Amsterdam: Anarcha-Feminist Group Squat a building on Kinkerstraat 16, Medusa Squat & Social Centre

Today we announce our new squat on the Kinkerstraat 16.

We have been living on the Kinkerstraat 16 for about a week now. After many tries it seems that we have now managed to avoid a speed eviction and we might actually be able to stay for some time- though all squats are temporary and under neo-liberal, late capitalism, precarity has become the norm, something that does not just apply for squats. The time to get organised, to built alternative structures that are directly opposed to and in conflict with the structures of the state – is now! We call on all Flint* people who agree with our manifesto and who have a willingness to participate to join us. This space belongs to all that struggle against capitalism, the state and the patriarchy. For us that dream of a world where we can all be free and equal, without hierarchies and cages. If you have an idea for an event, want to use to space to organise in, or want to help out, please get in touch by writing an email.

Come meet us this Friday 19:00 -22:00
Coming Friday, the second of July, we will organise an open day in the squat for neighbours, friends and comrades to come by and meet us, drink some tea and brainstorm ideas. If you can not make it this Friday keep an eye on radar for upcoming events and there will be plenty of opportunities to meet us. You can also meet us every Thursday from 17:00 – 22:00 at Bollox, The Anarchist library.

Thanks to all that showed us their solidarity
We would also like to take this opportunity to thank all that have showed us solidarity. To those who helped us cook at vokus, who came to our actions, who hosted us in their houses and squats, that allowed us to organise in their spaces and those who donated to our fundraiser. Fighting for our lives was never a choice, but it is through the support and solidarity we received that the (financial) burden is shared, it allows us to keep fighting. We have now almost already made enough to pay for our court fines and costs and we are incredibly thankful for all your help and support.

Love & Solidarity,

AFGA, Anarcha-Feminist Group Amsterdam
anarchafemsterdam [at] riseup [dot] net

Some squats in the Netherlands:
Groups (social centers, collectives, squats) in the Netherlands:
Events in the Netherlands:
