London (UK): Fight gentrification! Reclaim regeneration! For self-organised spaces…

The Elephant & Castle area in South London, one of the last remaining central locations that is still inhabited by some less well-off communities, has seen massive changes in the past years. Pioneers of regeneration have “discovered” the area as an “ultra hot-spot” for investment, and the local authorities are eager to serve their needs. This leaves the diverse and organic communities around E&C confronted with soaring rents, demolition of social housing and displacement – in short, gentrification has kicked in.

We, a group of social centre collectives, together with many other local initiatives, refuse to accept rip-off housing and social cleansing! Instead of luxury flats and fancy office towers, we propose a radical and free space for community self-organisation! [Read More]

Hamburg: 17.12.2011 » access all areas « Day of action against capitalist urban development and gentrification


Cities are the location of economical constraints and repressive policies all over the world. But at the same time they are contested areas characterised by the fight for self-determination and participation. Presently, we are experiencing crises, social protests and new movements. In order to multiply these conflict lines on the city’s terrain, a day of action against capitalist urban development and gentrification is going to take place. The action day is to create an event which has its place wherever you are fighting and living and relating to squatted projects like Rote Flora in solidarity. [Read More]

Bristol, UK: Against eviction and gentrification in St Pauls

For the defence of liberated spaces

We are people who live in or use the Factory Social Centre, the building on the corner of Cave Street and Portland Square. A company called the PG Group wants to develop the building we are occupying. They plan to turn it into luxury flats, offices, a cafe, an art gallery and a small health centre. Aside from the possible health centre, we don’t see their development plans as good for this area. Also, when all other information suggests that the NHS is cutting back on public outpatient nursing, we have doubts about what kind of heath centre it would be and if it will really happen.

We don’t want to be moved on and we don’t want this building to be developed. We are asking for your support.
[Read More]

Berlin: Rigaer94–The Struggle Continues!

Berlin’s Police Chief and LKA 5 (Landeskriminalamt) give the following prognosis

The theme of gentrification will also be meaningful in the year 2009. Previous actions with a high degree of mobilization highlight, that this theme and the retention and expansion of leftist open spaces (Freiräume) rank very highly in importance within the scene. It is to be taken into account, that major actions by the police against individuals and infrastructure of the leftist scene will be “responded” to by crimes against the infrastructure of both local and federal police or institutions relating to the courts. Furthermore, it is to be taken into account that the manifold actions (for example unregistered and spontaneous demonstrations) that follow such measures can result in violent confrontations.”

Thank you very much for this realistic analysis. We couldn’t have said it any better! Something is afoot in Berlin: People are taking more and more to the streets, refusing to peacefully surrender to the political fairy tale. This was demonstrated recently by the “Wir Bleiben Alle” [We’re all staying] campaign, which organized a mass mobilization for self-organized open spaces on March 14th, 2009 under the motto, “united we stay” [originally in English]. 5000 loud and determined people took to the streets and combatively showed their displeasure with the police. Even better: more and more actions are piling up, and demos are becoming uncontrollable for police! This was also seen in this year’s May 1st.

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Amsterdam: Info & discussion about Gentrification on 28th March

What is gentrification? And why does it occur? Is gentrification just an academic concept or is the notion also of use to activists?

In this session we present some activist and academic understandings of gentrification. We investigate how gentrification evolved in the last couple of decades around the world and in Amsterdam. More specifically we want to show how the policies of the government of Amsterdam contribute to gentrification and how these policies undermine the idea of a just city. What is the role of housing corporations and private developers?

How does “splitsen” affect gentrification? The immediate goal is to arrive at a better understanding of the process of gentrification but ultimately our goal is to stop the process.

Date: Saturday 28 of March 2009 at 16:00

Location: the new squatted Socail Center in Amsterdam Center (close to central station) / De Ruyterkade 153-157

Vegan Voku will be served at 7pm

Indy NL

London: 56a Infoshop Gentrification Exhibition

A Photographic Exhibition held with the South London Social Centre 56a Infoshop. Now up and showing… all welcome…

Walworth in South London disappearing fast…

The process of erasure and closure is at work in both Santiago, Chile and Walworth in London (and everywhere else too it seems?) Decay, psychic anchors, historical ruins and the sense of community life in local space is demolished overnight. What buildings, grafitti, secrets, shops, dark alleys keep life in your neighbourhood bearable? [Read More]