The Hague (NL): Soli rally with polish squats

Soli rally with Polish squats (wednesday, 3pm)


The Hague, in front of Polish Embassy (Alexanderstraat 25)
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Poznan: Rozbrat solidarity day

As Collective Rozbrat we’ve agreed to anounce that *6th of May* will be the day of solidarity with Rozbrat squat. We want to have to before the demo on the 9th so that those of you who are coming can do actions locally and also we want to present them on Saturday demo.

Spread the word please.

Invitation to the 9th May demo in Poznan:


Poznan (Poland): Rozbrat stays! demo on 9th May

When the dark clouds over Rozbrat squat have become a real threat we decided to organize a first (but probably not the last) demonstration in defence of our space. As some of you may already know, things around Rozbrat’s future started happening – the bank, the court, the auction. We will not wait passively, it’s high time we showed our presence in the city, in its streets.

The city authorities, against their own declarations, don’t want to let Rozbrat stay, they don’t support the place nor the cause. The words said by the vice president of Poznan when he met with us don’t allow us to think in an optimistic way: there’s no space for us where we are now, there’s no space for us in the city centre, maybe there would be something in the outskirts, but this comes with no concrete proposal… so basically it comes with nothing. The city politics are clear – throw out everything what is different, unprofitable, what is not fitting in the commercial image of Poznan, they want to clear the centre so that it becomes an unlimited shopping mall.

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Poznan: Eviction of a new squat

News from 22 January 2009

Eviction of a new squat in Poznan

8 squatters from Poznan were arrested today morning during an eviction of a new squat in Poznan city centre (the building was squatted for 2 months). The people arrested were not only the squatters from this squat but also people from Poznan’s oldest squat Rozbrat (, who came to support them. There is a picket in front of the cop station taking place right now. The eviction of the squat was announced by cops few days ago, but it was also illegal, they had no warrant to come into the building. Media were called and they filmed everything.

The cops told the people showing solidarity that if they protest in front of the cop shop then the arrestees will be kept inside longer. Also, there are 10 people demonstrating in front of the police station so they are fully legal, as only gatherings of over 15 ppl can be called illegal in Poland. The cops really want to threaten all the comrades involved, but I don’t think they will succeed.

All of the squatters got charged with a breach of house peace. They should be released soon.

Video from corporate media:

Poznan: Rozbrat squat communique

Today morning (14th January 2009) a bailiff together with locksmiths, assessor and cops came to Rozbrat squat. After negotiations with a group of squatters the assessor was let in and took photos of the ground but was not allowed into any of the buildings. It turned out the proce estimation made a year ago had to be done again. We found out that the previous price of the ground is 6 million zlotys (1,5 million euro) and the new one is supposed to be higher. Also, we were told that the auction of the ground can take place within 3 months.

We keep our eyes open and will let you know when the mobilization moment comes.

Poznan (Poland): Alarm at Rozbrat again!

September 2008


The lawyer of Rozbrat squat has obtained an information that the bailiff/debt collector has just sent the records and complete documentation to the court in order to set the date of the auction. This date may appear soon. The ground where Rozbrat is situated may be sold. The campaign “Rozbrat stays!” was not very loud in the last months but it does not mean that the situation of Rozbrat has stabilized. We ask you to keep your eyes open and support us when necessary. Our stand is unchanged: we won’t give up without fight!


Rozbrat – a free space in an unfree world
(Article written for the ESF in Malmo – September 2008)

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