Two demonstrators arrested in Den Haag


  Two demonstrators arrested in Den Haag


Two demonstrators have been arrested – for being masked – during a demonstration in in Den Haag, Holland. The demonstration saw approximately 40-50 people gathered to show solidarity with the two protestors gunned down by police in Gothenburg, Sweden Friday night. The arrests were made immediately as the demonstration traveled about 20 meters before being aggressively halted by police. The demonstrators were heavily outnumbered by police on horseback, M.E. (riot police) and undercover police. The crowd voluntarily dispersed themselves.

Emma Goldman



The Button Factory squat evicted in London


  The Button Factory squat evicted in London


A police campaign of violence against anti-capitalist activists began at the weekend when they swooped on a squatted community building and, with the help of bailiffs and the building’s owners, vandalised the former button factory, rendering it inhabitable. Mechanical diggers were used to demolish part of the building.

Two hundred (if you read the Sunday Telegraph) or 150 (if you read the Sunday Times) police officers were involved in the raid, even though the building was known to be empty. Officers from the Metropolitan, City and British Transport Police (if you get your news from the BBC) or Special Branch overseen by MI5 (if you read the Sunday Times) or riot police (if you read the Sunday Telegraph) were involved in violence and property destruction. “We’re the law, and we can smash up what the fuck we like”, a copper said, still sweating from his exertions. “I wish you hadn’t smashed the bogs up, I need a shit”, said another boy in blue.

There is a long history of squatting buildings for community purposes in London, and in the Brixton area in particular. This squat was one in a long line of previous squats (such as the Cool Tan – so called because it was housed in a former sun tan lotion factory, and the old Dole House). These squats have been used as meeting places for community groups, and as art and entertainment spaces. However, in recent years, a drive by local councillors to turn Brixton into a high-rent Yuppy playground has led to widespread evictions of squatters.

Anarchists squatted and continuously occupied the 121 centre on Railton Road in Brixton for more than fifteen years. By law, the building should have become the property of the occupants. However, Lambeth Council decided that building a load of shopping complexes was more important for Brixton’s future than the existence of vibrant, grassroots, community groups.

Big money is more important than little people, and as ever, the police will always be on hand to effect the “legal” violence that usually accompanies such evictions. For many years, councils have employed professional “property destroyers” whose job it is to make sure that squatted buildings – once evicted – cannot be used again. For example, they might fill toilets with cement or take floor boards out.

Now that they have smashed up the former button factory they say that “a police presence will be maintained in the area to ensure community safety”. Funny that – coming from the same force that routinely beats up Black men whilst in custody.


These squats still going strong though…

56A Info shop
Bookshop w/ squat info, records, zines, radical archive. Shares space with food co-op and bicycle repair workshop. Open: Thur 2-8pm & Fri 3-7pm.
56 Crampton St (near Elephant & Castle), SE17 3AE.

The Old Bath House Caf
Squat cafe with vegan food and DIY washing up… Open: Sun 8pm.
76 Shacklewell Lane, Hackney (Dalston Kingsland rail)

The Nursery Community Centre
A re-occupied space with cafe, creche, library classes and organic garden.
Atherden Rd (off Lower Clapton Rd), Hackney. Tel: 0208 525 0247.




Leeuwenhoek (amsterdam): one year later


  Leeuwenhoek (amsterdam): one year later


Flyer found at the Counter information agency ->more info

more information about the Leeuwenhoek ->

One year later..

Alsmost exactly one year ago -9th April- Leeuwenhoekstraat numbers 4-7 were occupied by a group of young people in need of housing and with a vision of creating a diverse and creative community together.

The houses were transformed back from empty shells into homes again, the roofs were made into vegetable and herb gardens, a ground floor became the first CIA infocafe; a public space where people could have free tea and cheap tasty food while reading free information often marginalised by corporate media. The square was often bustling with activity as people met, chatted and gave and received mutual support.

