For all its small size and general impoverishment the libertarian socialist movement actually runs a surprisingly large amount of real estate around Britain, all on non-hierarchical lines, by and for the people of the cities and towns we’re in. Housing co-ops, bookshops, bike collectives, archives, distros, printers and the like are all part of the collective mix. Below, Freedom News briefly rounds up some goings-on at 15 radical social centres and spaces over the last few months. [Read More]
UK: The social centres roundup
Leeds (UK): Call out for antieviction support for Leeds Community Project (LCP)
The Leeds Community Project has occupied experimental gardens owned by Leeds University and due to be sold for private investment and housing
Leeds: National Squatters Meeting – 9-10 February 2008
So we are inviting people involved in all squatted autonomous spaces around the UK to meet and discuss the squatting situation and some preparation for the days of action in April. The idea for this meeting is inspired by the recent international meeting in Dijon.
Some of the ideas of what could be discussed at this meeting are…
– Building a stronger network between the squats/Autonomous spaces throughout the UK.
– Initial planning for the days of action.
– The repression and resistance facing Autonomous spaces in the UK.
– How we can make better use of Autonomous spaces in terms of connecting them to issues such as increased surveillance, housing problems, gentrification and the fundamental issue of who owns and controls our land, space and lives.
– The impact of non squatted Autonomous spaces on the squatting movement.
– Breaking out of the “squatting scene”.
– The impact of drugs on the movement.
Leeds, UK : A-Spire alive again !
Leeds, UK : A-Spire alive again ! |
Aspire, Leeds’ occasioanl squat venue for gigs, cafe, parties, radical films, arty space and all manner of other cool things that the corporate world denies us is back for a fourth bout of smart stuff.
This coming Saturday, 20th April, it opens at noon with the cafe, creative art workshops and healing workshops. From 5pm there’s a bunch of radical films, from 10pm till who knows when it goes mental with a floor of psychedelic trrance, a flor of dub and a massive and beautiful chillout room.
On the Sunday, given that everyone will need something cosy after Saturday night, there’s a screening of Dougal & The Blue Cat, a feature-length film Magic Roundabout.
Then from 5pm there’s acoustic cabaret, which last time was frankly the best one of that sort of thing I’ve ever seen. This one features the return of Captin Hotknives and a rare live performance from Slumberwall. It’s also open mic, so feel free to get up and do your thang too.
Then from Wednesday there’s a more ongoing Aspire opening, with cafe, films, workshops, music, direct action, radical book/record fair, etc, etc.
Check out the website at click on ‘Aspire IV’.
Exact location will be on the site Friday, or if you fill in your email address in the little box at the site, you’ll get a message as soon as it’s released. It’s gonna be somewhere near Leeds centre.
see ya there, then?
live your love,