Athens (Greece): Fascists attack Villa Amalias squat

July 11th 2009

Fascists under the cover of cops attacked the oldest anarchist squat in Greece with molotov cocktails and beaten a youth. Our comrades successfully driven away the fascists. The squat, Villa Amalias, suffered no damage.

From Wikipedia: “Villa Amalia is one of the first anarchist squats in Athens, Greece. It was first occupied in 1990. It is located in the corner of Acharnon and Cheyden streets, near “Victoria” square. Many punk, rock, hardcore and generally underground events take place at Villa Amalia. The police have evicted the squatters three times, but Villa Amalia has always re-occupied later on.”

Many comrades consider it the oldest anarchist squat in Greece and a symbol for the local anarchist movement. In Greek it is called Villa Amalias (Βίλλα Αμαλίας).

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London (UK): Non-commercial House is open for non-business…

The freeschool weekender on housing, squatting and gentrification has been and gone. It was a great success and it has left a beautiful building just waiting for another project to begin. So we call on all those interested in starting up a space to come and get involved…

People expressed an interest in continuing occupying in order to create a space that complemented the pre-existing projects in East London. With LARC, rampART, freedom, ASS and Belgrade Road all within close proximity we felt a giant free shop would be a nice idea. The building suits it with huge shop windows. Within such close proximity to the centre of finance a daytime space that promotes community without consumerism seems like a pleasant idea. A strong focus could be on attracting a crowd that wouldn’t generally go into squats and social centres by possibly making a space drug free (including alcohol and smoke) and having more family friendly activities. A free bicycle workshop will bring in peddlers by off the street and into the space (or the yard at least….) Regular workshops, infonights, cafes and a food coop were amongst other things discussed.

Bring items you no longer require that are clogging up your home. Take stuff you need that someone else has abandoned. Come along to get help fixing your bicycle…

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Montreuil/Paris: French police shoots with flashball guns demonstrators in the head – one of them loose an eye

Wednesday, July 8th 2009, the police and local Swat team evicted a squat in Montreuil (very East of Paris), the “Clinique”, an empty building in front of an open-air market occupied since january. The inhabitants were making many collective activities, workshops opened to the local population : a cine-club, a street radio, a free canteen, concerts, duties to organize collectively facing welfare institutions, owners and housing problems.

During the evening, a street canteen and a gathering were organized to protest against this eviction, in a pedestrian area close to the squat. At 10 p.m demonstrators headed on to the Clinique, lit fireworks, started to talk to the three guardsmen of the newly walled up squat. In ambush, cops charged at demonstrators without warning and shot them with flashball guns – – aiming at their heads. Five people got hit from torso to head. One of them got hit in the eye. Brought in emergency at the hospital, he had a surgery, but his eye couldn’t be saved.

Three demonstrators are still under arrest after 24 hours.

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Grenoble (France): Graffiti in solidarity with squatters across the world

In the 400 couverts street, there were different squats between 2001 and 2005 (see In Grenoble like in most of the other big cities in Europe, gentrification is growing.

During the 7th to 8th of july 2009′ night, two graffiti have been written on the 400 couverts street’ walls:
Non à la gentrification. Squat toujours!” and “Grenoble, Prague, Berlin, Milan, etc. Non aux expulsions [No evictions], squat forever

In Grenoble, several squats are “evictable” this summer. [Read More]

Prague: A statement on the provisory spaces

This statement is meant to declare our attitude concerning recent events and also to introduce our vision of the future. Since the eviction of our house, our collective is growing bigger and stays open to new people. This collective is based on the principle of non-hierarchy, without those who control and those who are controlled, and on self-organization. Everyone who participates on collective work participates also on collective decisions. The process of collective decisions is based on consensus. In opposition In opposition to the existing rules of society rules we work on principles of mutual help, equality and respect, our relations and needs are not calculated according to money or prestige.

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Prague: No to demolition of Milada

This morning 7th July at around 6.50, squat Milada (evicted one week ago) was temporarily occupied. This action was meant to highlight a possible demolition of the building. The UIV office denied that the house would be demolished, but they stated that the static controllors take interest in the house. And if the house is dangerous, thay will have to pull it down. Please note, that the whole roof tiles of the house were destroyed by the security agency during the eviction, windows smashed and everything destroyed. The security agency waistcoat, that was placed on the pole last week, has been torn down and an anarchist flag is now fluttering above Milda again. Two people were arrested, released few hours later.


