Amsterdam: No eviction Entrepotdok!

At 29-1-00 there will be a squatters demonstration in Amsterdam.The demonstration will start at 14.00 at the Westermarkt.

Reason for this demonstration is the threath from the citycouncil of Amsterdam to evict the ‘Kalenderpanden’at the Entrepotdok. The council wants to sell the building to a project developer who wants to build luxury apartments. Research has shown before that plans for social housing in these buildings are well possible.

At this moment there are 15 people living in the squats and there is a concert hall, cinema, theatre, bar, gallery, voku, etc.

More information (for the moment only in Dutch but this will change) at

entrepotdok [at] squat [dot] net
Please come and spread this information. More information will follow.
