Amsterdam: Frederiksplein 52 squatted

On December 30th, 2024, Frederiksplein 52 was squatted. Since then, people have been living here and a social centre has been established. We envision a place for people to come together, learn from each other and create together. We are very open for initiatives and ideas, so please feel free to come by!
It will be a space to organize in an autonomous and social way instead of a profit driven one. Spaces like this have become increasingly scarce in Amsterdam, even though they are desperately needed right now.

Once this monumental building still had a social and cultural function, in the 1990s as a ROC school and then as IDFA headquarters, but since then it has been vacant. There are plans to transition the offices into apartments. And while residential spaces are desperately needed, it remains the question whether the apartments will be affordable. [Read More]