ZAD: Day 18 Early Reports

08h57min : As the explosions of grenades assault our eardrums, and the teargas make us cry, and the armoured vehicles and the obedience-machines [cops] that accompany them are deployed in their hundreds along the roads of the ZAD, the media dare to speak of a “long truce granted to the ZAD “. A fine kind of truce in the localities of West-France !

08h42min : The police vehicles (one armoured car, accompanied by a hundred horribles in riot gear), are driving down the barricades on Route des Fosses / Mancelière from the north. They are now at the level of the garden of the Grée. Apparently these people are accompanied by a sub-prefect. Never believe what the cops tell you : they said they would not come in if we did not attack them. Which, on the part of people who arrive with an armored and 100 super armed horribles, is pretty cheeky. The armoured car is now heading back to the north. Meanwhile, the cops are disking the Lascars barricade. There are about 50 of them on the road, and we also find a good pack of these turds splattered around the forest of Rohanne. No more precise indication of their position at the moment.

They are pointless and noxious (well, not for everyone). I vomit them. Good day to you who are reading this.

08h27min : The cops are 5 meters from Lascars, on the road and in the forest of Rohanne. They are firing GLI F4 grenades. An armoured vehicle and foot cops are arriving from the Route des Fosses Noire, direction La Saulce.

08h21min : Excerpt from the interview of Edward Philippe, the Prime Sinister : “Some occupants have declared : 28 occupants have accepted the hand extended by the state They did it late because they did not believe we were determined.” “If those who wish to enter into legality, namely to register for the MSA and pay their taxes, like all other farmers, then they will be able to move in. The others are destined to leave the land.” “On the 14th of May, the Prefect convenes the commission which will study the files of those who want to enter common law. Those who do not wish to leave the place will then have to leave.” The journalist told him that the operation has so far cost more than 5 million euros. “It’s true that it’s expensive […] but we face people of a very large degree of violence.”

Notre Dame des Landes: Quick summary of the repression in Nantes and the ZAD since April 9

This article replaces the previous one (published 18/04/18).

Attention this crosses the information that has reached the Legal, so it surely lacks information.
If you go out, or have friends coming out of custody do not forget to call back!
Detailed reports of the hearings will follow in the coming days.
The Legal Team always has the same number 0033 06 75 30 95 45

ARRESTS ON THE ZAD FROM 9/04/18 TO 17/04/18

60 arrests among which:
– 9 are reported road checks for which we have not heard from the people since
– 6 beatings (4 of which we have no news)
– 7 in custody where people are released without consequences
– 3 people summoned to court in the coming months
– 6 immediate trials (already passed)
– 14 people picked up by the military police with no news
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Notre Dame des Landes: And what if Macron would finally shut his mouth?

Call for reinforcements from saturday, April 21st on the #ZAD at #NDDL

Monday, 9th april, the evictions of la zad at Notre-Dame-des-Landes in fRance, began. We received a lot of support from everywhere and even beyond the French borders. A new deadline before total eviction of la ZAD was imposed for the 23rd of April. Namely, the squaters must leave a territory that they have liberated and defended with their hearts and their deepest convictions.

Call for a meeting to put a beating to the state as it should, here or elsewhere, make our voices heard, it’s a good spring to make barricades bloom. Put on your helmet, your gas mask, your gloves and join us.

They are trying to scare us, but do not back down, let us continue together to build a future of solidarity.

We did not choose to be born, but we can become who we want. The zad must not return to the state. She must remain a space for us all.

Let’s be there this weekend, the party may be great.


Notre Dame des Landes: List of the destruction of compas cabans since the beginning of 2018 at ZAD

It is impossible to count the number of living beings (insects, mushrooms, plants, reptiles, amphibians, birds, small mammals, …) killed in these destructions, or whose habitat and places of life have also been destroyed.

Destructions by the henchmen of the state and its collaborators
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Notre Dame des Landes: Monday Early

We invite you to read the story of yesterday’s crazy day at: [on S!N here ]

Thanks to all of you who braved the police operation to affirm your support for the future of the ZAD!
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Notre Dame des Landes: Map of military occupation on ZAD

Small map quickly updated to give an image of the military occupation on the area to defend. We will try to improve it according to the situations. Do not hesitate to recommend us which could be interesting to add using contact page anonymously or send us your ideas by mail

(The map is a proximity of the real situation, some things we probably did not indicate, small areas of destruction was also forgotten: noah bernard, the wasteland)
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Notre Dame des Landes: Sunday ZAD report


Despite the state of siege imposed by the government, a crowd of 15,000 to 20,000 people has succeeded, whatever the cost, in reaching different points of the ZAD this Sunday. This afternoon new groups are arriving all the time. Since this morning, the state has done everything possible to break this huge surge of solidarity: there are road blocks and checkpoints everywhere; police checkpoint policeman at the exit lanes of the motorways, asking drivers not to to try to go to the solidarity gathering. This is the first time that the state has tried to prevent a big demonstration of this kind on the ZAD, and to wind up the tension. But here the collective spirit has not allowed itself to be intimidated by any such thing: the ZAD’s supporters know the country paths, and the fields, and they have been moving in groups in order to get round the police blockades. The movement that succeeded in forcing the abandonment of the airport project is here again today, in all its strength and diversity, to defend the ZAD.
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Notre Dame des Landes: A call for intergalactic solidarity actions everywhere to end the destruction of the zad

