Paris: Ambassade des Immigrés squat evicted

This morning, Wednesday 19 September, at 4:30 am the Ambassade des Immigrés squat was evicted in violence. There were as many police officers as inhabitants.
Women, men, children, sick and handicapped people were awakened by the doors of their rooms being crushed by the CRS, police and gendarmes. While the people were being evicted, nearly fifteen cop trucks blocked Saulnier Street and the neighborhood. The inhabitants of the squat were not able to recover their belongings or the papers they kept in their rooms…
If we didn’t believe promises, there was no way to anticipate the violence, the repression and the illegality in which the inhabitants of the Ambassade des immigrés were evicted this morning.
The current emergency concerns 6 people who were rounded up when their names were on the list of people to be housed and who are currently being held in administrative detention. They are detained on rue de l’Aubrac at the police station specialized in the arrest of undocumented migrants. These 6 people risk being sent to the CRA (Centre de Rétention Administrative) and deported to Eritrea, Sudan and Mali.

We demand their immediate release without conditions!

Some have been arrested by the police. Others have been thrown out into the street and others have been put on buses. At present we do not know if the 79 people who were put on the buses will have permanent accommodation as promised by the Paris City Council and the regional prefecture.
It is important that the State understands that we will continue to fight, harder, so that the commitments made in recent weeks are kept. We will respond blow for blow. And we encourage people to join us, physically and financially via the fund set up in order to be able to pay the legal costs of this morning’s arrests.

More than ever: Papers, housing and equality for all!

The inhabitants of the Ambassade des Immigrés and the Collectif la Chapelle Debout.

Collectif la Chapelle Debout

L’Ambassade des immigrés

Refugees related groups in France
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