Grenoble: A new squat has opened!

A new squatted villa has opened at the end of october 2003. The address is Golgoth-A-XXX, 14 rue Paul Doumer, 38100 Grenoble, fr. Contact golgoth-a-xxx [at] squat [dot] net. It is a drug free squat, with party projects without alcohol nor cigarettes.



Grenoble, France : A new anarchafeminist squat called “La Flibustière”


Since the octobre 2nd 2003, a new squat opened in Grenoble (France). This place is occuped by anarkafeminist women and lesbian. It’s a living and feminist activities house opening to all women (angry, shy, fast, straight, black, bi, ugly, white, trans, lesbian, pretty…).

We’ve got a lot of ideas: library, infoshop (brochures, keeper, freelax…), discussion and feminist action group, party, debate, workshop…

We really need your support!!!!! Come to visit us!!!!

For the beginning of the squat, we need people and help.

Our adress: La Flibustière, 17, rue des Charmettes, 38600 Fontaine, france

Phone: 0033-06 62 82 74 02

Or contact us by e-mail

Toulouse, france : The Sextoy has been evicted today.

The Sextoy from Toulouse has been violently evicted today, the cops came through the roof. The resistance continues. More info on the french pages…



Grenoble, France : La Charade has been evicted

La Charade has been opened in october 2002 and did lots of activities : debates, film projections, free zone, feminist space, free library, etc.

The owner of the building is the “communist” mayor of Saint-Martin-d’Hères. Soooooo communist is this eviction….

If you read french, check “actualités” on or

The struggle continues !

An evicted squatter of la Charade

Demonstrations against police brutality and against evictions, in Paris and Grenoble (France)

In Paris, it’s gonna be on saturday march 15th, at 12 (noon), place de la République, you can read more in french there :

In Grenoble (south-east of france), it’s gonna be on saturady march 29th, at 3pm, place Félix Poulat, during the Fraka festival (festival of resistance and alternatives, against capitalism). After the demo, there’s gonna be a big meal at the 400 couverts squat. If you want to know more, contact zanzara [at] squat [dot] net

Zanzara athée


Marseilles: News from l’Huilerie Occupée

– Released on December 3rd 2001

Huilerie Occupée, 15 boulevard Montrichet, 13001 Marseille huilerie [at] altern [dot] org Contact : (33) 0699850352

On Saturday December 2nd, was taking place a public evening (concert) at the Huilerie Occupée with a gathering of the French “Intersquat”, people/collectives involved in the squat scene. The Huilerie Occupée offers a collective space with various activities, squatted since March 2000 because of the lack of housing facilities, and providing workshops (bike, silk screening printing, sound…) and a meeting place (people’s kitchen, screenings, concerts). The place is now threatened of eviction. [Read More]

Anti-WTO actions reports in France

November 30th, anti-WTO actions reports in France

In Toulouse (4th biggest french city), small groups of people invaded the main commercial street of the town with a sound-system and hung big anti WTO cardboards on christmas decorations with long sticks as subversive christmas fathers were busy giving capitalist rotten fruits to passer-by. We’re now waiting for other french action reports on N30.

In Dijon : 40 activists occupied the Dijon Industry and Business institute (chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie) and one bank agency ‘place du théâtre’ in the financial center of Dijon in order to close down these 2 key-structure of capitalism. [Read More]

Maloka in Dijon (France)

Maloka is a french anarchist collective based in Dijon. We organize concerts (mostly punk/hardcore/ska bands but also tekno and raggae sound-systems, or anything independent and political), weekly vegan restaurants, a mailorder catalogue (records, books, fanzines…), some lectures/debates and some demonstrations from time to time. We also run an infoshop, along with the mailorder thing, and a small alternative library. We own a place in Dijon’s city center, which is fairly small, but which hosts most of the activities listed. We’ve been having this place for more than 10 years now, and it has become a nice anarchist center, which we share with other collectives: the CNT, le “Collectif pour des villes sans voitures” (Reclaim The Streets), “La Strumpetoj Ridegas” (an Esperanto group), both a feminist group and a pro-feminist male group.

From these different groups came the idea of squatting a place that would be bigger than the one we already had, in order to do more activities… That’s why the social center “Les Tanneries” was created. Here’s a brief summary of how it all happened… [Read More]

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