Squatters action week-end in Amsterdam

Last night supporters of the squatted buildings at the Entrepotdok paid a visit to the houses of councilmembers and put glue in their locks. According to the action group the council members are responsible for the planned eviction of the Kalenderpanden.

The kalenderpanden were squatted in 1996. Since then an active environment developed with a free radio station, bar, concert hall, art exhibition and last but not least housing for about 15 people. The last project which was started at the Entrepotdok was the Counter information agency. Their English homepage is http://squat.net/cia/. [Read More]


Action days in Amsterdam: Kick off

Background information about the Kalenderpanden http://www.kalenderpanden.nl/

The action days in Amsterdam against the planned evictions started already on thursday. Some people can’t wait… The main action will be on sunday 14.00h when a demonstration will go through Amsterdam. On tuesday the 3rd the president of the worldbank will visit Amsterdam. According to the Amsterdam squatters he is responsible for most evictions in the world so he will be welcomed by protesters. [Read More]

Program for the squatters Days in Amsterdam this week-end

Friday, 29.09.00 Saturday, 30.09.00 Sunday, 01.10.00
Multiple Actions… Information available at the infopoint in the city – see address below. 14:00 Meeting on Damsquare, have fun with bam 13:00 Gothik-Picnic at Damsquare
about 7:30 pm Concert at Leidseplein 2:00 pm Demonstration – “Kalenderpanden blijven”
9:00 pm Concert & Party at Kalenderpanden

Of course this are not all actions, much more is going on, but by some reason not published on this page 😉

Infopoints for all the actions: [Read More]

Amsterdam: No eviction for the Kalenderpanden!

Eviction possible from 3rd October

WEEKEND OF ACTION: Saturday 30th September and Sunday 1st October

DEMONSTRATION: Sunday 1st October, 2pm, Dam Square, Amsterdam

Luxury apartments in the “Kalenderpanden”, whatever next?! In these squatted warehouses in Amsterdam you can find concerts, performances, food, an infocafe and giveaway shop, information evenings, parties and many other activities – something happening almost every day. But if the city council get their way, in the very near future there will be, instead of all these cultural activities, 47 luxury apartments with private parking spaces… [Read More]

Amsterdam: Weetwee squat-art gallery evicted in October!?

Next to our place (wETERINGSCHANS 2) city goes to build a bicycle underground garage. City council already rented the place – and after the building of the bicycle garage they will rent the place to Mac Bike -the “bestemingSplan” for next 10 years is: fietsenonderhoud en reparatie. (THEY PAID ALREADY 170 000 FL. TO THE OWNER!) Looks like we have no chance but: WE GO ON: TOMORROW 9. SEPT. 15 P.M. OPENING OF ROBODOCK EXPOSITION IN wEETWEE: ROBOTS, PHOTOS, OBJECTS, HISTORY OF FESTIVAL AND ADM SQUAT, LOGHT, PROJECTIONS, BIER… (STILL OPEN EVERY DAY 1 TILL 6 P.M. AND MORE. SO COME BEFORE WE ARE GONE (PROCESS AT THE COURT SOON – MORE INFO COMES – ALSO ABOUT THE LAST EXPO = 20 TIMES 99 THINGS = 1980 PIECES OF “ANTIART)…. 23. SEPT.)




Amsterdam: Eviction by 150 riot police

On Monday 26th June 2000, the squatters of the Swammerdam neighbourhood in East Amsterdam were finally evicted by a massive police operation costing 600,000 guilders (180,000 British pounds). We can only presume this was necessary because 50 people living together communally, running a non-profit bar and infocafe, creating community garden space from derelict wasteland – in fact living together as a COMMUNITY – is nowadays considered just too dangerous and undesirable. [Read More]

Amsterdam: Food not cops!

On Friday 16th June 2000, the squatters of Swammerdam neighbourhood invited local neighbours and other Amsterdam squatters for a ‘breakfast on the square’ from 6 in the morning. This was to greet the police who were expected to come to “see if we were gone”. Of course we weren’t!! Only one local policeman turned up but sadly did not join us for breakfast (anyway, he was too late – he didn’t come until 2pm). [Read More]


Squat the DAM square in Amsterdam! Dam te kraak!

We go to create two huge wheels and a frame of bicycle – made of hundreds and hundreds of people on bicycles, tricycles, bicycle sound systems, etc. COME TO AMSTERDAM, VONDEL PARK SUNDAY 18.00 P.M. than we cycle to Dam! (flyer-poster to see and download & COPY & PRINT & SPREAD at http://squat.net/art/weetwee

FOR better climate in all cities of this planet and for priorities of all bicycle people. [Read More]


Amsterdam: E-mail action against eviction of the ‘Kalenderpanden’ Entrepotdok



IMPORTANT: SEND A COPY (CC) OF THIS EMAIL TO THE RESPONSIBLE PERSONS OF THE CITY COUNCIL: Rob [dot] Sardeman [at] dwa [dot] amsterdam [dot] nl (Cultural Department) jraschew [at] bestuursdienst [dot] amsterdam [dot] nl (personal secretary of the mayor) [Read More]

Amsterdam: Squatters from Entrepotdok squat part of the City Hall

Today, about 60 people squatted a part of the City Hall in Amsterdam. This part used to be a police office.

The squatters are going to use it as an informationpoint about the ‘Kalenderpanden’ at the Entrepotdok in Amsterdam.

The council threathens to evict the squatters and sell the site to a project developer.

More information about the ‘Kalenderpanden’: http://squat.net/kalenderpanden/


Squatters barricade the house of the mayor of Amsterdam

Today 40 squatters barricaded the the mayor’s residence. They did this by screwing a big board on the door. On the board was a summary of a letter to the council. The council of Amsterdam wants to evict the squatted warehouses at the Entrepotdok and sell the land to ‘BAM’ building company. The buildingcompany has plans for making 47 luxury apartments.

On 29.1 there will be a demonstration against these plans. 14.00h Westermarkt square.

Sleepingplaces via entrepot [at] dds [dot] nl

Amsterdam: No eviction Entrepotdok!

At 29-1-00 there will be a squatters demonstration in Amsterdam.The demonstration will start at 14.00 at the Westermarkt.

Reason for this demonstration is the threath from the citycouncil of Amsterdam to evict the ‘Kalenderpanden’at the Entrepotdok. The council wants to sell the building to a project developer who wants to build luxury apartments. Research has shown before that plans for social housing in these buildings are well possible.

At this moment there are 15 people living in the squats and there is a concert hall, cinema, theatre, bar, gallery, voku, etc.

More information (for the moment only in Dutch but this will change) at http://squat.net/entrepotdok

entrepotdok [at] squat [dot] net
Please come and spread this information. More information will follow.
