Report on criminalization of anarchist and anti-fascist community in Bialystok/Poland with some history of Anti-Fascist resistance by ABC Bialystok

  Report on criminalization of anarchist and anti-fascist community in Bialystok/Poland with some history of Anti-Fascist resistance by ABC Bialystok

Bialystok is a 300 000 city in North-East of Poland. It has proud history of Anti-Fascist resistance going back to II World War.

In present times we can see again old monsters rising their ugly heads. Almost since beginning of organized nazi movement in Bialystok, militant anti-fascist groups emerged. First they were just little groups of ver dedicated, militant activist, then movement grew bigger and bigger, there were more actions and nazis started slowly loosing control over streets. Few times in our recent history we faced new waves of nazi activity but there were always people who opposed them directly and without limits. It costed us a lot. Few years ago one of our friends got killed in suspicious circumstances in a city 80 kilometres from Bialystok, killed by unknown nazis. Many people suffered continuous harrasment of themselves and their families, many people suffered pfysical injuries. Still, resistance never stopped. On a place of activist who left movement, there were new ones. situation changed dramatically in last two years. We managed to squat a place in Bialystok which became center of all anarchist and altenrative activity. Our movement received many new people and a lot of energy. Almost immadietely this place became priority target for nazis. Till now it was attacked about 40 times, from small groups throiwing stones to regular attacks with 30-40 nazis throwing molotovs etc. We resisted all the time. Moreover, we decided not to wait for them but attack them first. We formed something what we call Antifa Patrol- group of anti-fascist street fighters patrolling streets of Bialystok and attacking nazis everywhere. We started being succesful in driving nazis out of streets, although we are far away from coplete success. Compiling this together with the fact, that we managed to defend our squat few times against police and we destroyed their public relations image totally, someone decided to fight us with another means. We expereinced something what never happened before-planned and cynical criminalization of our movement. Our people became landing in custody and jails for almost everything.

Present legal situation of our groups is very serious.

– One person from the squat is finishing his prison sentence for assault on a nazi skinhead (he will be out at the end of Septemebr/beginning of October 2002)

– another activist just received 2 years on 5 years probation for alleged assault with dangerous weapon, action he never took part in, but nevertheless he spent 4 months in jail for that

– 5 people are framed in assault on a singer of a nazi band from here, one person additionally charged with threatening behaviour

– one anarchist already having sentence in probation (2 for 4 years) for assault and robbery on nazi skinhead, now is being framed up in grevious body harm, after he succefully defeneded himself along with other Anti-Fascist against nazi attack. This charge can end up in 10 years sentence for him.

– one anarchist charged with assault and robbery on a nazi skinhead, he pleaded guilty and is awaiting a trial (he preferred to admit his “guilt” becasue he was caught by police moment after attack on nazis)

– one person charged with violent resistance and insulting a police officer after cops raided a squat in an attept to evict it

– two squatters charged with attept to break to police radio transmitter

– over 20 misdemeanor trials for things like participation in illegal gathering, failing to disperse on police request, not giving an ID to police officer etc. While we never surrendered and we continue to fight nazis and authority all the time, we need your help to continue our struggle and not to get stuck with legal proceedings. Therefore if you can help us with money for our activity and trials, or you can send us some interesting materials to use like leaflets, stickers, vidoe films etc, we would be more than happy!

Our contact is: ABC Bialystok/ANTIFA PO BOX 43, 150662 BIALYSTOK 26 POLAND

for things like prisoner support and similar stuff contact soja2 [at] poczta [dot] onet [dot] pl

Warhead Info Service

Support needed for KRZYK squat in POLAND…


  Support needed for KRZYK squat in POLAND…


As we already informed, the squat “krzyk” in Gliwice in Poland is now under a threat of being closed. On the 23 July the inhabitants of the squat had a meeting with the President of the City and now they know, that the builduing of the squat will be destroyed, and that nowbody wants to give them another place. The City Council permanently ignores the demands for the house, thet the squatters introduced several times to the city hall. The members of “krzyk” collective ask everybody for support, especially for writting mails/ fax to the city municipalities/ local representatives of polish authorities with demands for a new place for the squatters , who made a lot of social work for the local people. We give you an example of a letter, but of course any other creative letters are welcomed!!

