UK: Stop HS2 camps roundup 17-23 August

Tree protectors at Denham Country Park this week were greeted on Monday morning by the sights and sounds of beautiful trees being thrown into a wood chipper by HS2 workers. Trees are one of the best ways to combat the climate crisis and yet our Government is consistently viewing them as disposable inconveniences. To reach Johnson’s 2050 target to become net zero, the Woodland Trust states that we simply need more trees and to “increase the UK’s woodland cover from its pitiful 13% to at least 17%.” Cutting down one of our best defenses seems counter-productive in this fight against climate change.

HS2 Rebels also face problems instigated by HS2 workers and the police on a regular basis, for peacefully protesting and occupying these forests.This week down at Denham, HS2 workers and security began to prevent tree protectors from using their entrance and exit to the camp, stopping them from accessing water and only allowing them through once the police were called. No explanation was given. “Courage against corporations” is one of HS2 Rebellion’s mottos and it is clear to see that corporations are standing in the way between eco-activists and a greener planet. Let’s hope our protectors continue to be full of courage as they fight against HS2 in weeks to come, especially since felling is only set to increase throughout the Autumn months.

Crackley Woods is another of the beautiful woodlands set to be destroyed by HS2, and therefore it is again occupied by fearless and relentless tree protectors who slow down the work of HS2 and gather public support. This week, two youth protectors were arrested for blocking the entrance to a HS2 compound with a peaceful protest, for fighting for their future on this ticking-time bomb of a planet.

In more positive news, Crackley Woods has an amazing vegetable patch grown by earth protectors at the protection, with an incredible display of produce.
