Squat ‘Het Paard’ in Amsterdam will be expropriated

The ‘Paard van Amstel’ is a squat opposite the councilhouse in Amsterdam. It has been squatted several times the last twenty years. The last eviction took place in july this year (see also http://squat.net/uk/news/horseherkraak160799.htmland older news at http://squat.net/uk/news). This eviction was ordered by the council. Four people were arrested and finally sentenced to one month in prison. The gable of the building was severely damaged by the container which carried the riotcops to the roof of the heavily barricaded building. A few days after the eviction the Amsterdam squattersmovement reacted with a renewed squat-action. This time we wouldn’t let them kick us out anymore! [Read More]


Old English booklet on Squat!net

Today we put an old booklet in the squat!net-archive. It is made for the London squatters conference in 1977 by Amsterdam squatters. The text is not perfect yet but we will make it better in the near future.

The url of the archive: http://squat.net/archiv

“Houses occupation- Liberation?”: http://squat.net/archiv/gb/london/index.html

The introduction:


This text was written for the London squatters conference on 15 may ’77, where groups from Amsterdam were invited. [Read More]

Amsterdam: Possible eviction of the biggest squat of the Netherlands, the OLVG

The squatted part of the Onze Lieve Vrouwengasthuis, The Anna and Maria paviljoen, will get evicted the 19th. The building lost a case against eviction via the penal law. The council still wants to use this against the squatters even if it is more than a year ago the huge buildings got squatted. [Read More]

Amsterdam: Entrepotdok lost important courtcase

On september 28th The court in Amsterdam decided in the courtcase wich was startet to get permission for demolition of parts of the building. The courtcase was started by Aquartis bv. who wants to turn the building into so-called loft appartments.

Although the building is a protected monument the company got permission to tear one third of the building down. The judge did not listen to the several complaints made by the squatters. The city has to give Aquartis bv. within 2 weeks a building permission. The Entepotdok, a squat where 20 people live and work is now under direct threat of an eviction. [Read More]

Amsterdam (NL): Squatters of the Horse at the Amstel convicted

On Friday the 23rd [July 1999] the arrestants of the eviction of the Paard van Amstel on july 13th were trialed at the court in Amsterdam. Because there were a lot of testimonies of policemen (some of them where clearly false) the squatters where convicted to 4 weeks in prison.

The false testimonies of the policemen where for a part about one of the squatters wearing glasses. The policemen sayed that they had recognised one of the defenders wearing them, defense made clear that at that point the squatter had contaclenses in. [Read More]

‘Paard’ in Amsterdam re-squatted friday night

Friday night the Paard van Amstel at Amstel 134 was re-squatted by a group of about hundred people. The neighbours were surprised the squatters were back so soon. They didn’t expect them before some days and wished the squatters luck. The squat has been emty for some decades and the owner tried to demolish the national monument illegally. He also terrorised the last tenants in the seventies. After that the building got squatted a few times and evicted. At one of the evictions in the eighties some squatters went on hungerstrike. The last squat-action ended last tuesday. The squat was evicted and four people got arrested. They will be in jail untill their proces on 23rd july. The resquat-action on friday night was succesfull. The police said they wouldn’t do anything. The squat is too close to the cafe and disco area and they are afraid for riots. As you can read on the previous message there are more evicted buildings still empty.

The Paard has got a virtual stable at http://squat.net/paard



Eviction day in Amsterdam

On tuesday the riot-police evicted 5 squats. This happenes a few times a year to get rid of the squatters who don’t want to leave voluntirely after eviction orders from the justice-department or the court.

This tuesday they evicted the ‘Flex’ a squatted complex of luxury appartments in an expensive neighbourhood. The inhabitants defended themselves with paint-bombs. Just a while before there was a burning barricade a few streets further where there was another squat which was going to be evicted. The 7 inhabitants which were left at the ‘Flex’ were arrested and released a few days later. After this action the police-circus moved on to the center to evict the ‘Paard van Amstel’ opposite of the city-hall. Here the four inhabitants threw stones against the container with riot-cops. The riot-cops had to be put on the roof to enter the barricaded building. Because of all the stones, the container started swinging and they had to try over and over again. The riot-cops were probably sea-sick. According to the policespokesman the watercanon was severely damaged. The four people who were left in the ‘Paard’ were arrested and are still in jail awaiting a trial on 23rd of july. Both the ‘Flex’ and the ‘Paard’ were squatted before and evicted after which it was left empty. At http://squat.net/paard you’ll find some pictures of the building. [Read More]


News from Amsterdam

25-4-98The owner of the ADM squat in Amsterdam tried to get the squatters out of the building by using a bulldozer to demolish the building while 20 squatters were sleeping inside.

2-5-98 Bertus Lüske, the owner was arrested by the police last wednesday for attempted murder. He will remain in jail at least 10 more days.



Amsterdam: No evictionwarrant for the ‘Kalenderpanden’

Today the court decided not to give permission to the council of Amsterdam to evict the squats at the Entrepotdok in Amsterdam. Reason was the procedures started by squatters and people in the neighbourhood for putting the buildings on the list of protected monuments. As long as there is no decision on the status of the monuments the council is not allowed to demolish the buildings [Read More]