I would like to express my solidarity with the members of the collective “krzyk”, who would like to continue its social and cultural activities in Gliwice. I cannot understand, why the local authorities try to ban the democrative groups of people who help to local inhabitants by organising things for the youth and who prepare the meals for the poorest, to mention just few of their iniciatives. I want to signalise, that the municipalities shoud support this kind of activities instead of banning them.




Adresy Urzêdu Miasta Gliwice:The fax number to the Municipalities in gliwice:

fax (0-32) 231-27-25 – centrala urzedu miejskiego

pm1 [at] um [dot] gliwice [dot] pl – prezydnet Zygmunt Frankiewicz
turejkom [at] um [dot] gliwice [dot] pl – I zastepca prezydenta miasta Ryszard Trzebuniak
zp2 [at] um [dot] gliwice [dot] pl – II zastepca prezydenta miasta Janusz Moszyñski
wroblewskat [at] um [dot] gliwice [dot] pl – III zastepca prezydenta miasta Andrzej Jarczewski
zp4 [at] um [dot] gliwice [dot] pl – IV zastepca prezydenta miasta Andrzej Pañczyszyn
zm2 [at] um [dot] gliwice [dot] pl – cz-onek zarzadu miasta Andrzej Tomal
se [at] um [dot] gliwice [dot] pl – sekretarz miasta W³adys³aw Sobczyk
sk [at] um [dot] gliwice [dot] pl – skarbnik miasta Andrzej Lorek
boi [at] um [dot] gliwice [dot] pl – biuro obslugi interesantow
biuro_prasowe [at] um [dot] gliwice [dot] pl – biuro prasowe urzedu miasta
tokareke [at] um [dot] gliwice [dot] pl – biuro rady i zarzadu miasta
au [at] um [dot] gliwice [dot] pl – wydzial architektury i urbanistyki
so [at] um [dot] gliwice [dot] pl – wydzial spraw obywatelskich
edu [at] um [dot] gliwice [dot] pl – wydzial edukacji
fin [at] um [dot] gliwice [dot] pl – wydzial finansowy
pu [at] um [dot] gliwice [dot] pl – wydzial przedsiewziec gospodarczyc i uslug komunalnych
rp [at] um [dot] gliwice [dot] pl – wydzial radcow prawnych
ir1 [at] um [dot] gliwice [dot] pl – wydzial inwestycji i remontow
na [at] um [dot] gliwice [dot] pl – wydzial nadzoru wlascicielskiego
zd1 [at] um [dot] gliwice [dot] pl – wydzial zdrowia i opieki spolecznej





Squat and anarchist news from Poland


  Squat and anarchist news from Poland


Excerpts from WARHEAD – May 2002 issue #16

Contact :
e-mail:soja2 [at] poczta [dot] onet [dot] pl

More trials against anarchists in Bialystok

There are already few people from local groups charged with various charges. There are also over 40 misdemeanour trials against anarchist from all over Poland who participated in support action outside prison for one of our comrades and few other actions. One of squatters from Bialystok, Jan Stolarski was jailed in Gliwice, after he broke conditions of his release from prison, where he was serving time for assault on a nazi skinhead. His release date is September 2003. Another activist from Bialystok is charged with assault and robbery after he participated in attack on nazi skinheads on a bus stop. Trial of “Rufik”, anti-fascist accused of assault with an dangerous item on a nazi skinhead is going to be finished at the end of May. “Lapa”- another anti-fascist accused of Grevious Body Harm is still waiting for his trial. Other trials also didn’t start yet.

New squats and some news about older ones!

There is a new squat in Czestochowa, in old monasteryJ . It is called “Little Mary”. As for now, no more infos about this squat. In Bialystok “DeCentrum” squat is preparing for some trouble, as city council sold ruins around the squat and all area will be better for investments. There are also plans to squat another building soon. Freedom in Wroclaw as for now managed with all troubles from city council and they are still in control of the building but no one knows for how long and their situation is still unstable.

Women’s Day Celebrations

There was an action in Warsaw as a celebration of Women’s Day. About 400 participants took part in march demanding equal rights for women, availability of abortion and against domestic violence. There was also strong anarcho-feminist presence.

