For all its small size and general impoverishment the libertarian socialist movement actually runs a surprisingly large amount of real estate around Britain, all on non-hierarchical lines, by and for the people of the cities and towns we’re in. Housing co-ops, bookshops, bike collectives, archives, distros, printers and the like are all part of the collective mix. Below, Freedom News briefly rounds up some goings-on at 15 radical social centres and spaces over the last few months. [Read More]
UK: The social centres roundup
Nottingham: Statement about the Eviction of the Bigger Society
This is a statement by those who opened up the Nottingham Freespace at the old Tory party social club in Lenton this week. We opened up the space in order to provide a radical social centre in Lenton that could connect to and support the strike on November 30th. We entered the building last Tuesday night and have spent the last 6 days cleaning, clearing and making a what was an unusable building ready for workshops, discussions and film showings.
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Nottingham: The Bigger Society Social Club is open
The Notts Free Space is now open to the public. We are occupying the former Conservative Social Club on Church Street in Lenton. Please come and support us tonight and tomorrow whilst we get off the ground. A programme of events will be taking place throughout the week.
Nottingham: Estate agency for squatters opens for business
Big Issue, August 1999 nr. 346.
*Housing By Max Daly
An estate agency for squatters has been launched as part of a summer action across the coountry to highlight the near 1 million empty homes left to rot without tenants. The squatters’ Estate Agency, which opened its doors to prospective clients last week, expects to have around 30 empty flats and buildings on its list within a month. [Read More]