Rotterdam: the Silverfish, a new anarchist group

Who are we?

We are a group of anarchists living in Rotterdam who were previously involved in student, squatting, and other housing struggles. We decided to call ourselves the Silverfish, or de Zilvervisjes, after the silverfish who ate some of our publications in our humble anarchist library. Most of us were previously involved in the Rotterdamse Anarchisten Tegen Supermarkten (RATS) collective.

Why are we anarchists?

We believe that a society characterized by mutual aid, free association, self organization and spontaneous initiative is possible, and that today’s society, characterized by competition, coercion, centralized organization and apathy must be transformed in its favor. Furthermore, we believe that the current society is maintained through hierarchical social forms, such as capitalism, states, property, as well as prevailing race, gender and sexuality relations. This must be struggled against by people organized upon social relations that embody the society they wish to create. We are anarchists because we act on this belief, while learning and transforming ourselves in this process. [Read More]