Sabadell: 7 years later, trial against Can Piella postponed

Hello friends,

We want to inform you that next Wednesday, November 4th, we were going to be judged. Five days ago, our trial was postponed, supposedly because of the Covid issue.
As you know, Can Piella has been a community and social project that was developed during three and a half years in the farmhouse Can Piella, near La Llagosta, Vallès Oriental (Can Piella was evicted on May 15, 2013) . A community that was growing in participation and support, and carrying out the rehabilitation tasks that were necessary and, little by little, was developing a social project and economic self-management. Coexistence and social transformation have been two fundamental and closely related lines of work.

In order to make visible the nonsense of a system that allows speculation with abandoned spaces by large fortunes, with the terrible socio-political consequences that this implies, we decided to carry out a symbolic but forceful act of peaceful resistance. As a consequence of the repression of this act, in which more than 180 riot cops participated, 5 arrests were made with unjust accusations and the corresponding fines and associated costs.

The five people arrested face charges of attack, injury and resistance, with sentences ranging from 10 months to 2 years and 9 months in prison, depending on the case. The legal costs together with the sentences requested by both the public prosecutor and the Generalitat are estimated at between 9,000 and 16,000 euros depending on the outcome of the trial that was to take place on November 4 in the courts of Sabadell, until it has been suddenly suspended 5 days earlier. Right now we do not know the date of the trial.

How can you support us?

For this reason we ask, as far as you are able, for your collaboration:

Sharing this info, sending around this video

With a financial contribution:
To provide financial support to the cause, you can use the following account number ES45 2100 0148 5502 0033 6382 to make a donation, mentioning “Suport”. In case the donations exceed the final costs, the money will be given to another cause that we consider to be similar.

Thank you very much and we hope you are well. A hug.

Can Piella
canpiella [at] gmail [dot] com

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