras: Parartima and Maragkopouleio.
It appears that they are unable to abstain from the crescendo of authoritarianism and narking by which you can tell every loyal servant of the memorandum-led authority. But then, from that point to the erasure of 40 years’ history of social struggles, there is much of a distance to cover…
We’ll repeat the story, in the off-chance that they remember it.
It is already 40 years now that Parartima serves as a point of reference for the local community of Patras. It belongs to no-one. [Read More]