Squatting in Lisbon




The squat in São Mamede street is about to be evicted by “la Santa Casa Da Misericórdia” (it is an organitation that is supposed “to help” homeless people). It is the first time that a case about squatting is taken to court in Portugal.


In 1974 about 10000 houses were squated and part of them legalized. Nevertheless, squatting is forbiden in Portugal nowadays.

There are 5 squats in Lisboa at the moment. The new movement started 3 years ago squatting “la casa enkantada”.



Infos about the german squatter scene

By A. Clay Thompson

POTSDAM, GERMANY — As a socially alienated punk rocker coming of age in the ’80s — you remember the ’80s: nuclear war looked imminent and nuclear families combusted constantly — I looked to Europe to reassure myself I wasn’t alone.

I watched from afar as European punkers “squatted” abandoned buildings creating an alternative universe in which their communal ideas and anti-society ethos could flourish. The squatters spread across the continent like a tribe of pirates washed ashore with utopian ideals. They generally opposed global capitalism and authoritarianism; they ran illegal nightclubs, restaurants, bars, bookstores, movie theaters, and radio stations that helped sustain their communal lifestyles. The squatters, who often called themselves autonomists, demanded freedom “to create better lives for ourselves today,” as one Danish squatter, put it. [Read More]

Old English booklet on Squat!net

Today we put an old booklet in the squat!net-archive. It is made for the London squatters conference in 1977 by Amsterdam squatters. The text is not perfect yet but we will make it better in the near future.

The url of the archive: http://squat.net/archiv

“Houses occupation- Liberation?”: http://squat.net/archiv/gb/london/index.html

The introduction:


This text was written for the London squatters conference on 15 may ’77, where groups from Amsterdam were invited. [Read More]