Athens (Greece): Fascists attack Villa Amalias squat

July 11th 2009

Fascists under the cover of cops attacked the oldest anarchist squat in Greece with molotov cocktails and beaten a youth. Our comrades successfully driven away the fascists. The squat, Villa Amalias, suffered no damage.

From Wikipedia: “Villa Amalia is one of the first anarchist squats in Athens, Greece. It was first occupied in 1990. It is located in the corner of Acharnon and Cheyden streets, near “Victoria” square. Many punk, rock, hardcore and generally underground events take place at Villa Amalia. The police have evicted the squatters three times, but Villa Amalia has always re-occupied later on.”

Many comrades consider it the oldest anarchist squat in Greece and a symbol for the local anarchist movement. In Greek it is called Villa Amalias (Βίλλα Αμαλίας).

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Athens: You can´t bring us down!

Some informations about all the information-events, donation-shirts and other donation-s.t.u.f.f. for the squat Villla Amalias in Athens, which is squatted since 18 years. Two fire bomb attacks in May 2008 destroyed a part of the house. The reconstruction has begun. Following a statement of the Villa Amalias squatters:

You can´t bring us down!

About the first fire, the second fire and their reasons…

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Heraklion (Crete/Greece): Hands off our squat!

On Tuesday 22 july 2008, the squat of Evaggelismos received a visit by a coterie of officials, constituted by the dean (and businessman) of the university of Crete, the vice chancellor, the local prosecuting attorney and some high-ranking cop, along with undercover cops and pressmen. Aim of this visit was, in their own words, to “warn us” for the oncoming evacuation of the building and “give us a two-week deadline” in order to abandon the squat.

During the next day, this was carried on the local papers; they were praising the squat’s intended evacuation and its future exploitation, carrying out their familiar tendency on misinformation and mudslinging; with sensationalism and without mentioning what will be accommodated in this space in the case of an eviction. We know that their main concern is the building’s evacuation (during the favorable to them coincidence of a repealed university asylum and the summertime), instead of its future use. In any case, only some naive would lap up that such a “filet” in the city center would not be used by the university or the local municipal authorities (in case of a building tradeoff between them) for speculative aims.

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Larissa (Greece): IKA squat evicted and demolished

April 25th, 2008

Heavy police forces raided the recently squatted building of IKA

On Wednesday morning (april 23rd), IKA squat in Larissa was evicted and partially demolished. At 6am the criminality suppresion police raided the building and attacked those who were inside. They were violently taken to the police department. Part of the building was demolished.

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Athens, Greece: LK37 squat attacked by fascists

On the 19th of April, before the beginning of a film show in Lelas Karayanni squat that was celebrating its 17th anniversary with a 2-days festival, a gang of fascists, armed with knives, attacked and tried to invade, throwing petrol bombs to cause fire to the building.

The attack was repelled. During the scuffles outside the squat, two comrades were stabbed by the fascist thugs of the state. Minutes after, the area was surrounded by riot and civil police.

This attack to an open political event is a provocative escalation in a series of fascist assaults that have taken place the last months, against political and social spaces, antiauthoritarian comrades and immigrants. They’re nothing else but assaults by the state itself. They’re part of a wider repressive project with the purpose to terrorize the people engaged in the social-class struggle and destroy the self-organized spaces. Where the state can’t let its mechanisms act directly, the fascist gangs are called to take action, free of any restriction that the official authorities have. In any case, the fascist thugs and their bosses, the state, will always find us ready to confront them. With solidarity as our weapon, we will defend massively, collectively and with every means not only our space, but every space of social and class resistance as well. We will always be in the streets, together with all the people who fight against the state and capitalist brutality, against nationalism and racism, sending the fascists vampires back into their holes from where the state has dug them out.

for freedom, anarchy and communism


Go to the L.K.37 squat website.

comrades from the occupied territory of L.K.37, Athens, Greece

Athens (Greece): Lelas Karayanni 37 Squat under repression




Since the end of July, the squat of L.K. 37 is confronted with a repressive project that, not accidentally, is taking place in the middle of the summer and within a period of intensified state terrorism and guided “anti”terrorist hysteria cultivated by the media. The chancellors’ council of the university, commissioned instruments of state policies, decided to cut off the water supply in the occupied building, while they gave same orders for the electricity. The aim of this cheap action is to render intolerable our living in the squat, so that we will abandon it, besieged by thirst, and in case we refuse they threaten with a police operation of violent eviction. This is happening in the name of utilizing the building for the speculative business enterprise which is called “Olympic Games 2004”.

