Rubí (Catalonia): Rally against the risk of eviction from El Mirlo community garden

Call out from El Mirlo community garden.

Saturday 15 February 2020, 12:00, rally in front of Rubí train station.

If the speculator persists, El Mirlo resists!

May 2016, we occupied the land on 44 General Prim Street, opposite the Ateneu Anarquista la Hidra, owned at that time by Arrels CT Finsol, a BBVA real estate company, in order to build a community garden among all of them. Since then we have been giving life to this space, making use of an abandoned land. El Mirlo (the Blackbird) and its plants have not stopped growing with the effort of all of us, day after day and in each of the open days to the neighbors that are organized every 15 days. We cultivate vegetables, medicinal plants, tubers and we do it all together to learn together and thus share knowledge. The garden is also a meeting place for people and groups, a corner protected from the asphyxiating pollution and asphalt of this city.

Now, El Mirlo is under threat by a well known enemy: real estate speculation. The construction company Domomarina S.L. is taking us to court next February 20th, they want to evict us to build flats. It is worth remembering that here in Rubí there are 3500 empty houses. It is nothing new that banks, construction companies, vulture funds, are carrying out a very aggressive housing construction campaign destroying historical heritage buildings, parks and green spaces in order to profit, making the inequality in our neighborhoods even more evident. Gentrification has been banging on the door of Rubí for some time now, we see how the City Council is spending money on a tunnel of lights, but this does not stop the rise in housing prices and rents in this city.

Excavators will come to destroy this space full of life. The machines will destroy the Blackbird’s eyes and the earth will be replaced by brick, cement and concrete, burying the ecosystem that lives in the garden. In its place, there will be a building that will end up like many others in Rubí: empty…

But we won’t allow it. We’ll keep moving. You’re gonna have to come and get us out of here, because we’re not leaving. They make a point of the walls, they make a point of the property. We give value to our ideas, that they cannot be evicted, we respect the land and we give strength to our hearts, which will not go out!

With the help and solidarity of everyone in the neighborhood we can stop them!
The Blackbird cannot be touched
Living neighborhoods, fighting neighborhoods!

February 20th at 10:30, rally in front of the Rubí courthouse

Hort Comunitari El Mirlo
Carrer del General Prim, 49
08191 Rubí
elmirlo [at] riseup [dot] net

Ateneu Anarquista la Hidra
Carrer del General Prim, 47
08191 Rubí
ateneuanarquistalahidra [at] riseup [dot] net

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