Sheffield: Northumberland Road Eviction


The second site of the Sheffield Social Centre on Northumberland Road was evicted today.

Today at 11:45 the NHS Trust had a possession order granted, with permission to pursue eviction through the High Court.

Two hours later bailiffs were at the door demanding we leave, and gave us two hours to remove everything before they began sealing the building. Several other buildings on the road were also in the process of being sealed as we were packing the stuff into vans, presumably for fear that we may move to one of the other empty buildings opposite us.

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Sheffield Social Centre (UK): Eviction and relocation…

Eviction and Relocation
Posted in October 7, 2009 /

As reported on Sheffield Indymedia – -, yesterday (6th October) at 1pm the residents of the Social Centre at Pisgah House received notice of an injunction brought against them by the University of Sheffield at Sheffield County Court earlier that morning, and summons for a Possessions Order hearing that afternoon at 3pm.

Spokespersons were delegated to attend the hearing and ask the judge for more time to study the documents presented to us, and seek legal advice an representation. At the hearing the judge granted an ajournment until 10am today (7th October) to allow the residents time to study the evidence against them.

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Sheffield (UK): Sheffield Squatted Social Centre Open!

Thursday 1st October 2009 – 10:46

Today a new social centre opened in Sheffield, hurrah!

The last decent social centre we had was Matilda, but that was evicted in summer 2006 by the ironically named ‘Yorkshire Forward.’

Since then, we’ve had a very active branch of the Anarchist Federation engaged in all kinds of social struggles, e.g. our recent resistance against Tesco, a cool paper the Fargate Speaker, but we haven’t had a place for folk to get together and agitate until now!

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Athens (Greece): Failed trespass attempt against Pikrodáfni free space!

Announcement by the Pikrodáfni free space in Athens, Greece:

While lately our free space is under constant surveillance by undercover cops, a few nights ago two persons approached Pikrodáfni free space and tried to trespass, but their plan failed as we noticed them almost immediately.

We consider this strange visit part of the general climate of repression that has been developed as the main government political line against the anti-authoritarian movement and the self-managed free spaces or squats in Greece, and is based on the open and shameless cooperation between cops and fascists.

Athens, 26 july 2009



Sheffield (UK): New social centre opening on 1st october 2009

Sept. 18th 2009

On October 1st, an new anti-capitalist, non-hierachical, liberated space in is due to open in Sheffield:


There is a “draft” events listing on the web site:


Watch this space for updates…


– e-mail: info[[[AT]]]
– Homepage:

Sheffield Social Centre

CALL OUT for help with South London’s Library House Social Centre

On the 17th September 2009 it will be a year that the Library House in Camberwell has been open as one of the few squatted social spaces in south london and we’d like to mark it with a call out for new faces, new ideas and new energy! The Library House holds regular weekly events and also hosts parties, gigs and benefits and we need help to run all of these. Our collective meets on tuesdays at 8pm where we discuss everything about the running of the social centre and it’s a good place to start for anyone who wants to come down to get involved.

Although we’ve had a good run of it we’re never sure of how long we’ll actually have here, some come down while you can. It would also be great if there were a crew ready to run another social centre when this project passes on, and the Library House would be a great place to meet likeminded people interested in running a social centre, something south london is sorely lacking in…

Check out our blog just pop down. We’re at 52 Knatchbull Road, behind Minet Library. Tuesdays at 8pm are best, or just come round and say hi when you can.

Hope to see you soon…


Oaxaca: New oaxacan social centre attacked by the cops…

To the people of Oaxaca

To the people of México

To Section 22

To the Popular Assembly of the People of Oaxaca

To the media

In the early morning of Monday, December 8, 2008, murderer Ulises Ruiz’s Oaxacan state government, through its Preventative and Municipal police, onboard various police pickup trucks and motorcycles, violently attacked those who live and work in the political and cultural space of the house located at 408 Crespo Street in the historic center of Oaxaca, “Oaxacan Autonomous Solidarity House of Self-Sustaining (Autogestive) Work” (Casa Autónoma Solidaria Oaxaqueña de Trabajo Autogestivo – CASOTA).

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London: Free Spaces, Squats and Social Centres

May 15th 2007

The social centers movement in the UK has grown considerably in the last four or five years with spaces springing up all over the country. London projects tend to use squatted buildings and come and go in a cycle of occupation and eviction. Check out the UK Social Centres Network website or join the London SCN mailing list for news about events taking place in current spaces:

Evicted spaces: Radical Dairy | Fortress Rd | Use Your Loaf | ex-Grand Banks | Institute For Autonomy | Square | Vortex.