The building of L. Karayanni 37 was bequeathed to the University, the Polytechnic and the Beaux-Arts Schools of Athens, with the inviolable condition to make it house for homeless and poor students. Despite that, it was abandoned since 1960, until April of 1988, when it was occupied by a collective of young students, workers and jobless, who transformed it into a place for housing and self-organizing, in a city suffocating by the blackmail of survival and alienation. From then on, more than an answer to the unbearable economic and social status that turns housing into merchandise, the squat became a collective self-managed space that works in the base of comradeship and solidarity, against the dominant model of property relations and isolated private lives in the apartment-cages, against the slogan of authority “everyone for himself”. Far from restricting ourselves in organizing life inside the squat, L.K. 37, through open assemblies, publications and social interventions became a workshop and base for radical criticism against the housing issue that thousands of people have to deal with, but also against all aspects of social and class oppression. As an antiauthoritarian and anti-institutional project it was found in the sight of state repression, in 1994 and 1995, resulting in cops’ invasions in the house and arrests of the squatters.

L. Karayanni squat may be the most recent but it’s not the only social space that is threatened by the storm of the Olympic Games; by this operation to upgrade capitalist exploitation and state control, and to construct a sultry land-planning and social environment that affects every aspect of our life. So, let’s talk about these Games that represent the new “national idea”. – About this skilful state propaganda that presents them as a social property, in order to extract the consent of those who are only going to pay for and suffer them, while the only ones profiting will be the multinationals, contractors, advertising and construction corporations, state officials who will manage the subsidies, the traders of any useless consuming product and of course those who trade security equipment… – About cementing everything, about the “huge construction works” and the foreign and local workers who continue to die there, in so-called “working accidents”, when the bridges collapse or due to insufficient security measures in the worksite of the olympic village, expendable people who are sacrificed in the name of spectacular capitalist achievement. About their colleagues go on strike after every such “accident” and then they get back to work again, under the same lousy working conditions, because nobody is allowed to demand, to strike and revolt, otherwise the “national goal” will fail. – About transforming the city into a sterilized and dead place. About police “sweeping” operations against immigrants and the overall expulsion from the center of every spontaneous, uncontrolled element of life. About the permanent occupation police army in every central street and installing new surveillance cameras everywhere in the name of law and order. – About the entire speculative market with all the appropriations and subsidies that will be absorbed by the public sector, in the name of covering the needs of 2004 Olympics. About the case of the Students’ House in Ilisia suburb that the rectors’ council demand all students should leave in order to use it for the journalists’ accommodation in the Olympics, and about the struggle of the students who have refused and occupied the premises for more than two months. – About the “anti”terrorist crusade and emergency laws, the criminalization of every social and class struggle and the well-designed cleansing operation against any space of resistance, in the name of realizing the grand “national idea”.

We, the squatters of L.K. 37, having created for years such a space of resistance against the exploitation of our housing and other social needs, which is now under repression, we have every reason to defend it, categorically rejecting the vile blackmail and the speculative pursuit of the university authorities. This choice of struggle is not only about defending the squat itself as a living attempt of self-organization and direct action, it’s also because through this fight we want to contribute to an attempt to expand and intensify every form of resisting to the overall attack of the state against society within the project of the 2004 Olympics.





Comrades from the occupied grounds of L.K.37



L.K. 37 squat (Athens) under repression – No pasaran !


  L.K. 37 squat (Athens) under repression – NO PASARAN!


Since the end of July, the squat of L.K. 37 is confronted with a repressive project that, not accidentally, is taking place in the middle of the summer and within a period of intensified state terrorism and guided “anti”terrorist hysteria cultivated by the media. The chancellors’ council of the university, commissioned instruments of state policies, decided to cut off the water supply in the occupied building, while they gave same orders for the electricity. The aim of this cheap action is to render intolerable our living in the squat, so that we will abandon it, besieged by thirst, and in case we refuse they threaten with a police operation of violent eviction. This is happening in the name of utilizing the building for the speculative business enterprise which is called “Olympic Games 2004”.

