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Montréal (Canada): The Prefontaine & Overdale Squats – An analysis

(From the latest issue of Anarchy: A Journal of Desire Armed at: The Préfontaine and Overdale Squats An Analysis of Building Occupations in Montreal by Michael William I have mixed feelings about the Overdale and Préfontaine squats, which is no doubt the case with many people who squatted or who supported the squats. There […]

Melbourne: SCAN social centre talk

21 July 2002, 6pm, at Irene Warehouse, 5 Pitt St Brunswick (Melbourne) Social centres and autonomous organising – the Midnight Star social centre experience Five months into a barricaded occupation – the Midnight Star is a squatted ‘social centre’ in Homebush, in Sydneys’ west. Forging the beginnings of a self managed community space, the social […]

Wellington, New Zealand : repression against a “reclaim the building” action

    Wellington, New Zealand : repression against a “reclaim the building” action   Press Release [May 3 2002 : aotearoa / new zealand : wellington] The WCC-owned building formerly known as Stagecraft Theatre was renamed the Te Aro Community Centre when it was peacefully occupied on Wednesday 1st May at about 5.30 pm. Over […]

Porto Alegre (Brazil): Squat opened (and left again) by anarchists

Demanding affordable housing and real action to address issues of homelessness and substandard housing in Brazil a group of anarchists broke off of the official world social forum march and squatted a three story house. The squat was organized by a coalition of Brazilian anarchist groups who wanted to show that Porto Alegre isn’t the […]

Marseilles: News from l’Huilerie Occupée

– Released on December 3rd 2001 Huilerie Occupée, 15 boulevard Montrichet, 13001 Marseille huilerie [at] altern [dot] org Contact : (33) 0699850352 On Saturday December 2nd, was taking place a public evening (concert) at the Huilerie Occupée with a gathering of the French “Intersquat”, people/collectives involved in the squat scene. The Huilerie Occupée offers a […]

Bialystok/Poland : De Centrum squat still fighting !

    Bialystok/Poland : De Centrum squat still fighting !   On October 27th, big police forces attacked the De Centrum squat (in Bialystok, Poland) after small scuffles with police officers outside, when cops tried to enter the building with drawn pistol without any warrant and doors were closed before them. Riot police and special […]


Oslo squatters crash City party

On March 30th at 6am, a group of squatters secretly entered Saxegårdsgate 17. Once inside the building, the squatters laid low for 14 hours waiting for the right opportunity to reveal their existence. This day was the date for an event to take place in the ruins of the Clement’s church, which is also the […]

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Eviction day in Amsterdam

On tuesday the riot-police evicted 5 squats. This happenes a few times a year to get rid of the squatters who don’t want to leave voluntirely after eviction orders from the justice-department or the court. This tuesday they evicted the ‘Flex’ a squatted complex of luxury appartments in an expensive neighbourhood. The inhabitants defended themselves […]