When the houses on Eerste Boerhavestraat and Swammerdamstraat were squatted soon after, we worked together on making a community garden out of unused land between the houses, opening it up for the neighbourhood with an evening of outdoor cinema, a cooking fire and free food for all.

Prior to being squatted, all the houses had been social housing. The owners – De Key housing company – are the City of amsterdam’s business solution to what should be a social service; in effect a privatised housing department competing in the marketplace.

the city, the police and De Key treated us as a ‘top priority’ to be evicted; removing us cost around 600,000 guilders – just to make wau for unaffordable luxury apartments. On the morning of the eviction day many of the squatters made an action at De Key’s offices, putting mattresses on the street and demanding a meeting with the people responsible for making 60 people homeless in one single day. The company’s justification was that construction work had to start immediately. Now, one yoear later, the houses still stand empty, with just sporadic and irregular construction work taking place. Of course, they have made sure the houses are not in a condition where anyone would think of living in them …

to add insult to injury, De Key are now claiming that they need even more subsidies from the City and are reducing even more the social housing in fabour of private apartments.

We condemn the corporatisation of public services as socially irresponsible and unaccountable. We will continue to resist the repression and intimidation by both the police and City of autonomous creative cultural initiatives. Was our self-organisation and the level of support we attracted just to embarrassing for them …?

-end of leaflet-

May the 6th 2001 one empty apartment was squatted in the same project. The floors were destroyed.




Political parties support eviction of political centre Vrankrijk


  Political parties support eviction of political centre Vrankrijk


Past tuesday, 27th of march, the mayor of Amsterdam got the political backing to raid Political-cultural Centre Vrankrijk in an attempt to close it down. Vrankrijk is an independent and autonomous squat bar that has existed for 18 years. Since two years the city has been trying to force Vrankrijk to accept legal permits and licences. This means that we would have to accept police checks and control on our activities. This is of course not acceptable for us! The activities that happen in Vrankrijk and the goal of freedom and autonomy cannot function within a situation where such control by the police can and will happen.

link Over the past two years it has become more and more clear that the city has not entered in this proces for the safety of visitors of Vrankrijk, but only to gain some kind of control over a radical and independent meeting place for activists and squatters. This became very clear when high ranking police officers threatened the mayor with a lose of confidence of all 6000 policemen in Amsterdam if he would concider an agreement which didn?t involve police controls.

Now the city council has spoken out in support of the mayor and the policeforce, and are calling for a closure of Vrankrijk if we do not tolerate police control. This means that at any moment know a raid by the Amsterdam authorities can take place. They will try to close down Vrankrijk by evicting and then boarding up the place. We can and will re-squat the place immediately. (the building is owned by former squatters who are sympathetic). This means we have the opportunity to continue the fight for this place even after the first, second or third eviction. We do need support from as many people as possible to be able to do this. We call on everyone to resist in any way possible. To put pressure on the city of Amsterdam to stop there attempts to close down this independent and autonomous place.

Stop the eviction! For autonomy and solidarity

For more information: info [at] vrankrijk [dot] org




Exhibition of squatting 10 – 13 May, Pamplona


  Exhibition of squatting 10 – 13 May, Pamplona


To all companer@s in squatting:



The social center Gaztetxe of Pamplona, Navarra will be celebrating its 7th anniversary of squatting 10.-13.5. The theme of these days will be squatting with the idea of promoting more squatting. The programme includes among others discussions of the political side of squatting, how to open up the movement more, the differences between rural and urban squatting, and women and squatting. There will also be practical workshops about how to get into the houses, how to set up water, electricity and telephone, the legal side of squatting and resistance against evictions. And of course there will be fiestas, demonstrations and actions.

