London (UK): News from the Library Street Social Centre

The Library Street Social Centre, is a fairly new autonomous community centre situated on in the Large Colorama Building on Library Street in Elephant and Castle (SE1 0RY) we regularly hold talks, film screenings, and social events. Anyone is welcome to approach us and put something on. Below is a report of the Peoples Kitchen and Film Night we had yesterday (29/11/12) for more infor see our website librarystreetlondon(dot)wordpress(dot)com.

At 2pm members of the Library street collective began preparing our freshly skipped vegetables to create the meal that would be served at the peoples kitchen. We chopped vegetables for a curry, spiced and boiled beans for a bean salad, herbed and garliced nearly 40 potebello mushrooms for grilling, toasted rolls and made a large green salad.

The veritable smörgåsbord of food was served up piping hot at around six pm to members of the local housing estates, neighbors from the squatted colorama 1, and other sqautters from around London. In total around 40 people ate a large (and delicious) meal together in our downstairs cafe. Guests brought books and clothes as donations for our freeshop and library with titles including “!984″ and “animal farm” now being added to our collection of free to take books.

Following the meal, visitors to center collectively agreed to watch the Fourth World War a film about social struggles and the war against state, sleep and nightmare across the world. The film was much enjoyed by all who came, and there was a short discussion afterwards.

During the course of the event we also received donations towards running and cooking costs of both the meal and the centre; we would like to thank everyone who was able to donate for this as it will help us to organize similar things very soon (we are doing a scum dine with me, for squatters and allies on Sunday at around 7:30pm) and to all those who weren’t able but who came and supported what we are doing.

Library Street London

[Published on Indymedia]