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Wassenaar: Huize Ivicke squatted

Wassenaar, july 5th 2018 – This week, the rapidly decaying mansion Huize Ivicke, at Rust en Vreugdlaan 2, was squatted. Built like a little palace – stripped by a real estate speculator. His name is Ronnie van de Putte: a man with a remarkable reputation in the real estate world, notorious for speculating with A-locations […]

Wassenaar: Ivicktion called off—but for how long?

Wassenaar (Netherlands) – On the 24th of May, Ivicke had a second “voorlopige voorziening” (VoVo)* hearing, to request a suspension of eviction until the higher appeal in our case against the municipality, who want to evict us on the grounds that according to the zoning plan our home should be an office. We already had […]

Groningen: Kraaienest stays! Squatters win court case!

After the squatters of the Kraaienest in Groningen won the court case on friday 28 january, Stichting Valquest will now probably appeal. The landlord with hundreds of properties can do without the 2.8 million building, but wants to prevent a home for homeless students and a social center in the former Heerenhuis, and prefers to […]

Wassenaar: Court Orders Our Ivicktion

Wassenaar (Netherlands) – On Monday Dec 20, Rechtbank Den Haag ruled we must leave Ivicke within six weeks. We aren’t surprised by this verdict in the owner’s favor, and we won’t just accept it quietly. The court’s argumentation is that our residency here is in violation of the building’s zoning plan, which designates its use […]

Wassenaar: Municipality Wants To Ivickt Us Without A Court Hearing Or A Plan

The mayor and executive board (B&W) of Wassenaar rejected our request to suspend our eviction from Ivicke until at least six weeks after a court has ruled on the case. After almost two and a half years of our residency at Ivicke during which we have cooperated to ensure the municipality can start essential repairs […]

Wassenaar: Living in a Haunted Palace

King of Slums Early in July 2018, the rapidly decaying historical manor house and the surrounding wooded park Ívicke at Rust en Vreugdlaan 2 in Wassenaar were squatted. Built as a little paradise — degraded to a real estate speculator’s plaything. His name is Ronnie van de Putte: a man with an eye-catching reputation in […]

Wassenaar: Rust Vreugd Terreur, benefit festival in support of legal costs

May 17th & 18th 2019, Rust Vreugd Terreur at Huize Ívicke, Rust en Vreugdlaan 2 in Wassenaar, a benefit festival in support of legal costs for WH7 Amsterdam, AC Den Haag, and K19 Zeist in corporation with ]LAG( With legal fees and bills to pay and anniversaries to celebrate, Rust Vreugd en Terreur brings together an […]