UK: Calvert Reserve Protection Camp getting evicted

Rudely awoken this morning by NET 😞 Calvert is currently being evicted, support needed – Calvert Jubilee Nature Reserve, Buckingham, MK182HE

UPDATE – With a heavy heart I have to say that today we lost Calvert Jubilee Nature Reserve.
8 weeks ago we heard that HS2 were going to compulsory purchase the reserve and start destroying it to build an access road for the high speed rail line. We occupied the reserve, building homes and a community amongst locals and activists. We held the ground, held up HS2 and have helped inspire other people to stand up for their own beliefs.
We may have lost the reserve but there are positive ripple effects beyond our perceptions.
Today the fascists won but we aren’t done yet. We will be back at it at soon as tomorrow!
Thank you to everyone who has supported us this far. We could not have got this far without you and we will continue because of you.

Berkshire Buckinghamshire Oxfordshire Wildlife Trusts statement: “BBOWT is devastated that High Speed 2 Ltd have now taken legal possession of a large section of our Calvert Jubilee Nature Reserve.”

UK: Poors Piece Conservation Project

Hello there. Thank you everyone for your continued support. It is much appreciated. Please see below a camp wish list for some basic foodstuff essentials. Every donation is valued and appreciated.
Thank you.

  • Tinned tomatoes
  • Tinned baked beans, chick peas, kidney beans, sweetcorn,etc.
  • Tinned coconut milk
  • Soup
  • Dried green and red lentils.
  • Cereal (not oats at the moment)
  • And….clothes for a two year old girl.

Location:Steeple Claydon, Bucks, MK18 2HH
Facebook: Poors Piece Conservation Project
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