During the celebrations there will be also videoshows (both presentations of various squats, as well as resistance against evictions) and an exhibition of different squatted places. We would like to make these 2 shows as international and representative/diverse as possible, and are appealing to our friends all over the world to participate: Please send us videos (any language will be fine), fotos, and the story of your squat, explaining the history of the place, what activities you are organising there, the relations with the exterior, and also about the legal situation and the squatting movement in general in your region. Also stories of places that doesn’t exist anymore are interesting. Preferably, please send all texts in Castilian, but if this is not possible, we will do the translations (as well as the set up) here.

If you like, feel free to join us in our celebrations and discussions. All the programme will be in Castilian, and the food will be organised collectivly. To organise sleeping places, please announce your coming beforehand.

Please send all the material for the exhibition by the end of April to (indicate also, if you want the material to be returned):
Jordanas de ocupation
Calle San Agustin 17
E-31001 Pamplona, Navarra

Further inquiries and registration:
Jordanas de ocupation
Lista de correos
E-31430 Aoiz, Navarra

artanga [at] gmx [dot] net (we have quite little access to e-mail, so a normal letter will reach us faster)





Political-cultural Center VRANKRIJK under threat


  Political-cultural Center VRANKRIJK under threat


March 2001

After two years of threats by the City Counsil, Administrative Force against Vrankrijk can be applied since january 5th. This means that Political-cultural Center Vrankrijk can be closed down by the police and the authorities at any moment. Vrankrijk has become the next Freeplace that has to be destroyed by the authorities, as a result of a policy to erradicate all independent initiatives. In their opinion Amsterdam has to be in service of big-bussiness, tourists, and the upper classes. Collective and independent initiatives have no right of existence in a Euro oriëntated Amsterdam.

For 18 years Vrankrijk has tried to be an alternative for moneyhungry and commercialized nightlife. Vrankrijk is run on a voluntary basis. Collectively we take responsibility for Vrankrijk, so people can have a good time and are safe for, for example, fire-hazards as well. Vrankrijk respects everyone for whoever or whatever they are, not for what their financial status or position is. The underlying goal is not to just be an alternative, but also to support numerous groups and people who try to make an effort for a just society based on solidarity and autonomy.

Now the City Counsil is trying to ?normalise? this initiative by forcing police control by means of a permit or license. As an excuse they use the argument that normal nightlife facilities have to accept the rules as well. This is rubbish! Vrankrijk can not be considered normal commercial nightlife, but should be accepted as an independent political-cultural Freeplace. We have always been open to coöperation with the firebrigade or enviromental services, but we will never accept police inspection nor hand over membership lists. By demanding this the City Counsil is willingly forcing a conflict with the volunteers and sympathisers of Vrankrijk. They must not be allowed to force us into there regulations of profit, selfishness and the biggest common denominator. They should realise that Amsterdam needs independent non-profit initiatives like Vrankrijk. These places should not be forced into the straightjacket of regulated commercial life.

Now, after two years of talks, their restrictive and repressive policies threaten to lead to a forcefull closure of Vrankrijk. The Amsterdam authorities have repeatedly been trying to criminalise and de-politisize the Vranrijk volunteers and sympathisers. Most recently after the eviction of the Kalenderpanden and earlier in reaction to protests during the Euro-summit.

Recent soothing words, officially used to deëscalate, have proven to be of no value. It is evident that the Amsterdam police department has been blocking any possible solution that involves any loss of control and authority on their part.

Whatever happens, we will not give in to their repressive demands or any other form of faulty city-policy.

For Autonomy and solidarity Stop the closure of Vrankrijk!! or info [at] vrankrijk [dot] org




Paris: All together for housing

The builing on 193, St-Charles street, in the 15th arrondissement of Paris started on sunday around 11:30. About 150 people managed to occupy the building, which is property of the Paris city council and had been empty for 4 years. Other ‘have-nots’ were waiting in front of the building until the negotiations with the authorities came to an end, constantly shouting ‘a roof is a right, a roof is the law’ and ‘apply the law on property requisition’ [trans. note: both slogans refer to a french law voted shortly after the second world war, that allows the state to requisit housing left empty by the owner. It was meant as an emergency measure and never was used afterwards, but this law still officially exists]. Around 16:20 the cops and riot-police decided to leave, and the occupation could go on. This operation was successfull, but the unitary struggle of the different ‘have-nots’ (no papers, no houses, no jobs…) goes on! [Read More]

Barcelona: Squat Gazpacho evicted on February 28th

On wednesday February 28th at 8.15 a.m. in the morning the Police broke in the doors of the squat gazpacho.

