We squatted rooms in the EWI (faculty of education) together with los of different people to show, that it is possible to realize our political demands. The squatting happened as an act of basic democratically organized civil disobedience.
The rooms here are to small for a Social Center For All and for next year they will probably be used as a communal housing for refugees. Therefore we ended the squatting with a demonstration to the city hall to stress on our demand for an appropriate building!
After the last 2 days, we will try to spend some time in reflection and think about how to pick up on what happened. As a fact: The Occupation of EWI was a big success for us! By squatting we reached the aim to raise attention. There’s no way not to see we are here! We achieved, that public and politics opened for the project, so for now we are in a good position to get closer to our goal: having a Social Center for All! [Read More]