In Bialystok squatters organised a street theatre in the centre of the city, gave leaflets and put banners with feminists slogans etc





Campaign for the autonomist center ‘Free Dom’


  Campaign for the autonomist center ‘Free Dom’


The autonomus cultural center “FREE DOM” from Wroclaw (Poland) is facing troubles from the local government. The support is needed to keep the center, where a lot of cultural and social activities are going on.


The prehistory of “FREE DOM” (“dom” means in Polish “house”) begins in the middle of 90′, when the group of friends squatted a small house near the center of Wroclaw (called “REJON 69”). During 3,5 years the group form a small comunnity and organised many cultural & political events (like punk concerts and festivals, regular food not bombs, demonstrations). In 1999 we had to leave this building and we squatted the next building.

Unfortunately it lasted only 2 weeks. Anyway we organised there “Eviction party” (concerts connected with spectacles and games for children), which showed the support of local (Jewish) community and made the “questions of squats” present in the media – first time on such a level. Owing to the big campaign, in the september 2000 we get the building for the cultural activity from the local authorities. It was quite devastated and we’ve spent almost a year on repairs. We called it “FREE DOM”.

information in polish:

Counter-Cultural activities of the “FREE DOM”

The activites in the house began in the spring of 2001 with a new alternative library, space for the anarchist black cross, and cinema and concert rooms with acts like; Citizen Fish, Catharsis, Sin Dios, Tragedy, and many many others. There is now a info cafe, dark room, serography space, art gallery exibitions and every Sunday there is Food not Bombs which gives squatters a chance to give food and eat together with local homeless people and speak to the community people.

Activities with the local community

Many things we do is to have contact with the local people it is a cultural “community” center after all with the purpose of taking care of the local issues. We plan to start a local newspaper to give out independent information as well as promote anti-capitalist ideas and alternatives to capitalism, and give more possiblittes for community involvement. We’ve started activites with the city kids which have started to become part of the house. Together with their parents we held parties and childerens feasts with games and painting. Also in the plan is to begin an “after school” program where they can get help with homework and spend their time with some creative activites like juggling, theater, photography workshops etc.

Cooperation with other cultural centers

The idea and function of the Cultural center is to be the place where people can come, and without money realise non profit projects, ideas, or just have a place to meet. This house is the only legal place like this in the city. But – we cooperate with the squatters groups from the city. Now there are 2 squats and one wagenburg in Wroclaw – we are in close contact with this groups, we’ve tried to give them support, when they had problems with police (eg. Kromera – one of the squats was evicted and reoccupied after 2 months, owing to large campaign it exist until today). We cooperate also with other squats and autonomous groups from Poland – last November we’ve hosted persons from dozens of Polish autonomous groups on the congress.


Polish squatters used to have problems with the police. There is not any good squatters laws, police is often agressive and works outside of law in the contacts with squatters. “Free Dom” as a legal center doesn’t have such a troubles. But our activity is also not acceptable for many politics from the local government – eg. Food Not Bombs, contacts with children. Instead of police they use the fact that we are legal: we have to fullfill many rules, ordered by Fire Brigade, police, building inspectors. Many of these rules are absurd and we can’t fullfill them because we don’t have enough money to pay bribes (and we generally don’t want to do it) and to make many reparations. We can’t organise any cultural events, if we don’t fullfill it and we can be kicked out from the building.

So – much support for us is needed – especially from abroad. When the local government see, that some groups and individuals from abroad supports us, it will help us very much in negotations. They must feel that we are not alone!

You can send the letters with support (the best solution is to write few sentences in English and in your native language) to the following addresses:

doivon [at] um [dot] wroc [dot] pl – city goverment sekret [at] um [dot] wroc [dot] pl – president of the city architek [at] um [dot] wroc [dot] pl -building inspectors

Fire Inspection: Fax: +48 71 329 21 88 City Goverment (Wroclaw) Fax: +48 71 344 78 29 We need also money for the repairs, lawyer, architect, etc… so if you want to help us financially, please contact us.

Our address: “FREE DOM” ul.Jagiellonczyka 10 d 50-240 Wroclaw (Poland) freedom69 [at] go2 [dot] pl

(for more informations about our group and activities – write us an email, we will send you it)


  —- Example of the support letter

I support the existence of cultural center “Free dom”, placed on JAGIELLONCZYKA 10d, WROCLAW. I think that the activitiy of “Free Dom” is important for the alternative culture in Poland. Such centers exist also in many countries all over the world. They should be supported and not blocked!