The building of L. Karayanni 37 was bequeathed to the University, the Polytechnic and the Beaux-Arts Schools of Athens, with the inviolable condition to make it house for homeless and poor students. Despite that, it was abandoned since 1960, until April of 1988, when it was occupied by a collective of young students, workers and jobless, who transformed it into a place for housing and self-organizing, in a city suffocating by the blackmail of survival and alienation. >From then on, more than an answer to the unbearable economic and social status that turns housing into merchandise, the squat became a collective self-managed space that works in the base of comradeship and solidarity, against the dominant model of property relations and isolated private lives in the apartment-cages, against the slogan of authority “everyone for himself”. Far from restricting ourselves in organizing life inside the squat, L.K. 37, through open assemblies, publications and social interventions became a workshop and base for radical criticism against the housing issue that thousands of people have to deal with, but also against all aspects of social and class oppression. As an antiauthoritarian and anti-institutional project it was found in the sight of state repression, in 1994 and 1995, resulting in cops’ invasions in the house and arrests of the squatters.

L. Karayanni squat may be the most recent but it’s not the only social space that is threatened by the storm of the Olympic Games; by this operation to upgrade capitalist exploitation and state control, and to construct a sultry land-planning and social environment that affects every aspect of our life. So, let’s talk about these Games that represent the new “national idea”.
– About this skilful state propaganda that presents them as a social property, in order to extract the consent of those who are only going to pay for and suffer them, while the only ones profiting will be the multinationals, contractors, advertising and construction corporations, state officials who will manage the subsidies, the traders of any useless consuming product and of course those who trade security equipment…
– About cementing everything, about the “huge construction works” and the foreign and local workers who continue to die there, in so-called “working accidents”, when the bridges collapse or due to insufficient security measures in the worksite of the olympic village, expendable people who are sacrificed in the name of spectacular capitalist achievement. About their colleagues go on strike after every such “accident” and then they get back to work again, under the same lousy working conditions, because nobody is allowed to demand, to strike and revolt, otherwise the “national goal” will fail.
– About transforming the city into a sterilized and dead place. About police “sweeping” operations against immigrants and the overall expulsion from the center of every spontaneous, uncontrolled element of life. About the permanent occupation police army in every central street and installing new surveillance cameras everywhere in the name of law and order.
– About the entire speculative market with all the appropriations and subsidies that will be absorbed by the public sector, in the name of covering the needs of 2004 Olympics. About the case of the Students’ House in Ilisia suburb that the rectors’ council demand all students should leave in order to use it for the journalists’ accommodation in the Olympics, and about the struggle of the students who have refused and occupied the premises for more than two months.
– About the “anti”terrorist crusade and emergency laws, the criminalization of every social and class struggle and the well-designed cleansing operation against any space of resistance, in the name of realizing the grand “national idea”.

We, the squatters of L.K. 37, having created for years such a space of resistance against the exploitation of our housing and other social needs, which is now under repression, we have every reason to defend it, categorically rejecting the vile blackmail and the speculative pursuit of the university authorities. This choice of struggle is not only about defending the squat itself as a living attempt of self-organization and direct action, it’s also because through this fight we want to contribute to an attempt to expand and intensify every form of resisting to the overall attack of the state against society within the project of the 2004 Olympics.






Lead by the energy of passions, the only one able to upset the old world and give back to the forces of life their creative freedom, we threw ourselves into this adventure. It is perceptible that our cause was not a philological school, neither an expressional renewal nor a modernism. It is a matter of a way of life that passes through many explorations and transient shapes and by itself it tends to be experienced only in temporariness. The nature of this project prescribes us to work collectively and to reveal ourselves only a little, to wait for many people and events that will come. We also have this other great source of strength: to wait nothing from a crowd of known activities, individuals and institutions.


Comrades from the occupied grounds of L.K.37


Some informations from Greece

Villa Varvara was closed some time ago. But there are now two squats in Athens

  • Villa Amalia is squatted since 1993
  • Lelas-Karagianni since 1988.

The squats have a different character – the first is a punk squat (with main focus on organizing partys and concerts – non commercial always) – the second is a squat from anarchists and has a more political character, what means that they are active – on demonstrations – posters (political) – and on other things.

In Thessaloniki there are two new squats

  • Black cat and
  • Punks attack.

They exist since 1999. At time there are no “BIG” problems in the present with the police but this can change every day.