UK: Stop HS2 news – Jellytot imprisoned

We are appalled that today our JellyTot has been sentenced to 268 days in prison for breach of a HS2 injunction.

The alleged breach was the 47 day occupation of a tunnel under Bluebell Woods Protection camp in Staffordshire – an occupation that was to protect the forest from needless destruction by HS2.

Many of you will know JellyTot, who has been campaigning tirelessly against HS2 since 2019.

Whilst we applaud JellyTot for his selfless acts and for standing up against the ecodical, corporate machine that is HS2, the Judiciary has once again acted to protect and defend the interests of private companies, as they continue to destroy life on earth.

With this news, we ask anyone who can to donate to this fundraiser that is providing vital support to those imprisoned by HS2.

These funds have been vital in preparing JellyTot for prison, and making sure he was well supported in court. Further funds will go directly towards supporting JellyTot inside – including paying for commissary, phone calls and emails.

We will continue to support and stand in solidarity with JellyTot and will let you know how you can get in touch with him soon.

Activists Against HS2 Prisoner Support Fund– This fund has been set up to support Anti-HS2 Activists who HS2 are trying to send to prison.

Birmingham: Report back from Jellytot StopHS2 courtcase

There are currently several courtcases going on prosecuting Stop HS2 activists, whilst HS2 Limited recently announced that their chief executive earned £659,000 last year, making him the highest paid UK government official. The board of directors got £1.6m remuneration in total … and this was all paid for by our taxes!? Instead of this greed and corruption being investigated, at the end of July young tree protector Jellytot faced charges at Birmingham High Court for allegedly breaking an injunction seventeen times. Defending ancient woodland in Warwickshire is the alleged crime!
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