Marseille, France: Newly squatted Manba evicted

The new Manba, that was opened following the eviction of the former (based at 180 rue Horace Bertin), was evicted at the yesterday at the end of the afternoon, April 6th, by hordes of cops.

The space at 49 rue Chape was opened to continue activities that previously took place – namely as a migrant welcome centre, collective workshops and political meetings – it also wanted to contribute to taking part in developing a convergence of struggles, in the context of the social movement.

The police had already passed by in the evening of April 5th, but left shortly after with their tails between their legs after the quick arrival, in front of the doors of the building, of more than a hundred people in solidarity.

The following morning a breakfast took place from six, bringing together around thirty people to mark the occasion, and to be present if the cops tried again in the early morning.

They ended up by coming in force towards the end of the afternoon, parking lines of vans on Boulevard de la Liberation and blocking rue Chape in both directions. Many people came together in solidarity but the blue soldiers had already overrun the place, showing once again how much they only serve to put people always a little more in the shit, to bludgeon the youth, to defend sacred private property (even with it being a “public” building) in chucking people into the street.


For the revival of Manba, very soon!

[Extracts translated by Squat!net from Marseille Autonomous Info, April 7th]