Tijuana, Mexico: Opening of the Mauricio Morales squatted social centre

The inauguration of the Mauricio Morales Squatted Social Center took place on May 21 and 22 in the city of Tijuana, where like-minded compañerxs had a gathering of ideas-actions. In the okupa a presentation along the same lines took place, activating in our combative memory El Punky Mauri, our fallen compañero who died for his ideas, and continuing to show that the offensive has not forgotten you.

Along with a photography exhibit “Fuck Their Nations, We’ll Squat the World,” which documents the process of creating the liberated space, as well as a screening of the documentary Framed: The Bombs Case (Montaje: Caso Bombas) after which there was a reading of texts from the compañerxs of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire IAF-IRF who proposed the campaign “Fuck Their Nations, We’ll Squat the World,” to which we gave the active response of creating this occupation, making space for the gathering of affinities, as well as discussing the recent text by compañerxs from the Chilean State, “Chile: Spaces for the Spread of Conflict. Spaces for War,” in which we also consider the necessity for us the continual creation of these spaces to spread the social war and also as a form of solidarity with liberated spaces under threat, such as the cases of La Solidaria and Okupa Che, among others. For every eviction, an occupation.

This is how the okupa was launched, by showing solidarity, collusion and love for the extinction of private property.

Along the same lines, as individual squatters of the Mauricio Morales Squatted Social Center, we believe it is necessary that the use of these spaces is not to function like the thousands of pseudo-autonomous or institutional spaces, we assert that these spaces should be a constant threat to domination, so we don’t hand out culture for those who can’t consume it, nor do we distribute or sell, we propose and act in antagonistic ways towards power, so that the black plague spreads.

Greetings and active solidarity to the compañerxs of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, fire to the bitter end…
Greetings and active solidarity to the compañerxs Francisco and Monica, this is just the beginning…
Greetings and active solidarity to the compañerxs of Anonymous Anarchist Action, your combative acts shattered the inertia of our lives…

Prisoners to the streets now!
We’ll ensure that anarchy lives!
Fire to the prisons!
The only thing we can expect from the people are police and apathy!
Insurrectionary Solidarity, they want to exploit, then they can explode…

From Contra Info
Translated by It’s Going Down