Barcelona: La Nave Espacial, INVITATION for the guests from abroad for the revindication week (23 May – 02 June 2013)
by: Rosa - April 18th, 2013

La Nave Espacial, the artistic collective that leads self-run social center in the heart of Barcelona is inviting squatters, street artists, acrobats to join in the forces for the REVINDICATION WEEK ( 23 may – 02 June 2013).
After 5 years of successful occupation of the abandoned warehouse in the Barcelona’s Poblenou neighborhood, it is now facing the threat of eviction.
Foto: Daniel Bernal Picazo
We have received a summons to a court hearing on 28 of May, the notice comes with an eviction order, fixed for the month of July 2013. The denunciation was presented by the construction company which owns the property, Sacyr Vallehermoso.
We are told to have little ground in the face of this trial. We would like however reclaim our work and its social value. For such we plan massive series of artistic events in the days preceding and following the court hearing. If any fellow artists or squatters from abroad are willing to come and give us their support (artistic, logistic, moral
we will be glad to see you here, as there will be lots of things to do and spare pair of hands will be really valuable.
We offer basic conditions in the center (space to sleep, access to the kitchen etc). Currently we have the water cut off.
Foto: Ania Bech
More information about La Nave you can find in our Manifesto.