Hamburg: Alltuna squatted and evicted

Alltuna (Alle tun Alles) on Blücherstraße 7-9 in Hamburg Altona has been squatted and evicted on May 9th. Three people have been arrested. Statement made during the occupation:

Welcome back to the map of the squatters! Besetzenhaha
Another world is possible!

By this we do not primarily mean a world without covid-19, but a world where people deal with it differently. In which our lives, our community as people, our health is at the center and not the profit of the richest.

We opened the Alltuna because we think another world is necessary and we just wanted to start with it. Because another world is just around the corner.

We start and no longer ask: Squatting rocks! Open the doors! We don’t ask if we are allowed to create space, because we really haven’t got anywhere with that in the last years. Except into exploitative tenancies, which are now afflicting the entire cultural life in the city! Everything that has been put together through decades of painstaking, unpaid work by various actors is at stake: Because of the rents. Be it the SKF, the Centro Social, the Gängeviertel, concert halls, small theaters, Infoladen or our own living space. If we had just asked the question of ownership earlier.

Much worse, it hits those who have no home. Public points are currently closed and the city is cancelling aid. It is also unwilling to protect people in precarious situations in any other way! The general approach is to pass the responsibility to volunteers. Yes, we are happy to help each other. But not when we are at the same time presented as guilty: as guilty when we give coffee to other people and apparently there are three of us and we are supposed to pay. When we want to organize ourselves and meet for it. We know what hygiene means. We know what help and closeness means. Somewhere the social has to go in all this distance, it cannot be rationalized away. Because we are human beings, not worker bees in the honeycomb!

Covid-19 is the virus, our system, capitalism, the crisis: So let’s break the isolation and take the street! out the apartment, into the houses.

We call on all citizens of Hamburg, all people in this city, to show public solidarity with this and the following occupations and to take responsibility for humane futures for all.

Blücherstraße 7-9, Hamburg Altona

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