Bristol: 87 Ashley Road – The occupation continues!

November 18, 2008

The roof of 87 Ashley road St Paul’s Bristol continues to be occupied 120 hours (5 days) after the attempted eviction of the residents. The people on the roof are staying put in protest at the gentrification and destitution of our area. And defence of homes for all.

We call on P4P Individual Support (the charity which owns the building) to reveal their plans for this building in an open way to the community of St Paul’s and everyone who is concerned about the future of our city.

Daily solidarity demonstrations will take place from 4-6pm outside the house. All are welcome.

Hope to see you there.




Bristol: Eviction resistance

12th November 2008

The inhabitants of 87 Ashley Road woke up this morning to a garden full of cops and bailliffs here to evict them from the house that is a home to around 15 people, and make them homeless.

Rooftop occupation happening right now!

As I arrived on the scene(around 10.30 am), Ashley Rd was cordoned off both sides of the house, and there was also police presence behind the house. The bailiffs were already in the building at this point, and all inhabitants had left, apart from 2 that managed to get onto the roof. They even called a helicopter in to ‘check that there were 2 people on the roof’ (I thought that’s what eyes were for!) As I was leaving to come and write this (12.30pm), 3 more heads popped up over the roof! Hopefully, by the time i’m back, that roof will see a number more occupying it. A bailiff apparently told one squatter, that there are plans to turn the building into offices – so not social housing for those in need at all!!

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Bristol: Space Invaders presents Opening the Doors to Autonomy

On the 29th of November Bristol Space Invaders will be holding a day long event of art, activities and workshops aimed at creating DIY solutions to the problems facing many of us as the economic crisis begins to bite.

Our group formed in April 2008 in response to an international call-out for actions in defence of squats and autonomous spaces and held an event on Colston Street, Bristol in a disused building in which we installed art, info, ran workshops and put on cabaret and live music for the evenings entertainment. This was tied in with a carnival parade through Stokes Croft and St Pauls against gentrification and closure of clubs in this area.

This time we want to share the practical know-how to reclaim the city and begin to live outside of the economic exchange – we have put on art and music before and done it well but we’re less interested in providing another experience to come and consume – instead we aim to provide the tools to participate.

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Amsterdam: Direct action as a response to unwelcome visit

On the night of Nov. 5th, 2008 windows were smashed and paintbombs thrown inside and outside of the Ymere office at Mauritskade. There were still unreplaced windows from when they were thrown in a few weeks ago. We made so that they would have to replace them all.

There is no attempt on our part to make a very deep political explanation of this action. It is in direct response to their visit and distruction of the recently squatted apartments in Van boetzelaerstraat. It is clear that our enemies have decided to continuously show violence against ourselves and our spaces, carrying out the cities gentrification plans enforced by the police.

Symbolic resistance doesn’t actually effect the people in charge behind our displacement and the city’s gentrification. WE would like to propose that spectacular battles (that will never be won) against riot cops during evictions should be in combination with direct actions against the poeple and companies that want to have control over and buy out our lives and spaces.


Source Indy NL


Prague: Police intervention in the squat Milada

15 police cars arrived during a party on 2th November 2008 to check the house, they explained that the reason was the loud noise of the party. But they didn’t bother and solve the problem with the DJs, instead of this, they got into the house, waking people up and asking everybody to gather in front of the building. One of the squatters moved to the roof and refused to go down, until replaced by others, those already searched. This person was later detained in the police station for several hours and threatened e.g. with transport to the psychiatric hospital.

The house is officially not existing, as it’s not in the real estate register, but the parcel is, and as there are building plans for the near area, it seems that the whole place might become worth selling.

And with the state preparing for the EU presidency (january – june 2008) and thus increasing police forces and security measures, it’s not surprising that the intimidation of any spaces and initiatives with a potential for confrontation is coming right now.

Please stay alert in case of an eviction attempt!




Bristol: Squatter Speaks Out About Eviction Resistance

Hello, my name is Sam, one of the people living in 87 Ashley Road, St Paul’s, Bristol.

Firstly thank you very much to the large number of people from the local community who came down to show their support and resist the eviction attempt last Tuesday (28.10.08).

