Police evicts a squat in Moscow using brutal violence

  Police evicts a squat in Moscow using brutal violence

Evgeni Schetov is an artist, to whom Moscow Union of Artists provided a space some two and half years ago. Since then, small space in Armyanskiy Pereulok 1 has become important hub for libertarian revolutionaries in Moscow, in particular for radical ecological movement Rainbow Keepers and Radical League of Artists. This made both city officials and bureaucratic art prats from Moscow Union of Artists unhappy, and during more than a year the space has been under a threat of an eviction. In reply to threats, Schetov has quit paying rents and municipal services – making space the first political squat in Moscow since 1997. Neither the Moscow Union of Artists nor the person who owns the place bothered to go to court to nullify the contract which is in force until October 2004. Instead they decided to use illegal direct action and violence to reach their goals.

Pressure against the place has been growing during last months, with regular attempts of police to break into the place and violent beatings of activists by people from Moscow Union of Artists. Breaking in has not been an easy task since the place is located below ground level and has a heavy door protecting it. However in the morning of Saturday 12th of October police managed to destroy door with axes, and police and members of Union of Artists rushed in smashing all the people on their way. One of the attacked got a brain crash, some others bleeding wounds. 3 persons had to visit hospital. Everyone got arrested. In time of the arrest, Moscow Union of Artists threw all property to street and changed the locks.

Squatters are now launching a campaign against eviction, to get back what is rightfully theirs. Please help us in our campaign, and distribute this message! We are organising a fax campaign for MONDAY 21ST OF OCTOBER to pressure institutions which are responsable for the eviction. Please send faxes Monday 21st of october to following adresses:

Moscow Union of Artists: +7-095-921-86-08
Head Department of Internal Affairs in Moscow (GUVD) +7-095-973-20-41
General prosecutor’s office +7-095-921-41-86
Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow (MVD) +7-095-237-49-25

Best time is the working time in Moscow, which is 6 AM – 14 AM Greenwich Median Time. If you have problems with the schedule, send faxes any other time later in the day or the same week.

Below a a sample letter you may use. Any further edition of the letter on your own is very much recommended!

Please report how much you have send faxes, by whom and to which adresses to dikobrazi [at] lists [dot] tao [dot] ca. Reporting is very important! Write also if you have problems in getting the faxes through.

A Sample letter:

To <Select appropriate among the following:> Moscow Union of Artists/Head Department of Internal Affairs in Moscow/ General prosecutor’s office/Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow

Saturday 12th of October police and Moscow Union of Artists attacked the space in Armyanskiy Pereulok 1.

The place is hosted by Evgeni Schetov and Radical League of Artists, who have worked closely with Rainbow Keepers movement and other left organisations in Moscow. Now the Moscow authorities and Moscow Union of Artists have decided to smash this important centre of Moscow left youth. 3 of the squatters were beaten up and then moved to hospital, others were evicted from space and arrested.

We strongly condemn this attack of bureucrats against autonomous culture. You are not following even your own laws here!

We demand returning the place back to artists, as their contract remains in force until October 2004 and you have not bothered to go to court to finish the contract.

Date, signature

from the caravan99 [at] lists [dot] riseup [dot] net listserv



The only squatted centre in Lisbon “KASA ENKANTADA”, was evicted and destroyed in 28 of august after 5 years of squating. The squatters resisted for two days, but the 40 pigs came at 6 o’clock of the morning and caught the people inside with surprise. No one was hurt or arrested … After that more 3 houses were squatted but without sucess and were evicted too… There’s people trying to get a new place but it’s starting to get harder to squat here in Lisbon.

anonymous correspondant

Slovenia: A note of eviction of squat in Ljubljana

After several years, we finally started to develop a real squatting movement in Slovenia. In Ljubljana, there are two squats – Vila Mara and Autonomna Cona Molotov, 1 floor, long house, owned by Slovenian Railway Company, state’s property. We squatted Molotov on New Year’s day 2002 and house was empty for 15 years before we came. There are about 15 people living there, we have a practise room, library (Info-point), empty space for activities like work-shops, joggling etc. and a concert hall with bar.

The last concert was two-days festival with bands like La Fraction, Czolgosz…and on 3rd July is Molotow Coctail and M.D.C. (Millions of Dead Cops). Concert hall is also used for video-projections and non-profit parties. Living place includes about 12 rooms, kitchen, guest room, living rooms and a yard. When we came, Molotov was in a quite bad condition, and the only people that came there were junkies. Place was full of shit and dirt. A small part of the house is Railway Museum, which is still working, but very rarely. The chief of Museum was very nice to us and said that we can use the place. He even forbidded police to come there without him. [Read More]

Geneva: Rue Rousseau 5 is beeing evicted


  Geneva: Rue Rousseau 5 is beeing evicted


5 Rue Rousseau will be evicted in spite of the fact that the Geneva authorities canceled the building permit. The inhabitants received the order to leave the building.

A solidarity and protest breakfast will take place the 6th of May in front of the house.




South Africa: Victory for Campaign as Delft South evictions (ZA) and auctions stopped!

The Western Cape Anti-Eviction Campaign (AEC) is delighted to announce that all evictions and auctioning off of RDP houses in Delft South are to be stopped. This agreement was reached in a meeting between the Anti-Eviction Campaign yesterday with Cape Town UniCity Manager Robert Maydon and Interim Income and Debt Manager, George van Schalkwyk. [Read More]

Squatted social centre Koivula in Helsinki evicted 15.10.2001


  Squatted social centre Koivula in Helsinki evicted 15.10.2001


After six weeks of occupation, the squatters in Koivula in central Helsinki, Finland, have been evicted. The squat was empty for more than two years before the occupation, and will likely remain so for several more years.

