At approximately 07:30 on January 9, dozens of people re-squatted Villa Amalias this morning, hanging a banner writing: “Squat for Ever – Villa Amalias”. Almost immediately, riot police that encircled the building threw tear gas inside. At approximately 09:20, the police’s special forces (EKAM) smashed the building’s windows and raided it anew, detaining 101 people who was inside.
Meanwhile – at approximately the same time – around 40 anarchists in solidarity occupied the HQ of DIMAR (Democratic Left Party), which participates in the governmental coalition. Police raided this building as well, detaining the occupiers.
UPDATE, 04.00 am “We will do it again, as many times as it takes”: statement by the 93 arrested from inside the police HQ
UPDATE, 00.45 am It has just been confirmed that the charges for all 92 anarchists inside Villa Amalias have been raised to felonies (instead of misdemeanors) as they now include the so-called “hoodlum law” enhancement. All of today’s detainees will appear before a prosecutor in the afternoon – from 1pm and throughout the day. A solidarity gathering has been called at the Euelpidon courthouse from 1pm onward.
UPDATE, 19.45 pm Another three anarchists have been detained at the corner of Patision and Alexandras ave, bringing today’s total up to 152.
UPDATE, 19.20 pm At least 1,500 people have gathered outside the Police HQ in solidarity with those arrested throughout the day.
UPDATE, 17.55 pm Earlier on, anarchists held a spontaneous demo outside the Ministry of Finance as PM Samaras held a press conference inside, in response to the Villa Amalias raid.
UPDATE, 17.50 pm More than 1,000 people inside the Polytechnic for tonight’s assembly. Meanwhile, a police water cannon has been spotted outside the police HQ on Alexandras avenue. The other two central universities in Athens, the School of Economics and the Law school, have been shut following orders by their administrations.
UPDATE, 17.35 pm The 40 anarchists detained earlier on inside the Democratic Left party HQ have all been released.
UPDATE, 17.15 pm News from inside the Polytechnic: the assembly location has changed, from Gini to the Max auditorium. Outside, riot police squads are stationed on most side streets off Stournari street and around the entire campus.
UPDATE 17.05 pm Photos and videos from today’s events.
UPDATE, 16.56 pm Short announcement by the collective of Skaramaga squat about today’s raid
UPDATE, 16.20 pm Solidarity actions and gatherings across Greece for Villa Amalias and Skaramanga
UPDATE, 16.00 pm Villa Amalias statement regarding today’s re-occupation and re-eviction
UPDATE, 15.50 pm Update on the arrested in Villa Amalias, the Democratic Left HQ and Skaramanga
UPDATE, 15.40 pm Video from inside Villa Amalias during its attempted re-occupation earlier on today.
UPDATE, 15.25 pm. Police have just raided the Skaramanga squat in Athens.
UPDATE, 11.45 am. If the numbers of detentions are confirmed (101 in Villa Amalias and 40 at the Democratic Left) this would mean today’s police operation will have seen the biggest number of anarchists detained at least since the 1998 Polytechnic riots.
Video from inside Villa:
Anarchists hold spontaneous demo outside the Ministry of Finance as PM Samaras holds press conference inside, in response to the Villa Amalias raid.
At approximately 12.30 today, only three hours after Villa Amalias was raided, approximately 400-500 anarchists gathered outside the Ministry of Finance in Syntagma, where PM Samaras was holding a press conference. The anarchists were later on pushed back by the police and marched to the Polytechnic. Photos:
Approx 19.20: solidarity gathering outside the police HQ.
Solidarity actions and gatherings across Greece for Villa Amalias and Skaramanga
Already, only hours after the two squats were evicted in Athens, people have started taking action across the country.

published on Occupied London