Crete (Greece): Video by Candia Alternativa in solidarity with squats and fighters

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Zaragoza: Solidarity banner with the struggle in Greece from the assembly of Kike Mur squatted social centre

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Lima (Peru): Anarchist collective Marea Rebelde joins in the worldwide campaign of direct actions, from the 2nd to the 12th of February 2013

From Lima, we join in the international solidarity campaign, even though we believe in it on a daily basis. So, we prepare an informative activity on squats and liberated spaces that resist the authority’s blows in Greece and the world. As some compas in the South have pointed out, ‘the most revolutionary solidarity is to continue the fight in each of our regions.’

For each project destroyed, two new ones should arise across the globe.

For each imprisoned comrade, our actions should do the talking. [Read More]

Paris (France): Solidarity action with the squats attacked by the Greek State

parisfondationhellenique28janvier2013On Monday, January 28th, 2013 around 50 people went to the Hellenic Foundation (Jourdain Boulevard, in the 14th arrondissement of Paris) to give a talk at the beginning of an evening dedicated to ‘the destiny of modern Greece.’ They unfurled a banner before the public which read: ‘In Greece like elsewhere, solidarity with squats, down with private property!’ and distributed the text below to everyone.


Committed to wielding power, money and property, using ever more high-profile and violent means to protect it through the police, army and other control and surveillance apparatuses, the various States play their own unique role all over the world, targeting subversive and revolutionary struggles and resistance where they’re most on the offensive. [Read More]

Siegburg (Germany): Worldwide action days for liberated spaces, 2–12 February

libertaerejugendsuThe Siegburg Libertarian Youth (in North Rhine-Westphalia) addresses a call-out in the context of the Black February direct action days, and draws particular attention to few regional issues and developments, so that solidarians can also express their support to various local initiatives and projects.

First, they send all their strength and love to the Autonomous Space Cologne (AZ Köln), which is once again threatened with eviction. Next, they look forward to another 20 years and an eternity of the Self-organized Youth Centre (SJZ) in Siegburg, declaring: ‘We are here and we will fight! SJZ in Siegburg stays!’ Also, they are excited about the growing efforts of people to establish libertarian centres in the city of Bonn and wish them all the best. [Read More]

Lisbon (Portugal): Reportback from an anti-authoritarian protest in solidarity with the Greek squats, the NO TAV movement and the ZAD occupation

Last Saturday, January 26th, between 2.30pm and 6pm, there was an anti-authoritarian protest against capitalism, fascism and repression, in solidarity with the comrades from Greece and the entire world, and in support of liberated spaces held in Lisbon.

The communiqué specifically dealt with the frontal attack of the Greek State against the anti-authoritarian movement; the political repression of activists in the ZAD (Zone à Défendre, against the new airport in the outskirts of Nantes, France) and fighters against the TAV (Italy); the repression of the indigenous movements; the violent repression of the mass demonstrations around Europe (as on the 14N general strike); and the attack of the police with tear gas against young students of the basic education in a school in Braga (Portugal). A call to a struggle without borders. [Read More]

Amsterdam (The Netherlands): February 2013 Joe’s Garage program

Squatted social center Joe’s Garage and its volunteers are bringing you another full month of events. As surprise appetiser, we serve an info night about rights in custody. Always useful when it comes to squatting empty buildings, demonstrating in the street and planing subversive activities. Further, you’ll be enjoying various benefits, for the SVZV (Support Group Women Without Papers), Soweto and the Black Fish. [Read More]

Berlin (Germany): Spontaneous demonstration in solidarity with squats in Athens

Soli_Banner_BerlinWe forward a communiqué related to a spontaneous demonstration in the streets of Kreuzberg, Berlin, and send comradely regards:

On the January 17th a spontaneous demonstration in solidarity with the squats in Athens took place in the streets of Berlin-Kreuzberg.

At 8 pm around 50 people gathered to show their solidarity with Villa  Amalias, Skaramanga and  Lelas Karagianis, walking through the main  street of Kreuzberg.

The demonstration was not registered and most of the comrades were masked. Slogans were spray-painted, an ATM got destroyed, fireworks went off and some stuff was pulled on the street. The demonstrators were shouting “From Berlin to Greece: Fight the police!” and “Cops, Pigs, Murderers” (in Greek). A civil car of the police showed up and got chased off with stones. [Read More]

Athens (Greece): K-Vox solidarity demo, February 2nd

Part of the constant flow of solidarity demonstrations with squats that happen on a near-daily basis across the entire country.

Demonstration in solidarity with K-Vox [the occupied anarchist social centre by Exarcheia square]. Hands off occupations. Saturday Feb 2, noon, Exarcheia square.

Signed by the K-Vox solidarity innitiative
[Occupied London]

Amsterdam (Netherlands): Solidarity actions with anarchist spaces

In January several actions took place in solidarity with the evicted and threatened spaces in Greece:

• On five houses and social centres banners were placed with solidarity messages for Villa Amalias and later also the other squats.

• On the 17th of January a banner drop took place in the city centre; the banner read: ‘Against state and fascist plans, Villa Amalias will stay a squat!’

• Anarchist poster-newspaper ‘Zwart behang’ appeared on the 18th of January with a text on the recent developments in Greece, calling out for solidarity.

• On the 24th of January comrades made a solidarity demo at night. Note that it has been very difficult for anarchists in the Netherlands to openly announce a demo and then actually make the demo without being beaten up/arrested by the police. [Read More]

Solidarity campaign for liberated spaces and anarchist comrades worldwide

“We call for a worldwide campaign of direct actions in solidarity with liberated spaces from the 2nd to the 12th of February 2013.

But we don’t want to stop after a couple of actions, because this is much more than just a reaction to repression. This is a call out to all anarchists and anti-authoritarians to fight now across the world.

Even though the recent onslaught of the Greek State against the anarchist/anti-authoritarian spectrum was the initial spark for writing this call, several examples around the globe show us that the police and municipal authorities along with giant corporations are cooperating excellently with each other, attacking solidarian structures and pacifying societies at a transnational level. During the past few weeks and months, in parts of the world, where people suffer from the systematic impoverishment and extended gentrification plans, it increasingly came to State/Capital’s attacks on radical movements, including repression against concrete forms of resistance such as land occupations, autonomous projects, company headquarters’ occupations, or strike actions. It thus deems important that we also connect our struggles worldwide, and fight back in the here and now. Action in response to attacks on squatted spaces at your location could be the spark for you. Take action on the streets and let your imagination run wild to spread the message of active resistance. [Read More]

Cologne (Germany) : ++AZ Rave Demonstration++

The Autonomous Centre in Köln-Kalk is existing since almost 3 years as a space for uncommercial art, culture and autonomous politics.

The city now aims to cancel the usage contract for the building and treatens with violent eviction – in order to construct a park.

WTF?! That we won’t let happen. Expect resistance.
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