London: Social Centre Raided

The Peckham Social Centre has been going for two months now and has held fundraisers and community events. It’s a squatted space with attempts to make a deal with the owners and has become a hub of activity in South London with the space lovingly transformed into a functioning social centre from a derelict warehouse.
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Sydney: A better squat eviction

For 3 months some homeless students, anarchists & workers had been squatting the massive 3 story St Michael’s Cathedral in Darlington, Sydney and had plans to turn it into a social centre and accessible accommodation. The occupiers had been able to build a properly functioning kitchen for community dinners, had rigged the electricity to provide lighting and fixed many of the rooms to create a liveable space out of a building that had been empty for some 7 years or so. [Read More]

Scotland: Empty Ex-Forest Cafe Squatted

A diverse group of autonomous people are currently squatting 3 Bristo Place in central Edinburgh. Although there is no legal squatting right in Scotland, the building has been successfully occupied. The 3-storey building has stood empty and unused for over 3 months since August 31st 2011. The non-hierarchical group are taking direct action to reclaim this space for use by the community.
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Nottingham: Statement about the Eviction of the Bigger Society

This is a statement by those who opened up the Nottingham Freespace at the old Tory party social club in Lenton this week. We opened up the space in order to provide a radical social centre in Lenton that could connect to and support the strike on November 30th. We entered the building last Tuesday night and have spent the last 6 days cleaning, clearing and making a what was an unusable building ready for workshops, discussions and film showings.
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Nottingham: The Bigger Society Social Club is open

The Notts Free Space is now open to the public. We are occupying the former Conservative Social Club on Church Street in Lenton. Please come and support us tonight and tomorrow whilst we get off the ground. A programme of events will be taking place throughout the week.

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Wales: Government Building Squatted in Cardiff

The spirit of occupation is spreading throughout Cardiff as it was announced today that a group calling themselves The Great Tax Invasion have ‘occupied’ the old Inland Revenue Offices on Westgate Street, in the city centre.
Activists started squatting in the building earlier this week saying their aim is to raise awareness of the amount of empty buildings which they feel should be made available to the benefit of the community. The occupation was announced with a banner drop while Food Not Bombs South Wales provided vegan soup to people outside the building.
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Cardiff: The Red and Black Umbrella, new Social Centre

It’s new! It’s free! It’s in Cardiff!
The flyer reads:
You may have noticed we’ve moved into the old Tredegar Hotel [on Clifton Street], so we thought we’d introduce ourselves. We are the Red and Black Umbrella Collective and intend on turning the abandoned pub into a social centre. We believe people should come before profit. We are sick of government cuts that affect us while MPs and bankers get richer. David Cameron wanted a big society and we’re going to give him one. We are currently renovating the pub and want to provide a cultural hub for the local community… [Read More]

Barcelona: New Bank taken in La Floresta

Now there are 3 ex banks OCCUPIED around Barcelona. And on Friday a big crowd played cat and mouse with the baffled police, before successfully occupying another huge building as a ‘home for evicted mortgage defaulters’.

The latest Bank was taken in the La Floresta suburb. After a leafleting and graffiti march around local banks the local ‘Indignats’ cooked an enormous veggie Paella for up to 200 people. Finally they enacted a drama in the street which ended..SURPRISE in the occupation of an adjoining abandoned bank.(Still going strong). La Floresta is close to the new Occupied Castle Social Center (see post), begun just last week, so there’s plenty of local action, including a small consumers CoOp, an occupied community garden.. and more stuff.

Toulouse: about the November 15th raids and arrests

2011-11-17 perquisitions Toulouse

On July 5th 2011, Labège PJJ (Legal Protection of Youth) offices were visited, turned upside down and tagged as a protest against its participation in jailing young people. While the PJJ cried over its work conditions, at the Lavaur EPM (Youth Jail), which is coordinated by the PJJ and the prison administration, kids considered as lost were smashed up by the infamous ERIS unit (Regional Team of Intervention and Safety).

On tuesday November 15th, in Toulouse, seven homes, some of them squats, were raided and searched by a hundred policeman. Computers, telephones, books, posters and personal effects were seized. [Read More]

Occupy London ‘repossesses’ multi-million pound bank offices

First building for the economic justice campaigners as they occupy third space in borough of Hackney, alongside existing spaces in the City of London and borough of Islington.

The new ‘Bank of Ideas’ will open to public this Saturday. Offices and meeting rooms will be available for those that have lost their nurseries, community centres and youth clubs due to savage Government spending cuts.
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Bristol: The eviction of The Factory social centre. A perspective

Just a quick update and some thoughts from a friend of the Factory.

I managed to take a bit of time away from working and went down to see what was happening at The Factory. Cops and robbers were standing around “protecting” the building and photographing the public. It has been completely evicted as far as I can tell. Chatted to a few folk who were about so this is a mainly a second hand account. I suspect that the occupiers will comment later after they have got some rest.
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Cologne: SPD and Pro-Köln polarize against Autonomes Zentrum (AZ)

Autonomes Zentrum Köln

Cologne’s local politic posse is seeking again the conflict with Autonomes Zentrum. After the prevented eviction in April this year, the squat gained a legal use contract for an indefinite period of time with the owner, the Sparkasse Köln-Bonn (a savings bank). Since then, the former canteen located in the KHD industrial complex in Köln Kalk, has been used legally. [Read More]