The 21 squatters and a group of 30 or more supporters had started using the space partly as living space, partly offering services to locals and activists – a info-café was operating in the four-story building, as well as meeting spaces and a wood-workshop. Future plans for the building included office spaces, a painter’s studio, film screenings and regular political discussion clubs and other events.

The police, after receiving a request from the Helsinki and Uusimaa Hospital Group, arrived at 9.30 in the morning on Monday 15.10, hoping to catch the house empty. Despite their earlier promises, the police gave no prior warning of the eviction. In the house at the time were 12 people and a pet rabbit. All were detained by police and interrogated, even though there was no confrontation during the eviction.

In Finland squatting is illegal, there are no squatters’ rights. The squatters are now without a space to call home, and are looking into possibly squatting some other space.





The Button Factory squat evicted in London


  The Button Factory squat evicted in London


A police campaign of violence against anti-capitalist activists began at the weekend when they swooped on a squatted community building and, with the help of bailiffs and the building’s owners, vandalised the former button factory, rendering it inhabitable. Mechanical diggers were used to demolish part of the building.

Two hundred (if you read the Sunday Telegraph) or 150 (if you read the Sunday Times) police officers were involved in the raid, even though the building was known to be empty. Officers from the Metropolitan, City and British Transport Police (if you get your news from the BBC) or Special Branch overseen by MI5 (if you read the Sunday Times) or riot police (if you read the Sunday Telegraph) were involved in violence and property destruction. “We’re the law, and we can smash up what the fuck we like”, a copper said, still sweating from his exertions. “I wish you hadn’t smashed the bogs up, I need a shit”, said another boy in blue.

There is a long history of squatting buildings for community purposes in London, and in the Brixton area in particular. This squat was one in a long line of previous squats (such as the Cool Tan – so called because it was housed in a former sun tan lotion factory, and the old Dole House). These squats have been used as meeting places for community groups, and as art and entertainment spaces. However, in recent years, a drive by local councillors to turn Brixton into a high-rent Yuppy playground has led to widespread evictions of squatters.

Anarchists squatted and continuously occupied the 121 centre on Railton Road in Brixton for more than fifteen years. By law, the building should have become the property of the occupants. However, Lambeth Council decided that building a load of shopping complexes was more important for Brixton’s future than the existence of vibrant, grassroots, community groups.

Big money is more important than little people, and as ever, the police will always be on hand to effect the “legal” violence that usually accompanies such evictions. For many years, councils have employed professional “property destroyers” whose job it is to make sure that squatted buildings – once evicted – cannot be used again. For example, they might fill toilets with cement or take floor boards out.

Now that they have smashed up the former button factory they say that “a police presence will be maintained in the area to ensure community safety”. Funny that – coming from the same force that routinely beats up Black men whilst in custody.

Source: http://uk.indymedia.org/

These squats still going strong though…

56A Info shop
Bookshop w/ squat info, records, zines, radical archive. Shares space with food co-op and bicycle repair workshop. Open: Thur 2-8pm & Fri 3-7pm.
56 Crampton St (near Elephant & Castle), SE17 3AE.

The Old Bath House Caf
Squat cafe with vegan food and DIY washing up… Open: Sun 8pm.
76 Shacklewell Lane, Hackney (Dalston Kingsland rail)

The Nursery Community Centre
A re-occupied space with cafe, creche, library classes and organic garden.
Atherden Rd (off Lower Clapton Rd), Hackney. Tel: 0208 525 0247.




Barcelona: Squat Gazpacho evicted on February 28th

On wednesday February 28th at 8.15 a.m. in the morning the Police broke in the doors of the squat gazpacho.

The 12 squatters alarmed through the noise of the breaking in have been woken up and went to the top of the roof of the house.

The cops arrived soon at the edge of the roof but could not make any arrests. The roof was to tiny, hard to walk on and also very steeb. It was quit dangerous to make any moves there. Therefore the cops decided not to try to arrest anyone from there, but were threwing cans and buckets of water once in a while on the people, what became quite dangerous, making the roof more wet and harder to walk on. After six hours the squtters left voluntarily the roof, took the stuff from their rooms and went on the streets after identification was taken by the police. [Read More]

Ladronka (Praha) evicted


  Ladronka (Praha) evicted


The Prague squat LADRONKA is being evicted. Police arrived Thursday morning November 9 at 7:00 am. Currently, there are four people on the roof and four have been arrested. It looks as if they will be charged with using unregistered electricity and telephone. It is strongly believed that this eviction comes in the wake of the recent protest in Prague of the IMF and World Bank annual meetings. With the new police legitimacy incurred in the public opinion, they appear to be attempting to repress activism in the Czech Republic. There 30 people already supporting squatters from outside Ladronka and more are coming.

Any assistance you may be able to provide is requested. Solidarity actions are welcomed. Contact zemepredevsim [at] ecn [dot] cz








On the 3rd of august several policemen broke into the squat CSO HOSTAL DEL SOL in Tarragona (Spain) and evicted the building. They arrested the tow people that were inside.

There was a demo the same day and another one on the 5th with almost 100 people both.




Barcelona: Eviction of CSO Torreblanca

On the 18th of july the police evicted the squat “cso TORREBLANCA”, but already in the afternoon the people managed to squat the house again. Great!

At 8 in the evening there was a demo against police actions.

This squat is having many problems not only with the police, but also with fascist attacks. This mounth some people have tried to set the house on fire twice.





Molins de Rei/Baix Llobregat.

Last friday (7th of july) about 30 policemen evicted the squat FEDERACION OBRERA when no one was there and without any warning. They knocked down the building and did not even take the stuff out.

There was a demonstration the following day to protest against it.