Bialystok/Poland : De Centrum squat still fighting !


  Bialystok/Poland : De Centrum squat still fighting !


On October 27th, big police forces attacked the De Centrum squat (in Bialystok, Poland) after small scuffles with police officers outside, when cops tried to enter the building with drawn pistol without any warrant and doors were closed before them. Riot police and special units were deployed and after negotiations didn’t have any success. Fire brigade cutted door and police entered the building, detaining 40 people. One person, stopped near door at the beginning of the whole incident was CS sprayed in face, beaten and handcuffed, later charged with violent resistance and threats to police officer (felony, up to 3 years).

Police first tried to present us as dangerous bandits showing things which they found inside, telling that they found a lot of weapons (actually it was slingshot, a fake gun, one stick, a belt with used ammunition and few bottles with petrol). Our case was on the first pages of newspapers and in TV. Police said that they were attacked by few people with baseball bats and that was the reason for calling reinforcements and breaking the door (also without any warrant). In next day we gave our statement correcting those lies.

Also next day police came again with paper for our eviction and gave us one day to leave. After a meeting we decided to barricade ourself inside and occupy the building. It lasted for three days and owner tried to negotiate few times, atlthoug without any success. Now it seems that he gave up and he will leave the building for us. However we are still in bad financial situation as all police raids (we didn’t really recover from raid on 7th of August) costed us a lot of equipment stolen by police and we have a lot of damages.

In Warsaw local anarchist organized solidarity action, blocking gates to Ministry of Internal Affairs. We are determined to stay in the bulding despite of all attacks from police forces and nazis.

De Centrum-struggle continues !

Contact/infos : soja2 [at] poczta [dot] onet [dot] pl





Bialystok/Poland – a squat raided by police, then reoccupied by angry squatters


  Bialystok/Poland – a squat raided by police, then reoccupied by angry squatters


In the morning of August 7th 2001, De Centrum squat, located in Bialystok (Poland), has been raided by police forces. About 10 plain clothes officers, 1 police car and one anti-drug department car were present. Doors were broken, although two people remaining inside barricaded themselves and this gave us time to call all local medias which arrived immediately.

2 people were detained.

The police searched the place, they had a search warrant.

In the evening, squatters recaptured building raided the morning by the police.

The official explanation for the raid is “seeking stolen items”. Although no stolen items and drugs were found, the police seized huge amounts of squat equipment including a power generator, tape-recorders and tons of other stuff. The whole building was systematically trashed by police : they even poured washing fluid in our drinkable water and stole 2 kilos of onions !

The media coverage was very big, and the next day we organized a press conference, where all the medias could see what the cops had done to our place.

On August 9th, minor scuffles occured in and outside the police station, where squatters tried to get their stolen equipment back.

On the same day, the two people detained during the raid were released without charges.

That’s it, as for now.

Because we lost all our equipment and sustained serious damages, we ask everyone to contribute financially. We are not able to continue our actions right now and the squat will be on auction on the 21st of August.

We want to block it! De Centrum will stay in our hands !

Contact : “soja” <soja2 [at] poczta [dot] onet [dot] pl>

De Centrum squatters



Bialystok/Poland- De Centrum squat raided by police


  Bialystok/Poland- De Centrum squat raided by police


Tue, 7 Aug 2001 10:33:23 +0200

Todays morning De Centrum squat had been raided by police forces. About 10

plain clothes officers, 1 police car and one anti-drug department car had been on place. Door were broken, although two people remaining inside barricaded themselves and this gave us time to call all local media which arrived immediately. 2 people were detained. Right now police is searching the place. The had search warrant. We don’t know what are they planning and situation of detained people as for now is unknown. tomorrow we will try to re-squat our building and do some counteraction. for evening we are preparing press statement about this raid. We are waiting for your solidarity. maybe we will be forced to squat another place so all money etc is needed. It is possible that police seized all our valuable equipment etc. so we will need all possible support. De Centrum squatters — Jest niezly … i liscik napisze OnetKomunikator []



