Tallin, Vienna, Prague, Barcelona, Berlin: Solidarity actions with Dutch squatters

Solidarity from Berlin to the Nederlands

While the actiondays in the Nederland we attacked in the night to Saturday (30th to 31th October 2009) the Nederland Embassy with colours and stones.

We show solidarity with all the squatters and activists who fight offensive against the new squatter laws in the Nederland. The strike of the Nederland State against selforganized autonomous spaces is an attack on us all and could not be tolerated. Fight for selforganized autonomous spaces – squat the world! Smash capitalism! We stay all!

Barcelona squatters demonstrate at dutch consulate

Barcelona squatters demonstrate at dutch consulate against new dutch anti-squat law:

Monday 26 oktober 2009

Barcelona squatters demonstrate at dutch consulate against new dutch anti- squat law:

today,a group of 60 squatters from Barcelona held a one hour demonstration in front of the dutch consulate to protest the new anti-squatting law

With slogans and banners in Spanish, English and dutch, short speeches and making noise, the barcelona squatters expressed their solidarity with dutch squatters and their stuggle for a dignified existence. [Read More]

Vienna (Austria): Haus Project’s action week has begun!

3rd ctober 2009 114 Triesterstraße is mostly occupied, though the unprecedented presence of a theatre group initially hampered the entering of the premises we are here with their support and making use of the majority of the very large structure. The theatre group is not going to be back until Monday meaning Saturday’s program will go on as planned.

The future of the occupation and the week remains uncertain but the kitchen is in action, close to 50 people are present and a host of activities from an open art exhibition to a bike workshop are planned. For more information contact hausprojektBLAHriseup.net or visit

http://hausprojekt.noblogs.org (German)


Vienna: Hausprojekt Action Week

“Hausprojekt” Action Week VIENNA – from October 2nd to (at least) October 9th 2009!!!

We want to implement our concept and basics for a self-governed project in Vienna and try to create space for projects, critical debates and collective living. Over 80.000 flats in Vienna are empty. Virtually a complete district waiting for self-governance and enough space for emancipatory projects. We need spaces, which are too rare in Vienna – Spaces we can take and form. For this, a full week long, there will be a diversity of program, and space for mutual learning, experimentation, reflection and framing.

[Read More]

Open letter to the chief of police, Mr.Schnabel (EKH, vienna)

After the house-search in the E.K.H. on the 23rd of february 2001, police is proud of attacking the “bastion of the autonomous”, the so called “center of the chaos” (source: mediaprint 23.2.2001). Wild weapons have been confiscated:

The search after the famous “cache of the anarchists” (Quotation ORF, ZiB 25.2.2001) was, according to the statements of the police, a so called great success. Cobblestones from various political agitation-tours and study trips to training camps in lybia, jordan, cuba, sibiria and anares have been surveied and found for a size of 10 x 10 cm, others have been decamouflaged as candles. These weapons have been confiscated. [Read More]

Vienna (Austria): Short summary of the raid in EKH

After the Opernballdemonstration, the following house search in the Ernst-Kirchweger House / E.K.H. and the medial mad rush, once more we have to point out some facts:

The E.K.H. defines itself as a free-space for cultural, political and artistic activities. It was squatted in 1990 by activistes of the viennese squatting scene and turkish left-wing organisation ATIGF. As an international, multicultural, antifascist centre it was named after Ernst Kirchweger, an antifascist who was killed during a demonstration in the 1960s. [Read More]

Fresh news from Austria


Photos HERE

Sat. Feb. 5

After the escalation of the protests into violence of the previous night, the President and other politicians (SPO Gruene) the quality of the protests changed last night. Highly organized by SMS and cellphonemessage chains, all kinds of groups and sympathizers found their way to last night’s rally. All in all an estimated number of 2000-5000 (always depending who you ask 😉 people were present at the protest rally winding it’s way through the inner districts of Vienna. Absolutelynothing happened that was openly violent. The government and conservative and/or right wing media as well as the FPO politicians were hard pressed tofind reasons to discredit the conduct of the people present. In the end it boiled down to the following. [Read More]

Vienna (Austria): Actions against the new government

Since the decision of the Austrian president to swear in the new governement, containing 6 ministers of the neo fascist “freedom”party protests in the streets of vienna and the other big cities of the country do not stop. In the nights from friday to saturday and saturday to sunday the capital has seen the most violent clashes between demonstrators and the police in austria since the 30s.

A little chronic

1.2.2000 from 10 00 am on 40 to 60 protesters occupy the offices of the OEVP (conservatives in coalition with the Fascist party) in the evening:Demontrations in front of the austrian parliament> >

2.2.2000 from 17 00 pm on Demo with 20000! participants in front of OEVP central marching towards the chancellors office. [Read More]