[Ticker day 3]

We are writing with the smell of tear gas rising from our fingers. The springtime symphony of birdsong is punctuated by the explosive echo of concussion grenades. Our eyes are watering, less from the gas than the sadness; because our friends’ homes, barns and organic farms are being destroyed. Bulldozers, supported by 2500 riot police, armored vehicles, helicopters and drones, are rampaging through these forests, pastures and wetlands to crush the future we are building here on the to the zad (The zone à defendre).
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Notre Dame des Landes: Evictions Have Begun, the ZAD Calls for Mobilization

Kept at bay for years by the movement, a new attempt at eviction of the residents of the ZAD at Notre-Dame-des-Landes has begun. [english live ticker, FR, twitter] Starting at 3 a.m. today, the operation began deploying in all its brutality: Interminable lines of blue police vans, armored vehicles, tear gas, the first injuries and the first arrests. Gendarmes announced that reporters were strictly forbidden “throughout the operation” and blocked their access to the site. They declared that the press was prohibited from taking photos and that the media would have access only to images supplied by the Gendarmerie. The expulsions confirm the government’s pretense of re-establishing the rule of law while in fact grossly flouting the law. The Prefecture has not even granted the inhabitants of the ZAD access to the minimum guaranteed by the law on the right to housing, in this case the right to individual procedures and the right to contest an eviction decision. Yet the residents of most areas within the ZAD have identified themselves by name on several occasions over the past few years. The Prefecture’s outrageous duplicity is visible today in all its hypocrisy: After announcing it would seek a “serene and peaceful evolution of the situation” it sends 2,500 police/army to destroy residents’ homes. We are told that a selection will be made on the basis of categories that are pure fiction and have no bearing on anything but the needs of the repressive storytelling the government has locked itself into. There is no false division here between radicals on the one hand and farmers on the other; what exists are a number of different and intertwined ways of sharing this land. Contrary to what Gérard Collomb [Minister of Interior] claims, in fact no one has been individually legalized over the recent weeks at the expense of the others. The movement as a whole has proposed a framework for a collective agreement involving all residents and all their projects. But the government could not simply admit that the proposed airport was useless; they were bent on taking revenge against those who had forced the abandonment of the project. The land is dying, the most brutal forms of economic processes are atrophying our lives, and everywhere, people aspire to alternatives to that situation. On February 10 30,000 people had committed to supporting the future of the ZAD. But the government’s political message is very clear this morning: It will allow no possibility for spaces where alternative experiments can take place.
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France: In sight of evictions on the #ZAD #NDDL

To reach the area to defend before Monday, April 9
Important Information to read & to consider on the conditions of the area and those who find themselves there

– In what state of mind do we want to defend the ZAD ? there is no question, under the pretext of clashes, accepting among us sexism, virilism, homophobia, racism, classism, ableism, speciesism, and other discrimination’s that we fight on a daily basis. We also ask to avoid using live trees to build barricades.
– In struggling one necessarily faces capitalism and its police. The ZAD has a “legal team” to support you in your legal issues. This page (mostly in french) tries to point you to the different precautions, how to find out and find support, how to prepare defences and inform you about legal developments
Prefectural orders until April 12 to maintain repression and facilitate expulsions to the ZAD

Home, self-management and field coordination

Three gathering places to be able to orientate on the various necessary points if you do not know the direction or how to coordinate yourself in the whole – read the practical information.
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Nantes: New occupation by refugees and their supporters

Following the evictions from the Censive building and from the Château du Tertre, that saw more than 150 people thrown out, a new occupation followed the day after at the 9 rue Maurice Sibille. Help us to move in, call for solidarity.

On Thursday march 8th in the morning, the former EPHAD, an empty retirement home, a six story building on rue Maurice Sibille, has been occupied by refugees and their supporters. Around 12:00, riot cops came and pushed away the people gathered in the street, aiming at people with their rubber bullet guns. They tried to break into the building but failed. They used gas through an opening. One person would have been arrested. Some local politicians and unions members were around to show support to the refugees. After several hours of tension, riot cops left, followed by an explosion of joy. People in state of euphoria went in and visited this huge empty building. The space is in good state with water and electricity, perfect to host people in shared rooms, with individual kitchens and toilets, big common spaces, a professional kitchen, etc… [Read More]

Nantes: University occupied buildings evicted

On march 7th, at 7am, a few hundred riot cops evicted refugees occupying the Censive building and the Château du Tertre, at the Nantes university. Around 50 people from Censive and 60 others from the Château were violently kicked out under the smiles from the heads of the university and authorities in charge of the police operation.
The eviction was fast. One person went on the roof to protest. Around 10am, this person was still there. As soon as the eviction alarm was called, people gathered on the parking next to the Château du Tertre.
All belongings were moved out by Demeco, a removing company, who did not want to communicate what they were going to do with the mattresses. The police started to barricade the Château du Tertre from inside to prevent any new occupation.
The Censive occupation took place on November 22nd 2017, after the violent eviction of the former Art School, directly bricked up and still heated on! The Château du Tertre was occupied by students and refugees soon after, on November 26th. [Read More]