The 12 squatters alarmed through the noise of the breaking in have been woken up and went to the top of the roof of the house.

The cops arrived soon at the edge of the roof but could not make any arrests. The roof was to tiny, hard to walk on and also very steeb. It was quit dangerous to make any moves there. Therefore the cops decided not to try to arrest anyone from there, but were threwing cans and buckets of water once in a while on the people, what became quite dangerous, making the roof more wet and harder to walk on. After six hours the squtters left voluntarily the roof, took the stuff from their rooms and went on the streets after identification was taken by the police. [Read More]

Squatted House in Santiago de Chile


  Squatted House in Santiago de Chile


First, we must remember that in our (in Europe) glorydays of the 80s, there were no such movement in Chile out of “natural” reasons.

It all started after 1990. The current house (there have been 3 squats) has been squatted for 1.5 years now. In Chile, the police can’t evict squatters if


  • the owners of the house or the land doesn’t demand it.
  • the owners of the house doesn’t care.

It has been a home for homeless people and junkies in the past, but the current squatters moved in and took over the place.

It took 3 months before the police found out it was squatted – Sometimes they come to ask questions, but can’t do more.

The house is an old bakeryfactory and needs a lot of repairs. There is still water and electricity and the telefonelines are functional. The have concerts every now and then to raise money to repair the roof in the main hall.

They don’t allow alcohol because it mostly ends up in big fights and destruction.

They got a little yard with plans for homegrown food. The people in the house are about 20-30, which are mostly punks.



Open letter to the chief of police, Mr.Schnabel (EKH, vienna)

After the house-search in the E.K.H. on the 23rd of february 2001, police is proud of attacking the “bastion of the autonomous”, the so called “center of the chaos” (source: mediaprint 23.2.2001). Wild weapons have been confiscated:

The search after the famous “cache of the anarchists” (Quotation ORF, ZiB 25.2.2001) was, according to the statements of the police, a so called great success. Cobblestones from various political agitation-tours and study trips to training camps in lybia, jordan, cuba, sibiria and anares have been surveied and found for a size of 10 x 10 cm, others have been decamouflaged as candles. These weapons have been confiscated. [Read More]

Austria: What the hell is “Opernball” ?

The Opernball is a long traditioned, high society event in the viennese opera in the austrian carneval season. It is a symbol of burgeois prepotence and it is a meeting of the economy`s “who is who”.

In 1987 the bavarian prime minister F.J. Strauss who persueded the raising of the nuclear reprocessing station in Wackersdorf came to the Opernball.

For the first time massive riots of some thousand german and austrian autonomous, anti-nuclear, grass root and anarchist protestors took place in Vienna. From this on the anti-Opernball protests became a symbol of “rioter`s violence” and police repression. The fairytale of travelling german autonomous protestors coming to destroy “peaceful” Austria was established. For years, in times of the Openball, all radical political groups have been observed, regulary people were arrested and beaten. [Read More]

Vienna (Austria): Short summary of the raid in EKH

After the Opernballdemonstration, the following house search in the Ernst-Kirchweger House / E.K.H. and the medial mad rush, once more we have to point out some facts:

The E.K.H. defines itself as a free-space for cultural, political and artistic activities. It was squatted in 1990 by activistes of the viennese squatting scene and turkish left-wing organisation ATIGF. As an international, multicultural, antifascist centre it was named after Ernst Kirchweger, an antifascist who was killed during a demonstration in the 1960s. [Read More]