On the 30th of June the Milada squat was evicted. The house was not a part of the cadastre, because it was meant to be demolished years ago. This hasn’t happened and the squatters occupied an INVISIBLE house, because for the authorities it hasn’t legally existed. This was 11 years ago. The place changed a lot, people left and came, at the moment noone from the former collective was living in the house. Few years ago, the place got through a crisis and with a new collective, more actions were held and Milada built quite a strong background and managed to cooperate with other struggles. Now, the controller of the building (UIV – Institute for Information in Education) owned by state tried to make Milada a legally acknowledged place again, though it is not sure, if they were really succesful, anyway they ordered an eviction, and paid a security agency with neonazis as employees. They used violence, hurt people sitting on the roof, destroyed all accessories of Milada and completely damaged the roof. Video (more on utube): http://www.archive.org/details/DemonstraceProtiVyklizeniSquatuMilada1.7.2009 Stencils: http://www.csaf.cz/spravy.php?sprava=1415 Twitter (mostly in czech): https://twitter.com/squatMilada
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