Barcelona 2004: Waiting for the rain

contact mailing list: llistainsostenible [at] sindominio [dot] net

In the year 2004, the subsidies that the European Community grants to its less-developed member countries in the Mediterranean basin will end, as the EC shifts its focus toward financing the development of its new members in Eastern Europe. So the elite leadership of the city of Barcelona decided that, in order to squeeze every last penny out of the EC development fund, they would have to invent a special event to justify an enormous financial investment. The Olympics had already been assigned, and for years the Barcelona City Council had been working to sell a new image of the city to the outside world, using slogans that have been growing in popularity in recent years: “The City of Peace,” “The Multicultural City,” “The Sustainable City”…Even if, among the organizers of the “Universal Forum of Cultures” in 2004, there were a group of cultural promoters that were truly committed to certain of the supposed “contents” to be discussed during the 6-month event, these cultural interests have been totally squashed by the speculative and business interests taking part in the Forum, which since the beginning of the organization of the event have doubtlessly imposed themselves above all other interests. What is left is the rhetoric of the three “axes” that the Forum turns upon, which are nothing more than buzzwords used to call for general consent: “Peace,” “Diversity,” “Sustainability.” …And a huge emphasis on “Participation,” another very popular word.

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Barcelona : Demonstr-action against speculation and against evictions.

Demonstr-action against speculation and against evictions

Nou Barris, Barcelona, 30th september 2003

Some 30 persons, from Can Masdeu and from the Miles de Viviendas collective, gathered on tueday 30th of september at 6pm, in the barrio Nou Barris in Barcelona, to denounce housing speculation and evictions. This demonstr-action was part of the Forthnights of action in support to the local okupas, threatened of eviction (Kasa de la Muntanya, l’Hamsa…). The program of the actions days invited everyone to go out for a tour of the empty houses in each district.

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Barcelona : Fortnight of Fight against the evictions and in defense of free spaces.

Fortnight of Fight against the evictions and in defense of free spaces.

From the Squatters Assembly of Barcelona we have organized this Fortnight of Fight in the street denunciating all that we have been doing in our daily one from squats, community and diverse collective centers. We have a new big wave of evictions of squats and community centers foreseen for next autumn. So we have the need to organize some days of fight that serve to assemble the maximum number of people around the reality of these squats and to take part, hereby, in the denunciation against the speculation and against the evictions of the free spaces. The spaces like Les Naus, Ateneo de Korneyà, la Kasa de la Muntanya, el Ateneo de Viladecans and La Rovira are under serious threat of eviction.

The journeys are already organized, and they will take place from September 26 to October 10. We attach the programming and the calendar of activities, from wich we want to make attention to the International Demonstration summoned for October 4 trough the streets of Barcelona.

This is basically a call to the mobilization of which we want to make you participate, especially to those of you that want to come to Barcelona and want to be present at the summons.

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Barcelona: Eviction order against Kasa de la Muntanya for the comíng 2nd of october.

Thursday, July the 17th 2003


Last Friday July the 11th the Ministry of Treasury requested to the 1st Instance Tribunal (section 4) the execution of the sentence of eviction ruled against Kasa de la Muntanya by judge Estrela Radio Barciela. This way culminates the civil process started six years ago by the Ministry of Treasury

The building (classified as historical patrimony) known as Kasa de la Muntanya for 14 years, was built by the Güell family in 1909. Due to the request of the neighbours for more protection for the neighbourhood of “La Salut”, the building was destined to be barracks of the Guardia Civil (police). Eusebi Güell, by means of a public bequest scripture, gave this building in use under the following conditions: the surrender of property of this house is gratuitous, but with the condition that the building is destined to be used as barraks of the Guardia Civil, and in the case that the Guardia Civil stops using the building for the expressed destiny, the property will revert to the original owner or his heirs.

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Barcelona: Squat Gazpacho evicted on February 28th

On wednesday February 28th at 8.15 a.m. in the morning the Police broke in the doors of the squat gazpacho.

The 12 squatters alarmed through the noise of the breaking in have been woken up and went to the top of the roof of the house.

The cops arrived soon at the edge of the roof but could not make any arrests. The roof was to tiny, hard to walk on and also very steeb. It was quit dangerous to make any moves there. Therefore the cops decided not to try to arrest anyone from there, but were threwing cans and buckets of water once in a while on the people, what became quite dangerous, making the roof more wet and harder to walk on. After six hours the squtters left voluntarily the roof, took the stuff from their rooms and went on the streets after identification was taken by the police. [Read More]

Barcelona: Opening of a new squat

Last saturday, 5th of august, about 20 people squatted a new house in La Bordeta, in Sants district in Barcelona.

The people living previously in these houses had been kicked out because they want to speculate with the building, to re-construct it and then to sell them more expensive and so on…

There was a street party this day and brochures were given to the people explaining the reasons of having squated the building.

Barcelona: Eviction of CSO Torreblanca

On the 18th of july the police evicted the squat “cso TORREBLANCA”, but already in the afternoon the people managed to squat the house again. Great!

At 8 in the evening there was a demo against police actions.

This squat is having many problems not only with the police, but also with fascist attacks. This mounth some people have tried to set the house on fire twice.

Barcelona: Camping protest against the eviction of a squat

Last weekend (7, 8 and 9 of july) there was a great camping protest in Orfilia square in Barcelona. The squat “EL PALOMAR” is about to be evicted.


Another eviction in Barcelona

At 9:30 a.m., on the morning of the 4th of july, 12 members of the special police units broke through the front door of Kunterbunt, on the street Benet i Mercader, in the Gracia district (Barcelona) for the purpose of evicting the residents.

At the time there were 4 people present who were allowed to remove there belongings before the house was sealed up. [Read More]

Barcelona: Encounters for exchange, play and work



The Centre Social Okupat Torreblanca is placed in an old masia (country house) in Sant Cugat del Vallès (by train, 20 minuts from Barcelona). The place was occupied in March 1999. Since then an alternative, rebel, open project has been built. Activities and campaignes have been develpoped, lots of people broought in their creativity. These people rythm has absolutely changed the building: before it was just ruins, and now… [Read More]


Demo in Barcelona (17/6) against police power

39 squatters are taken to court on the 20th, 21st and 22nd of june. The demo this last weekend was to protest against it and also against the eviction of the ex-cinema Princesa in Barcelona.

There is a call for action in front of the court these days. Make as much noise as you can! There will be theather, music and whatever you bring…