Groningen: Kraaienest court case, solidarity demonstration in Leeuwarden

Tuesday may 31st at 10:00 we will have our court case in Leeuwarden, Netherlands. We want to invite all our friends, fellow squatters, comrades and supporters to a demonstration in front of the court at Zaailand 102. After the court case we are organizing a concert night (punk, techno and more!) for our supporters and friends in Kraaienest. So extra reason for all the Randstad friends to travel to the north!

On january 28 we won our court case that was requested by Stichting Valquest. That was and is an important victory for the squatting movement! They now went into higher appeal, still for a speed eviction.
There is clearly no urgency to evict homeless young people who are trying to create an accessible social space in a gentrifying world. We know squatting is direct action against capitalist property values, and the courts protect those again and again. Is monetary value and real estate more important for them than improving lives in a concrete way? Still, in the Wet Kraken en Leegstand there is an attempt to prevent illegitimate vacancy, which would be the case in the Heerenhuis. Joshua Camera (under his strawman companies) wants to speculate to make even more money, like the logic of capitalism demands. We prefigure a world without exploitation and oppression.

We have achieved a lot in these months: almost every week we have done voku, so dozens of people could have accessible vegan meals. We have hosted meetings by radical riders, anarchist book club, and activist groups. We have hosted Groningen feminist network for an antiracism evening. We have organized movie nights and solidarity benefits. We have opened our door as social centre for people to have drinks, talks, study, use our library and freeshop and just chill without having to consume and adhere to values and norms of the system. For many people Kraaienest is the first squat they have been to in their life. And next to that, this building provided a home to us after being kicked out of the previous house by Patrimonium.
It’s important to celebrate successes! We can always do better and we have not reached the world we want, but every step ahead that pays off gives us motivation to keep going.

It’s amazing to see all the solidarity from Groningen, the whole country and beyond the borders. Squatters are never alone, we are a movement. Whatever they say, squatting will stay! Kraken gaat door!

Het Kraaienest
Spilsluizen 9
9712NR Groningen, Netherlands
rosazolder [at] riseup [dot] net

Some squats in the Netherlands:
Groups (social centers, collectives, squats) in the Netherlands:
Events in the Netherlands: