Barcelona : Demonstr-action against speculation and against evictions.

Demonstr-action against speculation and against evictions

Nou Barris, Barcelona, 30th september 2003

Some 30 persons, from Can Masdeu and from the Miles de Viviendas collective, gathered on tueday 30th of september at 6pm, in the barrio Nou Barris in Barcelona, to denounce housing speculation and evictions. This demonstr-action was part of the Forthnights of action in support to the local okupas, threatened of eviction (Kasa de la Muntanya, l’Hamsa…). The program of the actions days invited everyone to go out for a tour of the empty houses in each district.

The all-dressed-in-black march began its journey around 6.30pm. Not the black of rebellion, but the black of the mafia, of politians and speculators, the black of repression, the black of evictions and of the well-planned death of every social, cultural and political alternatives in the city of Barcelona. The demonstrators especially wanted to underline the major and central part played by J. Cuervo in the quick and illegal eviction of los Miles de Viviendas a week ago in la Turo de Piera. Cuervo, who is both the administrator of the district and the president of Regesa (a semi-public enterprise which controls hundreds of empty houses in the barrio), is the clearest exemple of the involvement of public authorities inside the speculation process.

The demonstrators made a long stop in front of the walled buildings of los Miles de Viviendas, receiving a grateful support from the few neighbours still present in the buildings. The latters had to empty their flat before the 1st of October, under the threats from Regesa. This stop was once again the occasion to protest against the local speculation process, that signs the progressive death of every life in the barrio.

After a stop in front of the Nou Barris district headquarters, where the demonstrators let again speculators and politicians hear their determination to occupy again and again and to fill in the empties, the demonstration took an end around 9pm.