Since then, many interesting points have been raised online:…pires….html

I’m going to try and give few of my own thoughts on the situation. Who we are, what is the situation with this house, why do I squat, when: now. I speak for no one other than myself though I communicate and share thoughts with my fellow squatters. For the record I’m not educated beyond GCSE level other than my vocational qualifications and work with my hands.

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Amsterdam: Re-squatting Van Boetzelaerstraat 2 & 20

1st November 2008

Two appartments in these houses got squatted last year and evicted on the basis of article 429 on the 30th of October – for emptiness. The appartments belong to “Block AB24”, owned by Ymere, and will be demolished in the future. When exactly, nobody seems to know, not even Ymere, as the project has been postponed time and time again.

The renters of the block were forced to move out already quite some time ago, only to be replaced by antisquatters. Now even the antisquatters have moved out and if Ymere will have their way the whole block will remain empty until the demolition will start.

And that’s where we step in! In our eyes it is not a crime to squat a house, no matter how long or short time it has been empty, especially during these times of housing shortage. People need houses to live in. 429 is just a number.


AC*AB 24


Copenhagen: Riots around Christiania after an eviction on 28th October 2008

The Eviction

The main authority on Christiania (slots & ejendomsstyrelse) decided to evict the second floor of a house on Christiania. They were backed by an unprecedented large police force. At 7:30am a major police force arrived at Christiania. Neighbours of the soon to be evicted house were rushed out of their beds and homes without being allowed time to get their heart medicine. By 9am construction workers started tearing down the second floor. They wore ski mask’s to avoid identification, making them look like terrorists and the police cleared the surrounding area from onlookers.

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London: Police entered the Rampart on 28th October

28th October 2008, London, Whitechapel:

the police unexpectedly intruded the rampART social centre in their lunchtime. they must have been starving, because they felt like breaking the doors. we wonder if it was appetite, that made them force their way in, or curiosity, to see the progress of our efforts to barricade the rampART. still, we art not amused of officers on the scrounge…

… although we are generally open for people to come by to wine and dine with us, but we’d like to invite people to knock on the doors, rather than knocking them down. and we don’t support gluttony of greedy developpers, groping houses to convert them to luxury flats, because they want to bite more than they can chew…

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Bristol: When you threaten One you threaten All

28th October 2008

Ownership of the house is claimed by Places for People, Britain’s largest housing association. Its chief executive, David Cowans, topped the list of richest “social” housing providers with a salary of £257,928 in 2007 (Every single penny on the backs of the poor). Instead of providing adequate social housing they work for corporate gain and through speculation with our money are feeling the pinch of the property market crash. This is a social housing provider playing with public money.

Number 87 is actually owned by Places for People’s charitable arm (Places for People Individual Support), which is supposed to provide housing for homeless and the elderly. They plan to turn the majority of the house into private owned apartments. It currently is housing 20+ people.

It has been empty for over 3 years and squatted by a large number of otherwise homeless people since April 2008.

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Oslo: Press release of the new squatted space Olaf

A new space has been occupied on the 18th October in Oslo (,you can follow the development of the project with information published on the collective’s website:

Here is the third press release:

Oslo housing action have been asked, through the media, that the occupation of Olaf Ryes Plass should be withdrawn . We who possess the house are not willing to comply in doing so. Without us the house empty indefinitely.

Neighbor campaign has expressed concern about noise and disturbance in the neighborhood around the occupation on Olaf Ryes space. But as the action neighboring spokesperson Ingebrigt Berg said on the working meeting of the Grünerløkka district on Thursday it has been quiet in the streets since Sunday, the day after the occupation. Without action from the police side, this situation will persist. As we in the Oslo Housing Action expressed in the AU meeting a confrontation with the police in the last thing we want. We do not wish to disturb the neighborhood.

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New squat has been opened in Oslo

On Saturday the 18th October 2008 there was a demonstration and action for better social housing, squatting and autonomous places in Oslo.

This action led to the opening of a new space, a big house (over 35 rooms), in the center of Oslo. (olaf ryes no 2)

The place has been empty for several years, and is owned by Oslo municipality. Our plan is to make it a place for people to live in.

The people who have the “legal rights” to this building have come to visit and aren’t interested in us staying (surprise surprise)

We have sent press releases to several newspapers and radios.

This news flash has been broadcast to you straight from the second floor of Olaf. D.I.Y


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