Barcelona: Notes on the european squat meeting (17-20 june 2010)

Translation of an article written in french and originally published on

From june 17th to 20th, 2010, an european squat meeting took place in Barcelona [1|2].

More than one hundred people participated in the discussions, all of which took place in the Laforsa squatted social centre (41 av. de la Fama, in Cornellà de Llobregat, suburbs of Barcelona). This old factory is squatted for a year now, but it’s famous for having been occupied during several months by its own workers in the late seventies, becoming a symbol of the workers autonomous class struggle.
The discussions happened in the huge Laforsa’s first floor (with plugged simultaneous translations in spanish, english, french and italian) and food was served twice a day in the second floor.
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Barcelona: European squat meeting, from june 17th to 20th 2010

Under the motto of “Present, Past and… Future??? of Squatting in Europe”, some squat collectives of Barcelona organize a meeting the 17, 18, 19, and 20 of june to debate about historical, political and legal aspects of this movement in a european perspective.

So this is a calling to all collectives, projects or houses across Europe who are interested in participate to come and give an own view of your experience and situation in your city or country. In the development of the meeting, simultaneous translation equipment will be provided to everyone.

The meeting will be held in the “CSO La Forsa” (Avenida de la Fama 41, Cornella de Llobregat – Barcelona).

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Barcelona: CSO El Baco, new social centre and community garden in horta per el Barco

Email: fuspey (nospam)
Telèfon: 662 347 902
Adreça: 26 pere pau, horta, bcn (beside metro stop horta, lisboa exit)
23 feb 2007
CSO EL BARCO (occupied social centre “the boat” )

Opening doors and making gardens in horta

eviction order for 6 days time, time for rethink and re-action of okupa movement…

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Barcelona: Solidarity action for Ungdomshuset at the Danish consulate

Account summary of Ungdomshuset support initiatives in Barcelona: infonight & prisoner solidarity on January 11th, action at the Danish consulate on January 12th, 2007.

On January 12th 2007, a group of autonomous Ungdomshuset supporters came together and briefly occupied the danish consulate. Five people entered the building and got the message forwarded to the embassy in Madrid, leaving a solidarity statement addressed to danish authorities. Pictures of the Danish queen and her husband were gifted new faces, and now boldly bear the Ungdomshuset skull!

Meanwhile, a group of some 30 people manifested outside carrying a banner, chanting slogans (“Dinamarca, escucha, ¡Ungeren se queda!” which translates to “Listen, Denmark, Ungeren stays!”), and distributing flyers to passers-by, linking the Ungdomshuset struggle with the broader squat and autonomous movement in Barcelona and the rest of Europe.

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