Amsterdam: VluchtHaven update


Van der Laan have announced that the eviction will take place on Thursday, July 10. He also said that anyone who will be found still inside will be arrested by the ‘foreign police’.

Lawyer Pim Fischer appealed (urgent appeal) against the verdict of the court on the eviction about the Vluchthaven. The verdict and the next steps were discussed on Friday together with the group of refugees living in the building. The lawyer also asked for suspension of the sentence (and thus delaying the eviction) until the appeal will take place.We sincerely hope that the council will give a response on Monday. The people are feel much stress about their situation and their future.

We call for moral support and any practical contributions from everyone in the coming days, and to come to Vluchthaven especially on Wednesday and Thursday. It is not yet possible to say what kind of practical contributions will be needed, as this will depend on upcoming decisions of the mayor and of the Tweede Kamer, and on what the refugees will decide to do. Many options are intensively being discussed these days. Supporters are asked to stand-by and be ready, as alternative accommodation is not available. Any help in the upcoming days will therefore be welcome.

Updates will follow.