Pretoria (South Africa): Let the dead bury the dead

August 11, 2010

How’s this for life in Pretoria? A squatter community is using a slimy, algae-filled pond to wash their clothes, the Sowetan newspaper reports.

Jacob van Gardeneren, of Lawyers for Human Rights, said: “The surrounding neighbourhoods used typical excuses to justify their involvement in these evictions – such as that the informal settlement hosts criminals. The reality is that this informal settlement hosts their gardeners, domestic workers and construction workers, who are often paid so poorly they cannot afford to travel home every day.” [Read More]

Monars (Catalunya): Notes on the rural squat meeting

August 2010


The rural squat meeting took place this year on the beginning of july in Monars, a village squatted for 28 years in the high Garrotxa, catalan Pyrenees, spanish side.
Every year it gathers about one hundred persons, mainly coming from rural squats, around topics that are specific to squatting and rural life : collective organisation, material autonomy, « education », health, land struggles, etc. It goes with workshops, discussions and debates, that rythm the day, the subject of this meeting being mainly to see friends, to go further in relationships and to have fun together.
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Hamburg: Flora stays Red!

Flora stays Red!
Two steps forward and three backwards – The failure of city privatisation as a model of conflict regulation

June 2nd, 2010 –

As we learnt from the media, the city of Hamburg plans to repurchase the Rote Flora. In our opinion the possible repurchase of the Rote Flora by the city is the political end of an attempt to get rid of the conflict over the project through privatisation.

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Barcelona: Notes on the european squat meeting (17-20 june 2010)

Translation of an article written in french and originally published on

From june 17th to 20th, 2010, an european squat meeting took place in Barcelona [1|2].

More than one hundred people participated in the discussions, all of which took place in the Laforsa squatted social centre (41 av. de la Fama, in Cornellà de Llobregat, suburbs of Barcelona). This old factory is squatted for a year now, but it’s famous for having been occupied during several months by its own workers in the late seventies, becoming a symbol of the workers autonomous class struggle.
The discussions happened in the huge Laforsa’s first floor (with plugged simultaneous translations in spanish, english, french and italian) and food was served twice a day in the second floor.
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Oldenburg (Germany): Notes on the june 26th trailerpark-demonstration

On saturday 26th june 2010, 200 people and 16 trucks, mobile homes and trailers demonstrated against the possible eviction of the trailerpark in Oldenburg.

The trailerpark has been at the premises of the former slaughterhouse „am Stau“ for 16 years now.
Since 2005, the city of Oldenburg plans to build a megalomaniac project at the site, the so called „Wasserstadt“ (Watercity).
A whole new quarter should arise on 10 hectares, with cold architecture, as investors like it and the promise of high income return. A marina and a maritime „competence-center“ should form the character of the new quarter, a four star hotel should bring guests. The vision is a „modern, urban quarter“ with beautiful villas and private jetties on little town canals, surrounded by 10.000 squaremeters of office space and a whole row of luxury restaurants. As the mayor of Oldenburg, Gerd Schwandner, states it, the target group for the whole project is the „big, future elite of Oldenburg“.

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Monars (Catalunya): Rural squatt meeting from july 1st to 4th of 2010

Hi family!

A small mass mail to tell you about the next Meeting of Rural Squatting, in Monars, a squatted village (La garrotxa, Catalonian Pyrenees, Northern Spain) from 1st to 4th of July, 2010.

Each year this meeting is made in different villages in order to talk, exchange information about access to land through squatting, relationships in community, self organization, self sufficiency, health, “education”…

Hope to meet you there.

Love & Freedom.

For more information in spanish:

See also, in english:


Hamburg / St-Pauli: the former erotic art museum has been squatted… and evicted a few hours later

Original info in german:

Take that – this our city, too
29 May 2010

This space is squatted. It is squatted by us, who are excluded from the “growing city” Hamburg (special term for the new oficial development plans of the city of hamburg / BNQ). Squatted by those, who live here and who will not keep quiet.
We are here today, at this place, because the development around the so called “Bernhard-Nocht-Quartier” is an example for a city policy, which furthers the eviction of people who live here.
In this quarter of the city, where affordable housing is scarce, there is a huge area with nearly empty houses. A little bit of social housing will be allowed to remain but the rest will be transformed into over-expensive rental flats and exclusive freehold flats which only an exclusive top-end part of society can afford. We want to stand up against this spiral of exclusion.

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Turin (Italy): Four squats searched, three people arrested and others to house arrest

May 12th, 2010

Waiting for news, we communicate that, around 6am of the morning, the Digos [political police] has searched many occupations (Asilo, Barocchio, Mezcal, Askatasuna) and houses, arresting three people, notifying some house arrests (it seems they’re four people) and to others, the requirement to sign in at the local police station. The repressive operation it’s a revenge for the riots occurred on the eviction of L’Ostile [last december], the restricted measures are emaned by PM Rinaudo. There’s a public assembly today afternoon at Mezcal squat to organize future iniziatives.

For live updates listen to Radio Blackout, 105.2 FM in Turin and [Read More]

Barcelona: European squat meeting, from june 17th to 20th 2010

Under the motto of “Present, Past and… Future??? of Squatting in Europe”, some squat collectives of Barcelona organize a meeting the 17, 18, 19, and 20 of june to debate about historical, political and legal aspects of this movement in a european perspective.

So this is a calling to all collectives, projects or houses across Europe who are interested in participate to come and give an own view of your experience and situation in your city or country. In the development of the meeting, simultaneous translation equipment will be provided to everyone.

The meeting will be held in the “CSO La Forsa” (Avenida de la Fama 41, Cornella de Llobregat – Barcelona).

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Athens: In critical and suffocating times (TPTG)

The Ta Paida Tis Galarias (The Children of The Gallery) group report on the recent demonstrations in Athens against austerity measures, including the events leading to the tragic deaths of three bank workers and its implications for the movement of opposition.

What follows is a report on the demo of the 5th of May and the one that followed the day after and some general thoughts on the critical situation the movement in Greece is in at the time being. [Read More]

Athens: Several places raided by the police…

May 6th, 2010

Names of the dead announced; bank workers strike today in memory; police launch unprecedented attacks in Athens


The names of the three bank workers who died in the Marfin bank branch that was set alight have been announced. They are Paraskeui Zoulia, 35; Aggeliki Papathanasopoulou, 32 and Epameinondas Tsakalis, 36.


We are all very shocked and saddened by their tragic deaths and it is extremely hard to keep on reporting from here in Athens. However, the events unfolding are so crucial that it is important to do so. In brief:

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Athens: Statement by the Skaramanga squat regarding today’s events – The murderers “mourn” their victims

May 5th, 2010

The statement below was issued a few hours ago by the anarchist squat of Skaramanga and Patision in Athens:

The murderers “mourn” their victims
(Regarding today’s tragic death of 3 people)

The enormous strike demonstration which took place today, 5th of May turned into a social outflow of rage. At least 200,000 people of all ages took to the streets (employees and unemployed, in the public and private sector, locals and migrants) attempting, over many hours and in consecutive waves, to surround and to take over the Parliament. The forces of repression came out in full force, to play their familiar role – that is, of the protection of the political and financial authorities. The clashes were hours long and extensive. The political system and its institutions reached a nadir.

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