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Amsterdam: Eviction wave today 7th July

Today, there will be an eviction wave in Amsterdam where yet again three major free spaces/social centers and several houses will be evicted, the three major space are scub (social center under the bridge), fairly recently squatted but very active “Eigenaardig”, free space and(social) housing that will be torn down to erect expensive housing in an already over-gentrified neighborhood, that was occupied by renters and squatters who had presented a perfectly viable alternative plan and the douaneloodsen at the zeeburgerkade, old monumental (or at least they should be) warehouses by the water that were in use as alternative living and working spaces for many years and will be torn down in spite of the presence of endangered species and the historical value of the buildings

Its gonna be a long and exhausting day.



Poznan, Krakow (Poland): Solidarity actions in support of Milada

At night of the 2nd of July a banner saying “When you’re taking their home, you’re also taking part of our home! Rozbrat in solidarity with Milada squat from Prague” was dropped in the centre of Poznan. We did it to express our solidarity with the squatters from Prague, who were brutally evicted on the 1st of July by a private security company, which is employing mostly neonazis. We support all demands of Prague squatters and we will keep on expressing our solidarity as long as the demands aren’t met. You can read more about Milada and the eviction here:
Solidarity is our weapon!
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Struggle for squats in Prague

On the 30th of June the Milada squat was evicted. The house was not a part of the cadastre, because it was meant to be demolished years ago. This hasn’t happened and the squatters occupied an INVISIBLE house, because for the authorities it hasn’t legally existed. This was 11 years ago. The place changed a lot, people left and came, at the moment noone from the former collective was living in the house. Few years ago, the place got through a crisis and with a new collective, more actions were held and Milada built quite a strong background and managed to cooperate with other struggles. Now, the controller of the building (UIV – Institute for Information in Education) owned by state tried to make Milada a legally acknowledged place again, though it is not sure, if they were really succesful, anyway they ordered an eviction, and paid a security agency with neonazis as employees. They used violence, hurt people sitting on the roof, destroyed all accessories of Milada and completely damaged the roof. Video (more on utube): Stencils: Twitter (mostly in czech):

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Prague: Manifest of the Milada squatters to yesterday’s events 1.7. 17:30

We, as the ex inhabitants of squat Milada, would like to express our statement about events that happened on 30th Juin. On this day was made a violent eviction of eleven years functioning cultural and social centre, which represented the last place of its kind in the Czech Republic. By this moment something has changed in all of us: nazis from the security agency Prague security group together with cops destroyed during one day the place where we had been transforming our dreams and visions into reality. The Minister for Human Rights Kocab promised to initiate a conference about potential substitute space, however, we are not going to rely on politicians in this battle and we are not going to calm down the rightful anger of people to whom Milada meant something. Regardless of the results of the negotiation there is going to come an adequate answer to the eviction of Milada, which is going to hurt institutions responsible for this action. We feel urgent need to generate new spaces where we can live and create in our own way, without authority. Any kind of activity pointing to this goal is from our point of view legitimate. Society, where is common that goverment institutions go hand in hand with neonazis against people creating non-commercial culture has no right to call itself free.. Support demonstrations, start direct actions, be creative! Something has ended by the eviction of Milada but there´s also space for creating something new. No repression stops our desire for freedom!

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Prague: Squat Milada being evicted now!!

Security agency and police are evicting the squat, two persons have been injured, around seven squatters are barricaded on the roof.

In Bratislava, SK, a demonstration will be held at 15.30 in front of the Czech embassy.

Prague: All remaining squatters left the roof

At around 18:00, the minister for human rights and ethnical minorities arrived on site and negotiations started. Two resisting squatters then came down and the minister promissed, that he will try to find a solution and that the negotiations will continue, he gave nothing concrete. Well, he will leave his office in three months time!

Now, after this decision to go for negotiations, let’s see how the movement around our only autonomous space will develop and cultivate the taste for freedom! Keep the pressure!



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