Current spaces:
56a infoshop



Preston, England: “Viva Six Fingers”, new squatted social centre

14 Oct. 2006

Viva Six Fingers
6 Garstang road, Preston

A few Anarchists in Preston have set up a squat which at the moment we are in the middle of repairing. The squat will be used as a social centre but help is required.

The squat is to be called ‘Viva Six Fingers’ after an old man in the Spanish revolution who defended his family and home from fascist attack, killing several fascists and saveing two of his family befor his cottage was burnt down.
We are still with out electricity and water, although we now have a generator temporarily, and have made a lot of progress secureing the place. We would like any one who is interested to contact us and get involved.

e-mail:: converge23 [at] hotmail [dot] co [dot] uk phone:: 07868836617

Jonathan Cottam


London: new squatted social center provides a number of public activities

Below is the transcript of a message from Allan <allanednei [at] riseup [dot] net>

Hello everyone

Our new squat in London is the winner of the flashiest squatted building ever award. It is in an ex-wine bar and is a great space with lots of room. We are getting a lot of interest from the people living near the squat, especially local kids and youngsters. We have been providing things they have asked for, including cheap schooltime lunches. We are trying to provide a variety of events and make the space as pleasant and welcoming as possible for everyone. The squat is easy to find, 156- 158 Fortess Road, next to Tufnell Park underground station. We have a lot of things happening, here is a summary-

Every day- open for coffees and infoshop lunchtime onwards.

Tuesday – Wombles meeting 7:30pm

Wednesday – social centre meeting 7:00pm Free English class 7:00pm

Friday – Cafe 8:00pm short political films 8:30pm current Hollywood blockbuster 9pm

Thursday – DJ workshop 7:00pm

Saturday- Music night

Sunday- screen printing and tshirt making 2pm

Some special events:

Sunday 11th – Queer cafe 6pm

Monday 12th- installation about refugee camps in Nablus (Palestine)

Thursday 15th – Quiz night 7:30pm

The squat has lost its case in court and may be evicted at the end of April so hurry on down!

To get uptodate info go to

Allan <allanednei [at] riseup [dot] net>

Melbourne: SCAN social centre talk

21 July 2002, 6pm, at Irene Warehouse, 5 Pitt St Brunswick (Melbourne)
Social centres and autonomous organising – the Midnight Star social centre experience

Five months into a barricaded occupation – the Midnight Star is a squatted ‘social centre’ in Homebush, in Sydneys’ west. Forging the beginnings of a self managed community space, the social centre grapples with questions like; its relationship to its neighborhood ; experimenting with decentralised decision making: ‘free spaces’ and market relations; and how to engage in effective networks of liberatory activity. Autonomous organising or bust? Participants in the Social Centre Autonomous Network (SCAN) will talk about their experience of squatting the Midnight Star – possibilities and limitations for social centres in anti-authoritarian movements.

Anarcho sando <anarcho_sando [at] hotmail [dot] com>

Sydney: Join the Midnight Star Social Centre!

Midnight Star Social Centre
55-57 Parramatta Rd
phone: 0415 882 901
dokta_x [at] yahoo [dot] com [dot] au

This is an urgent message to all: PLEASE come to the Midnight Star 55-57 Parramatta Rd Homebush. This Centre has been in occupation since early February and has been in constant use by the community for – free film nights, children’s theatre, meeting space, fundraisers, band nights, punk gigs, activist film screenings, library space and more!!!! There has now been an attempt to LOCK US OUT by the owner or police (not sure which). IT IS NOW IN OCCUPATION!!!!! This beautiful reclaimed community space must be saved for use by the community.

Some social centres in Europe have existed for 20 or more years and are a central organising point for free cultural and political activities. This is a pivotal point for the Star. If we can make it through the next short while, we may have a social centre for a very long time as the Council is obviously against this development. In a recent Land and Environment Court hearing, the Court decided against allowing development to proceed at the Midnight Star. Developers had applied to build 272 apartments including a 12 storey building! The Council spent $150,000 trying to stop this development. There are suspicions that the Midnight Star has come to owner or police attention due to the recent calls to use the Star as an organising point for May Day activities.


when you come to the midnight star, please bring;

1. food
2. torches
3. candles
4. other things such as sleeping gear, your mobile phone, useful tools, bottles of water (not needed at present but required in preparation)

To go in: use the doorbell on the left hand side wall along the external corridor, as you approach from parramatta rd.
