Lausanne: Interview with the collective la LOC(A)MOTIVE

New News: Since 8 April 2013 the squat is in danger of eviction. The members of the house will struggle against that. Support us if u want. Infos will follow.

Below is an interview with participants in the Loc(A)motive squat that was made possible on the occasion of counter-information gatherings in Lausanne. Since April 8th, Loc(A)motive is in danger of eviction, and the squatters are organizing a defense of the house. So, this would be the time to support them in any way you want.

Contra Info: What is the Loc(A)motive?
Loc(A)motive: It is a collective composed of people living in the occupied house of 1, Chasseron, in Lausanne, as well as people involved in the space’s activities. At the moment, 15 individuals are living in the house, and more or less 10 are also participating in different ways. The building is a former Spanish college, property of the Spanish State.

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Basel (Switzerland): Half of Villa Rosenau squat burned down

In the night to Sunday, February 3rd, half of the last squat in Basel was burnt down. All residents of the building, which is squatted since 2004, were able to escape unhurt. The fire was possibly caused by a technical malfunction. At present it is unclear whether the Villa will ever be inhabitable again. [Read More]

Switzerland: Repression of intersquat festival

A very rough translation of
Suisse: La police pète les plombs… festival intersquat repoussé

On Friday, July 27 at Freiburg, between midnight and 2:30 am, following an ultra aggressive “manhunt”, more than 50 people were arrested by riot cops and GRIF: they were batoning anything that moved, including passers-by and people already on the ground, arresting people in cars and trains, in cafes, shopping. There was intimidation by cowboys who watch too many television series (“stand still or I’ll shoot”), heavy use of pepper spray on people on the ground, then taking DNA (illegal under their own laws), keeping people in custody over 6 hours or more than 11 hours for others, creating a security perimeter with inadmissibility of a month (even for people who live within the perimeter). The wounded are many (according to police, there are only wounded in their ranks).
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Geneva (Switzerland): Squat video

Here’s a video of a symbolic attempt to squat in Geneva.
Since 2 months there were two demos (1000 and 3000 people), and that is the 4th squatting try!

Geneva wakes up! [Read More]

Zürich (Switzerland): The Hotel Atlantis has been squatted

Today the Hotel Atlantis on the outskirts of the Swiss economic capital Zureich (too rich) has been squatted. The city is growing but affordable housing and autonomous spaces for experimenting souls are disappearing. Space is needed to live and unfold all the possibilities of human beings.

The action went smooth and the cops didn’t even bothered to show up. As long as the owner doesn’t file a complaint they will not take action. The Company which owns the place is a multinational operating hotel exploitant: Rosebud heritage SA which owns also at least one hotel in Bruxelles. Hotel Atlantis has been empty for 8 years and will give home to various groups which are fighting the overpriced, through and through commercialized and ever increasing repression in one of the richest cities in the world. If you have any experience or information over the Rosebud heritage SA, please shared it with us, so we can make complete picture of their activities. We suspect them for quite some nasty things.

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Geneva (Switzerland): On september 18th, the Zoo invites the Medika Squat (based in Zagreb)

On 18th September 2010, the ZOO invites artists and performers from Medika Squat based in Zagreb, Croatia. This kind of exchange is the second one we do (previously we invited the Reitschule from Bern, Switzerland) and it’s a way to promote the different places of “subculture” in Europe, including squat culture.

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As we witness our world, founded on principles of money, has faced a recession and the economy in our city is under collapse, the discourse of culture and its engines (Ministry of Culture and the likes) is being silenced by the logic of a capital driven culture industry and bureaucratic processes of cultural institutions.

Autonomous Cultural Center Medika (AKC Medika) was founded on the principle of open doors, where anybody can develop an artistic discourse, be it cultural, educational, or of any other humanitarian nature, in the hope that our providing of space for such activities will be used accordingly. We offer space without any unified context in order to continually develop diversity among programs and projects that are held in the space. Therefore, if the outcome is entertaining, educational, inspirational, or informative we will have reached our goal.

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